THEME: "That Tune Is Named"—Three songs with "[possessive name] + [word referring to the song itself]" titles embody NAME THAT TUNE.
Theme entries:
- 17A: [John Denver #1 hit] ("ANNIE'S SONG").
- 39A: ["Guys and Dolls" showstopper] (ADELAIDE'S LAMENT). I don't know this song at all. So I headed to YouTube and watched the 10-minute excerpt featuring Frank Sinatra and Vivian Blaine. Whoa. Her lament is that being strung along for 14 years by Nathan Detroit has caused her to develop psychosomatic cold symptoms?
- 61A: ["Dr. Zhivago" melody] (LARA'S THEME). This instrumental piece was popular in the '70s.
- 67A, 68A, 69A: [WIth 68-Across and 69-Across, classic game show, and this puzzle's title] (NAME / THAT / TUNE).
Amy's Top Ten:
- 1A: [Hippo's attire in "Fantasia"] (TUTU). First of all, it's a cute image. Second, TUTU is fun to say. Like the next two rhyming answers:
- 21A: [Campaign funders] (FAT CATS).
- 30A: [Rub elbows (with)] (HOBNOB).
- 1D: [Repulsive sort] (TOAD). I rarely think of anyone as a toad, but I'm going to make a point of it from here on out.
- 9D: [Shell collector, maybe] (BEACH BUM). I considered posting a picture of a man in a thong, but that's altogether the wrong kind of BEACH BUM.
- 12D: [Meek] (MOUSY). I was a mousy kid. I outgrew it.
- 25D: [Legendary siren] (LORELEI). From the Rhine River in Germany. LORELEI is the name of a famous rocky outcropping as well as a mythical creature who lured sailors to their demise with her song. Crikey, that Wikipedia article lists all sorts of "other" spellings of the name that, if you ask me, are nothing more than woeful misspellings. Have never seen any of those versions before.
- 40D: [It includes terms of endearment] (LOVE NOTE). Aw, isn't that sweet?
- 46D: [Diacritical pair of dots] (UMLAUT). That's the diacritical mark seen in this wörd, not the vertical pair of dots seen here:
- 57D: [Llama land] (PERU). Alliterative clues are an old standby in crosswords, but I don't recall seeing this particular clue before.
Everything Else — 1A: Hippo's attire in "Fantasia" (TUTU); 5A: Fashionably smart (CHIC); 9A: Sun ray (BEAM); 13A: Actress Lena (OLIN); 14A: "Lion's share" fabulist (AESOP); 16A: Hockey great Phil, familiarly (ESPO); 17A: John Denver #1 hit (ANNIE'S SONG); 19A: Largest of the Near Islands (ATTU); 20A: Place for a massage (DAY SPA); 21A: Campaign funders (FAT CATS); 23A: Locale in a 1987 Cheech Marin title (EAST LA); 26A: "Yay!" ("OH BOY!"); 27A: Charon's river (STYX); 30A: Rub elbows (with) (HOBNOB); 32A: Western __: history class, briefly (CIV); 33A: Industry kingpin (CZAR); 35A: Bullies (ABUSES); 39A: "Guys and Dolls" showstopper (ADELAIDE'S LAMENT); 42A: Mississippi River explorer (DESOTO); 43A: Take charge (LEAD); 44A: Baby talk word (GOO); 45A: Trial sites (VENUES); 47A: Rough file sound (RASP); 48A: Measuring tool (RULER); 51A: Billiards blunder (MISCUE); 54A: Fork or spoon (UTENSIL); 56A: Longtime buddy (OLD PAL); 60A: __-Honey: candy (BIT-O); 61A: "Dr. Zhivago" melody (LARA'S THEME); 64A: "Cool" rapper? (ICE-T); 65A: Polished (SUAVE); 66A: They're removed via shafts (ORES); 67A: With 68-Across and 69-Across, classic game show, and this puzzle's title (NAME); 68A: See 67-Across (THAT); 69A: See 67-Across (TUNE); 1D: Repulsive sort (TOAD); 2D: Bone near the funny bone (ULNA); 3D: Mite-sized (TINY); 4D: Like many salons (UNISEX); 5D: Andalusia abodes (CASAS); 6D: Bulls and boars (HES); 7D: Prefix with metric (ISO-); 8D: Informal discussion (CONFAB); 9D: Shell collector, maybe (BEACH BUM); 10D: Cornerstone abbr. (ESTAB.); 11D: Is __: likely will (APT TO); 12D: Meek (MOUSY); 15D: Org. for drivers? (PGA); 18D: Eco-friendly fed gp. (EPA); 22D: "Tough luck" ("TOO BAD"); 24D: Senator Cochran of Mississippi (THAD); 25D: Legendary siren (LORELEI); 27D: Big batch (SCAD); 28D: Mariner's concern (TIDE); 29D: Part of YSL (YVES); 31D: "The Lion King" lioness (NALA); 33D: Furnishes food for (CATERS); 34D: Temple area of Jerusalem (ZION); 36D: "Sonic the Hedgehog" developer (SEGA); 37D: Grandson of Eve (ENOS); 38D: Train station (STOP); 40D: It includes terms of endearment (LOVE NOTE); 41D: Meeting of Cong. (SESS.); 46D: Diacritical pair of dots (UMLAUT); 47D: On a winning streak (RED HOT); 48D: Apply before cooking, as spice to meat (RUB IN); 49D: New York city (UTICA); 50D: "Who cares if they do?!" ("LET 'EM!"); 52D: Math subgroup (COSET); 53D: Last: Abbr. (ULT.); 55D: They, in Calais (ILS); 57D: Llama land (PERU); 58D: Church approval (AMEN); 59D: Suffix with Congo (-LESE); 62D: Rooting sound (RAH); 63D: Gardner of "On the Beach" (AVA).
I loved this song-title theme. What a lovely way to wake up to a gorgeous sunny morning.
And then hearing one of the most beautiful melodies of all time: LARA’S THEME while reading Orange’s fun writeup. Thanks for the “Guys and Dolls” vid clip.
I remember that ADELAIDE song very well. I was a teenager, it was 1955, and a group of us went to see “Guys and Dolls” at the Chicago Theatre after a big New Years Eve bash downtown.
Some crummy words: OLIN, RAH, and ICET (again? Ugh!)
Glad to see that the clue for 32A (CIV) wasn’t another Roman Numeral clue for 104.
Never heard of the game developer SEGA (36D).
AESOP Fable:
A HOUND having started a Hare on the hillside pursued her for
some distance, at one time biting her with his teeth as if he
would take her life, and at another fawning upon her, as if in
play with another dog. The Hare said to him, "I wish you would
act sincerely by me, and show yourself in your true colors. If
you are a friend, why do you bite me so hard? If an enemy, why do you fawn on me?” No one can be a friend if you know not whether to trust or distrust him.
John‘s Fable:
You’re more APT TO put your trust in an OLD PAL, than when you HOB NOB with the FAT CATS.
Isn't CONFAB short for confabulation?
When I was in high school, we had a newsletter called the CONFAB.
I wasn't thrilled by the theme.
When I was a college freshman in 1965 my dormmate played Lara's Theme over and over and over. Never heard Adelaide's Lament.
Puzzle was good overall.
Please tell me you got UTICA right off the bat.
With the 'U' from Peru, llama land (first entry) I had the theme NAME THAT TUNE instantly, go figure.
LOL moment: The Hippo's in TUTUs dancing in Fantasia in my memory.
Confused ENOS (Seth's son) with Esau (Jacob's), easy fix.
Recently saw 'Guys and Dolls' on TCM. Still had to work to get ADELAIDES LAMENT.
Showstopper? NOT!
Nothing learned. BEACH BUMmer.
I actually thought the theme was kind of clever. Really really glad I didn't even see ATTU.
John, try *one* comment. And shorter.
I really liked the chummy nature of this puzzle - which starts off with that image of the hippo in a tutu - the ESPO, OHBOY, OLDPAL, HOBNOB (AWESOME cookies by the way!!), FATCATS. I could go on, but you get the picture!
And I too thought the theme was kind of clever!!
4 tuts w/ tutus!!
Okay, I'm out of here anyways.
I remember watching the old TV game show "Name That Tune" -- and that my mother was so good at it.
Thought this was a very clever puzzle with NAME having both "identify" and "moniker" meanings. I had a moment of uncertainty with SCAD in the singular -- got it entirely through the crosses.
Loved "llama land" clue! There's probably a zoo exhibit somewhere with that name.
@Rex: Thanks.
Adelaide's Lament was a total gimme from the "e l" I already had in the grid. Had no idea where the Near Islands were but got it from the crosses.
V. good Wednesday puzzle
Agree Hobnobs fantastic cookies
@Rex, thanks.
Theme was nice, and Wednesday easy. 67A NA was all it took to fill in the puzzle's title. But...
Aren't all movie lions called ELSA? Isn't it ENOC with a soft C? Am I the only one with OCE-T's Greatest Hits? And wasn't MAE WEST hotter than her sister Lara Lee, or Lore Lei, or however you spell it?
All the above easy to fix. Fixing my flat learning curve not so easy.
Interesting puzzle today, won me over with the Guys&Dolls reference. I am NOT one for musicals but, for some reason, Guys&Dolls works for me, maybe because I find the idea of Marlon Brando in a singing role extremely funny. I think I'll spend the rest of the day talking like Nathan Detroit.
HOBNOB is a cool answer on this the middle day of the week.
For the record, you may call me ingratiating but I am not repulsive.
Charming puzzle, and the theme explanation spread over three clues was cute! Lots of good words, but I personally hate the term "fat cats". Heard it used in a meanspirited way, and undeservedly.
Thanks again, Orange!
@Toady is right.
Loved this one! Got Adelaide's Lament right away. G&D is my absolutely favorite musical. The Damon Runyan script is awesome.
Fun puzzle with a cute theme. Liked the three word theme reveal on the bottom row.
I'm OK with FAT CATS. I have three. Favorite answer: HOBNOB
Remembered: ATTU
Nice write up Orange.
Like @Tinbeni, got the theme off the U in PERU.
This is the third time for ATTU in the last few weeks. This is the first time clued as one of the Near islands. I wonder why they are called the Near Islands when they are at the far end of the Aleutians? There was a magnitude 5.3 earthquake yesterday near ATTU island.
48D was close, but no cigar.
two thoughts arising from this neat puzzle
--@Orange..and anyone else unfamiliar with Guys and Dolls--PLEASE don't let the Brando/Sinatra film be your one frame of reference. They were horribly mis-cast; at minimum should have been switched -- as @maestro said, the Damon Runyon story is fabulous--but not every stage/cinema version does the trick. Last year a Broadway revival with a mis-cast Oliver Platt flopped. Fifteen years ago a Broadway revival ran for three-to-four years...try to get that cast album; or, better yet the original;
Two: am sure the Name That Tune answer came readily because of the classic "Honeymooners" episode where Kramden gets to go on the show; he rehearses w Norton for a week; aces everything; gets on tv; they play "Swanee River," which Norton always did as a warm-up over Ralph's shouting to stop...
so who or what is a Lena OLIN...an ATTU? How did they creep into this otherwise nifty puzzle
@Charles Bogle: Couldn't agree more re "Guys and Dolls." I fear that most people's exposure to the show is some excruciating high school version. I was lucky enough to see the Broadway revival in the early '90s starring Nathan Lane (Nathan Detroit) and Faith Prince (Miss Adelaide) which was hilarious.
@lit.doc. ENOS is the common spelling, but the Hebrew has a Shin, not a Sin, as the last letter so should properly be Enosh as the NIV does in Genesis 5:6-11, which also says that this guy "lived 905 years, and then he died"
Liked this one a lot. Never saw Guys and Dolls, so Adelaides Lament was new to me. Had a tad bit of trouble spelling Lorelei and I had slew at 27D before SCAD. Other than those sticky little areas it went down fairly easy.
DeSoto, Invicta, Ee-le-ec-tra♫
@Tinbeni - Sorry, I slept most the day. Would you believe I did not get Utica 'til the end? The theme and clues went down pronto. I ene got the sports clue. Esposito has one of those Italian names that can break down into two Italian names. But I had "meter" for RULER and mixIN for RUBIN, and so hung on to ET_CA for the longest time. Was about to go to Google (there are so many little Hellenistic colony names in NYS) when I groaned. And thought, "How embarrassing."
@Bogle - NAME THAT TUNE came right away, and I couldn't stand The Honeymooners (deeply sexist, with physical threats: "Some day, right in the kisser.") long enough to have seen an episode.
I love Runyan and also the musical. Usually the book is better. But sometimes, they're just two different things. Another I think of is The Color Purple. The book is epistolary (Dear God) and more than hints at Lesbianism. The movie develops some of the other characters more deeply. I read the one to a class of unemployed, mostly Black, teen-age mothers. The movie I showed yearly to my inmates. Both were moving and moved.
MOUSY to me is not meek. (Do you know any mice? They ain't meek.) Mousy is homely.
Is a meeting of Congress a SESSion or a CESSpool?
Wanted Congo line for CongoLESE.
Is looking up a word for spelling the same as Googling? I couldn't decide what the penultimate letter it was, and the cross was a French word. (Personal Natick)
@John - I truly love you, and don't ever want to miss you, but I've been thinking the same, esp. long lists.
@Charles Bogle & Shrub5 thanks for the information about Guys and Dolls. It's one of those shows that I've never seen and I was underwhelmed by the clip with Sinatra. I would have liked to have seen the production with Nathan Lane.
@Charles Bogle Lena Olin is a Swedish Actor who appeared in some Ingmar Bergman films. I remember her from the Unbearable Lightness of Being which came out some time in the 80's.
Thanks Amy for your terrfic write up on this very satisfying puzzle. Other than reversing vowels in LORELEI and forgetting THAD, I had a nice smooth run -- not a sprint! -- through this grid.
My parents still play a show-inspired "Name That Tune" game at parties. More fun than it sounds.
@ Rex, THANK you, also.
@Sfingi, I've wondered the same thing myself re that gray area between checking and outright googling. Mostly 'cause I'm lazy, if I've got an answer entered that I'm pretty sure of but unsure of the spelling, I'll start entering the string into google to see if I get a confirming drop-down. If not, I assume I'm wrong, and go back to the puzzle.
My theory (read "rationalization") is that the day I go to hell, I'll only have been charged half a point each for not quite googling.
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