Theme answers:
- 18A: *If absolutely necessary (IN A PINCH).
- 20A: *Ranger, for one (FORD PICKUP).
- 37A: *"Am I missing something here?" ("WHAT'S THE CATCH?").
- 55A: *Like manual laborers (BLUE COLLAR).
- 59A: *Boisterous frat party (BEER BUST).
- 48D: Run in, and a hint to the ends of the answers to starred clues (ARREST).

FREEBIE (40D: It's thrown in) ended up being one of my favorite fill entries and, coincidentally, it rhymes with another favorite: PHOEBE (61A: Lisa's "Friends" role). She's always been my favorite "Friend." Unfortunately, my very favorite clip of her (singing "Smelly Cat," obviously) is not embeddable. Other sparkly entries include BACKLASH (10D: Political repercussions) and MISS M (29D: Midler's "Divine" nickname).
[Note: There are a couple bad words in this video. Nothing major though.]
I felt a definite international flavor in this grid with a little bit of Spanish here, a little bit of French there, then some more Spanish, then some more French, and so on and so on.
- 1A: Ricky Martin's "Livin' La Vida __" (LOCA).
- 12A: Schools for Jules (ÉCOLES).
- 41A: Coeur d'__ (ALENE).
- 45A: "CHiPs" star (ESTRADA).
- 39D: Lycée attendee (ÉLÈVE).
- 47D: Don Quixote's devil (DIABLO).
- 25A: Current pioneer (TESLA). Weren't we just talking about him??
- 32A: Sea salt? (TAR). This is a definition of TAR that you really need to get used to if you're going to continue to do crossword puzzles. Sorry.
- 33A: Spare tire site? (WAIST). Thanks for bringing it up.
- 65A: Relative of -trix (-ESS). I'm not a fan of the feminine suffixes.
- 66A: Place with a pool, informally (THE Y). I've only seen this one other time in a puzzle, and it confused the crap out of me. I was sure I had a mistake in there somewhere but all the crosses looked solid. I believe it wasn't until I read Rex's blog that day that I understood I needed to parse it as "THE Y[MCA]" not the one-word "THEY."
- 2D: Eight-footers? (OCTOPI). I believe that this is not, in fact, the "correct" plural form of "octopus," but it's been used enough lately that its a legitimate crossword entry.
- 6D: Professor's goal (TENURE). I was kinda hoping this would be something along the lines of "teaching kids something," but … no.
- 25D: Letter? (TENANT). Here's that definition of "letter" I was looking for the other day.
- 44D: "Gotta think about it" ("I'LL SEE"). "Gotta think about it" = "I'll see" = "maybe" = "no."
- 52D: "Back in the Saddle Again" autobiographer (AUTRY). If you liked the two previous clips, you'll probably hate this.

Other crosswordese in the puzzle that we've already covered:
[Follow PuzzleGirl on Twitter.]
Oops! I almost forgot! One of the smartest, funniest, most innovative crossword puzzle constructors out there today just started up a website and you should go see it. Patrick Blindauer will offer a free puzzle once a month and while you're waiting for each new puzzle, you can read his blog and order his books. No really, go see it.
Also: Have you registered for Lollapuzzoola 3 yet? What are you waiting for?
Everything Else — 5A: Start of many addresses (HTTP); 9A: Lawyers' org. (ABA); 15A: Prefix with sol (AERO-); 16A: Heater (GAT); 17A: On the line (AT RISK); 22A: "It's the real thing" soft drink (COKE); 23A: Govt. watchdog (EPA); 24A: Not just my (OUR); 26A: Quandary (DILEMMA); 30A: One who raised Cain (EVE); 35A: Refuse to budge (INSIST); 40A: Blacks out (FAINTS); 42A: Many a CBer's workplace (RIG); 43A: Brit. recording giant (EMI); 49A: Kind of alcohol (ETHYL); 51A: Little john? (LAV); 53A: Lady's man (SIR); 54A: Language that gave us "plaid" (ERSE); 62A: "Happiness __ Warm Puppy": "Peanuts" book (IS A); 63A: Manipulative type (USER); 64A: Drives (IMPELS); 67A: Apt name for a Dalmatian (SPOT); 1D: Flipped (through) (LEAFED); 3D: Capture (CORRAL); 4D: "Put __ on it!" (A LID); 5D: Three-line verse (HAIKU); 7D: Capture (TRAP); 8D: Appear unexpectedly, with "up" (POP); 9D: Religious doubter (AGNOSTIC); 11D: Deep down (AT HEART); 13D: Sixth sense, for short (ESP); 14D: Schuss, e.g. (SKI); 19D: Diamonds, to hoods (ICE); 21D: Oregon highlight (COAST); 27D: McGregor of "The Men Who Stare at Goats" (EWAN); 28D: Hot Wheels maker (MATTEL); 31D: Bad habits (VICES); 34D: "J to __ L-O!": Lopez remix album (THA); 36D: Trick ending? (-STER); 37D: Many a server, in the old days (WAITRESS); 38D: Boat rocker, to say the least (HIGH SEAS); 46D: Napping (ASLEEP); 50D: "__ out!": ump's call (YER); 55D: Outback (BUSH); 56D: Cost-of-living stat (CPI); 57D: Electrical unit (OHM); 58D: Cuts off (LOPS); 60D: On the other hand (BUT).
Everything Else — 5A: Start of many addresses (HTTP); 9A: Lawyers' org. (ABA); 15A: Prefix with sol (AERO-); 16A: Heater (GAT); 17A: On the line (AT RISK); 22A: "It's the real thing" soft drink (COKE); 23A: Govt. watchdog (EPA); 24A: Not just my (OUR); 26A: Quandary (DILEMMA); 30A: One who raised Cain (EVE); 35A: Refuse to budge (INSIST); 40A: Blacks out (FAINTS); 42A: Many a CBer's workplace (RIG); 43A: Brit. recording giant (EMI); 49A: Kind of alcohol (ETHYL); 51A: Little john? (LAV); 53A: Lady's man (SIR); 54A: Language that gave us "plaid" (ERSE); 62A: "Happiness __ Warm Puppy": "Peanuts" book (IS A); 63A: Manipulative type (USER); 64A: Drives (IMPELS); 67A: Apt name for a Dalmatian (SPOT); 1D: Flipped (through) (LEAFED); 3D: Capture (CORRAL); 4D: "Put __ on it!" (A LID); 5D: Three-line verse (HAIKU); 7D: Capture (TRAP); 8D: Appear unexpectedly, with "up" (POP); 9D: Religious doubter (AGNOSTIC); 11D: Deep down (AT HEART); 13D: Sixth sense, for short (ESP); 14D: Schuss, e.g. (SKI); 19D: Diamonds, to hoods (ICE); 21D: Oregon highlight (COAST); 27D: McGregor of "The Men Who Stare at Goats" (EWAN); 28D: Hot Wheels maker (MATTEL); 31D: Bad habits (VICES); 34D: "J to __ L-O!": Lopez remix album (THA); 36D: Trick ending? (-STER); 37D: Many a server, in the old days (WAITRESS); 38D: Boat rocker, to say the least (HIGH SEAS); 46D: Napping (ASLEEP); 50D: "__ out!": ump's call (YER); 55D: Outback (BUSH); 56D: Cost-of-living stat (CPI); 57D: Electrical unit (OHM); 58D: Cuts off (LOPS); 60D: On the other hand (BUT).
For a Dan Naddor puzzle, I was surprised at how fast I could solve it (~19 minutes).
For me that’s more like a Monday level, but I still enjoy doing Dan’s CWP’s nonetheless.
Dan Naddor was a master of puns, but he also had a clever way of misdirecting in his clues. This puzzle demonstrated his art on that quite well. For example, 5A “Start of many addresses” (HTTP), or 25D “Letter” (TENANT)… a person who LETS. I looked at 66A “Place with a pool” (THEY) and thought what-the-heck??? Then it hits me… ohhhhh! It’s THE-Y (the YMCA).
At first I was in a “quandary” by 65A “Relative of -trix“ (ESS). Common forms of sexism in English include the use of the suffixes -man, -ette, -ESS, -trix especially in occupational nouns and job titles, such as WAITRESS. These are not P-C usages as often they’re stereotypical images of women and tend to denigrate them and their status. Aside from that, I’m not sure if ESS crossing with WAITRESS is a legitimate form for puzzle construction. Can someone answer that? @PG?
I caught the theme right away, but that’s because I solved bottom-up, which gives you the key-word or reveal right away… I don’t know, maybe that’s cheating a little, but it’s a method that I’ve been using… something I learned from @Tinbeni.
Now TESLA just has to be a CW101 candidate word. It’s been used a lot, is fairly obscure, and sure has “generated” a lot of discussion (pun intended).
I thought seeing Eric ESTRADA of CHiPs in a puzzle themed with ARREST words was rather clever.
Then there’s my favorite comedienne (oops, disregard the enne thing), Lisa Kudrow (PHOEBE Buffay).
Woke up far too early… did puzzle half-ASLEEP, while socking down 2 cups of weakly-flavored decaf (yech!)… and so now it’s back to bed for me!
Have a super day, y’all!
~ yawn ~
I really liked the theme of this puzzle. However, 37 D. Many a server, in the old days. A:Waitress
How in the hell is that in the old days? I still call the male waitstaff waiters and the female waitstaff waitresses. Then there's 34 D "J to THA L-O!" I'll just pretend that clue/answer never happened! @PG The Aerosmith vid you posted was the best one. The first two were dreadful. But then I grew up on Aerosmith. Cheers!
Easy-peasy, for a Naddor. Difficulty has been all over the map this week. Tesla is definitely one of the most popular Crosswordese figures for this blog.
My puzzle had Sea Salt? as the hint for 33A and I could not make sense of the answer, now I feel better. Easy Naddor, very little resistance. Last section to full was the end of BEER BUST, hadn't heard of that term before and first put in BEERFEST but trealized it didn't fit with the theme.
Man, I'm glad I got here before Tinbeni got his day in the sun.
Disliked this puzzle, starting with HTTP. The url is the address, HTTP is the protocol. Insignificant nit, but the start of a bad solve. I insist that the students at an Ecole are Ecole's, probably because my favorite cookie is Le Petit Ecole, the little schoolboy. I finished swearing that there is not such thing as a BEERBUST, they're beer bashes. Turns out, "beer bust" out googles "beer bash" by about 5 to 1. That's the bad thing about the internet, it's heavily weighted to the past decade or so. Makes me look archaic.
Ok, Tinbeni, go wild. Your Pinch finally made it.
Thanks for the explanation of THE Y. I was sure I'd made a mistake someplace and parsing it into 2 words would never have occurred to me.
Puzzle sure seemed easy for a Friday. I tore through it until I got to "little john." Knew it had something to do with a bathroom and kept wanting to put in loo. The cross fill in the area stumped me for awhile too.
It's interesting how a puzzle will seem easy until you get to the end where you're stumped, or you think the puzzle's hard for the day because it starts out hard but then you end up coasting the rest of the way through.
Puzzle difficulty has receded with today's puzzle. I made it to 37A using only crosses and missed the theme reveal due to using crosses.
THE Y had caused me problems in a previous puzzle so this time, the answer only caused my neurons (or is it axons?) to fire momentarily. My brain is now safely back into its normal catatonic state so no permanent harm done by the answer.
Way back on May 26th, Dan had Dewar's in the grid. Breaking that scotch drought.
@Zeke, you're right about one thing, my fave theme today was "in a PINCH!"
Nothing else to say BUT ... Cheers!!!
Agree with @C that this puppy had a Tuesdayish feel about it. My only writeover was misspelling DILEMMA, (Dillema). Have trouble with that word in that if a lemma is an intermediate step of a theorem, then is a dilemma two steps at a time? (Geek humor.)
I wonder how many young 'uns out there can connect Autry with Back in the Saddle Again?
I fell as though I've neglected my education in that there are lots of Xword references to "Friends", "Cheers", and "Seinfeld" about which I'm clueless. I watched an episode of one of them a while back, but can't remember which. Although I drive a FORD(Ranger)PICKUP, I'm more of a History channel type of guy.
I think of an atheist as a doubter, whereas an agnostic just can't say one way or the other.
Octopus (octopod) means eight foot, so take it up with the person who named it.
Why should she do that? Was the person who named it the one who decided to use the incorrect plural?
Most of the recently posthumously published Naddor puzzles have not impressed me. This one was more to my liking, even though it seemed Tuesday easy, rather than Thursday challenging.
Like it or not, Webster's Unabridged shows OCTOPI as a legitimate plural.
I liked this puzzle. Crossed into THEY and still didn't understand it.
The Bette clip was precious, PG.
Always like a shout-out to the divine Bette Midler. Thanks for the clip from her show -- saw that one a couple of times live and her other shows numerous times over the years.
Thought the theme on this was cute. We're probably nearing the end of the Naddor puzzle trove. I will miss them.
I'LL SEE (or we'll see) was usually my parents' way of stopping us kids whining for something that wasn't going to happen. Just one ray of hope and we'd shut up.
@Rube - If you remember LEMMA - a proven piece to build on - a DILEMMA is easier to spell.
Other than that, I agree with everybody. It wasn't fast, but it was easy in that there were no Googles for me. My last CW Goggle was Tues.!
(May Dan rest in peace.)
If the truth was known, after the first two themes all I could see was:
So I went to the liquor store ...
Los Angeles Griffith Park is home to the AUTRY National Center. It's a very fine museum devoted to the American Cowboy (not just Gene AUTRY). I highly recommend it.
So, I Google my brains out on the NYT.
Forgot, I had "van" before RIG, as in the driver's part of the truck, and CORner before CORRAL.
@Tinbeni - either very suggestible, or very funny.
@John - Well maybe I'll get to see the Gene Autry, since the Roy Rogers is now out of the question.
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