THEME: Happy Birthday, CLINT EASTWOOD (53A: Born 5/31/1930, entertainer associated with the phrase formed by the starts of 20-, 31- and 41-Across) — theme answers begin with MAKE, MY, and DAY, respectively

Theme answers:
- 20A: Rise from the ashes, so to speak (MAKE A COMEBACK)
- 31A: "Pygmalion" on Broadway ("MY FAIR LADY")
- 41A: Tourist who doesn't stay overnight (DAYTRIPPER) — how does that *not* get a Beatles clue?
[saw Cheap Trick in concert in NYC in 2001 ... still Soooo good]
My parents live very close to CLINT EASTWOOD. Practically down the street. I keep hoping I'll see him around when I visit, but it hasn't happened yet. EASTWOOD is a big music buff (and his daughter a budding young singer) — I think he was one of the producers of a recent collection of Johnny Mercer songs. I know I saw a special about it, possibly on PBS? TCM, actually, I think. It was entertaining.
Crosswordese 101: AETNA (9A: Big name in insurance) — mmm, 60% vowels. Benefits both from that "AE" opener and that "TN" combo. Not lots of short words do that, and the ones that do, you see (AER, AERIE, AEGIS! — 21D: Protection). I always hesitate a bit on a five-letter insurance clue starting with "A" — you gotta look out for AFLAC. That damn duck will sneak up on you.
And with that, I'm out of here. With respect to servicemen and -women everywhere, and with gratitude to you all, who have helped us turn this into an 8,000 visitors/day site in just a year. I hope the site has proven useful and entertaining. I know it is in good hands. See you when I see you. And good luck, PG.

All the best,
[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter]
One very last thing: reader just tipped me to the existence of this poll re: syndicated puzzles. Apparently some N.O. Times-Picayune readers think the LAT too hard, or snooty, or whatever. I dare you to try one of the (terrible) alternatives they have in mind. And then vote to keep the LAT (whether you live in NOLA or not — someone's gotta stand up for craftsmanship).
Everything Else — 1A: Buck in the forest (STAG); 5A: Mil. three-stripers (SGTS.); 9A: Big name in insurance (AETNA); 14A: Wahine's dance (HULA); 15A: In __ of: replacing (LIEU); 16A: Sink outlet (DRAIN); 17A: Slightly (A BIT); 18A: Slightly open (AJAR); 19A: Fictional chocolatier Wonka (WILLY); 20A: Rise from the ashes, so to speak (MAKE A COMEBACK); 23A: Employ (USE); 24A: Laboriously earns, with "out" (EKES); 25A: Gets the lead out? (ERASES); 28A: Two sizes above sm. (LGE.); 29A: When the Kol Nidre is recited, vis-‡-vis Yom Kippur (EVE); 30A: 1970s radical gp. (SLA); 31A: "Pygmalion" on Broadway (MY FAIR LADY); 36A: Not this (THAT); 37A: Breath mint brand (CERTS); 38A: Yalie (ELI); 39A: Pirate's spoils (BOOTY); 40A: Sticky stuff on a stick (GLUE); 41A: Tourist who doesn't stay overnight (DAY-TRIPPER); 43A: Prefix with center (EPI-); 44A: "Blues Brother" Aykroyd (DAN); 45A: Connections that help you get ahead (INS); 46A: Think highly of (ESTEEM); 48A: Clue weapon (ROPE); 50A: "The Silence of the Lambs" org. (FBI); 53A: Born 5/31/1930, entertainer associated with the phrase formed by the starts of 20-, 31- and 41-Across (CLINT EASTWOOD); 56A: Easy __ (AS ABC); 58A: Golden rule word (UNTO); 59A: Green Gables girl (ANNE); 60A: Tea grade (PEKOE); 61A: Complaint (BEEF); 62A: October 15th, e.g. (IDES); 63A: Prepares 60-Across (BREWS); 64A: Low man on the feudal totem pole (SERF); 65A: Ultimate (LAST); 1D: SeaWorld star (SHAMU); 2D: Oompah brass (TUBAS); 3D: More than similar (ALIKE); 4D: Garden portal (GATE); 5D: Goof-off (SLACKER); 6D: Military action doll (GI JOE); 7D: Sides in a game (TEAMS); 8D: Certain (SURE); 9D: Online pop-up source (ADWARE); 10D: Soap vamp __ Kane (ERICA); 11D: Discusses business (TALKS SHOP); 12D: Zero (NIL); 13D: One or another (ANY); 21D: Protection (AEGIS); 22D: Quail group (BEVY); 26D: Really delight (ELATE); 27D: Lecherous woodland deity (SATYR); 28D: Tardy (LATE); 29D: Blue-pencil (EDIT); 31D: "Me and Bobby __" (MCGEE); 32D: Pound sounds (YELPS); 33D: "Nutty" individual (FRUITCAKE); 34D: Taboo for Mrs. Sprat (LEAN); 35D: Prince __ Khan (ALY); 36D: Blouses and shirts (TOPS); 39D: I.Q. test name (BINET); 41D: Rhett's last word (DAMN); 42D: Swipes (RIPS OFF); 44D: Prepares for a winter takeoff, as plane wings (DEICES); 47D: Jab with a bone (ELBOW); 48D: Actress Zellweger (RENEE); 49D: Western movie (OATER); 50D: Henry, Peter or Jane (FONDA); 51D: Forensic TV drama (BONES); 52D: That is, in Latin (ID EST); 54D: Beat-up boats (TUBS); 55D: Cry like a banshee (WAIL); 56D: Police broadcast, briefly (APB); 57D: Rev.'s speech (SER.).