[Note: This is the syndicated L.A. Times puzzle. It does not appear in the actual newspaper, but is available for free at cruciverb.com.]

Theme answers:
- 23A: What would trouble Trixie if the Kramdens moved away? (ABSENCE OF ALICE).
- 51A: Parallel world? (OTHER EARTH).
- 69A: Badly burned British dish? (BANGERS AND ASH).
- 85A: Pint-drinking buddies' experience? (ALE BONDING).
- 117A: 19th-century queen's tough tests? (VICTORIAN ORALS).
- 14D: "Wiggly dessert stale, kemosabe" (JELLO OLD).
- 17D: Religious dissenters? (PRAYING ANTIS).
- 61D: Type that regularly visits Willy Wonka's factory? (CHOCOLATE ILK).
- 83D: Mischievous long-eared critter? (ARCH HARE).
- 57A: Cars over the road (ELS).
- 62A: Mauna __ (LOA).
- 91A: Jazz immortal (ELLA).
- 4D: Automne preceder (ÉTÉ).
- 13D: Dairy case item (OLEO).
- 18D: Bean measures? (EEG'S).
- 34D: Middle East VIP (EMIR).
- 47D: Notre Dame's Parseghian (ARA).
- 116D: Drink stand buy (ADE).
Nice enough puzzle with a droll theme. Very sticky crosses were EMIR/EMINOR which could have been AMIR/AMINOR and HAMM/ARIANA. Didn't know Ariana at all and didn't recall that Mia Hamm wrote a book.
Is there anyone who knew that ARIANA was a 14 year old when she had a minor role in a 1993 movie about dinos? Without iMdb? Just because she has lots of vowels in her first name? Irksome, eh?
All the theme answers keep the same pronunciation when the "M" is dropped, except Praying Mantis to Antis. A flaw. Just a quibble. Cute Sunday puzzle.
Man to an - where's the change?
It would have all come together sooner if the title had read "Knock 'M' Dead". Otherwise a nice challenge for a lazy Sunday.
started this puzzle in Topeka & finished it in Colby. On my way to a week in the mountains. Liked the puzzle except 5 down &16 down. didn't get them
Mantis to antis - it's in there.
Not bad for nine themes, but I found their clues to be rather strained (e.g. “Wiggly dessert stale, kemosabe” = JELLO OLD). They were all pretty corny and trashy. Puns are okay if they’re cute, but these were awful.
Wow, I finally solved a Sunday puzzle in a tad over a half-hour, which is good for me… but then, I did it online which helps speed me up a lot.
Whenever we have a 21 x 21 grid that’s loaded with ALOTOF theme words, we end up with far too many CW101 words. Some crosswordese is okay, but after a while it makes for a very boring puzzle, especially for the veteran solvers. I think I would much rather see non-theme puzzles on Sundays that have a more literary content.
Some good words: ALANON, TINCT, LARDER, MISH MASH, Cave CANEM, FOMENT, Femme FATALE, MANIFEST, and IRANGATE (although I hate how the press adds “gate” to everything that’s a scandal).
Some horrible words: ACAB, ATIP, UNU, ASIDO, ETE, FIX, and ASCII (too obscure computerese for most people).
I thought the clue for 27A was a bit confusing… “Half a dance” (CHA). It could have just as well been clued as “A third of a dance”, because it’s more commonly referred to as the CHA-CHA-CHA.
JASPER is a form of chalcedony… an opaque, impure type of silica, usually red, brown, yellow, or green in color, but blue is quite rare. When we were in Colorado we found some good deposits of beautiful dendritic and banded green JASPER. If you can find a good lapidarist (which we did), it can be made into some very attractive pendant jewelry.
JASPER is also a marvelous National Park in Alberta, Canada which I went to last year.
Since I’ve been on the road a lot lately, I have a backlog of unsolved puzzles to do, so I better get cutting… hmm, that reminds me--- my neglected lawn needs cutting too.
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