October 11, 2011

There are other crossword blogs out there (links are in the sidebar). I hope you find one that works for you. If anyone starts up a new LAT blog, please let me know and I'll do what I can to get the word out.
So now I'm feeling a little nostalgic and thinking about all that we've been through here at LACC. It was great fun blogging with Rex and Amy for a while and when I took it over myself you all stayed, which was awesome. I hope the Crosswordese 101 lessons have been useful and that other aspects of the blog have increased your enjoyment of puzzles. That really was the whole point of the blog when we started it. I think my favorite post over the life of this blog has to be the wrap-up of last year's ACPT. It was really fun to try to express how special the ACPT is. I hope to see some of you there next year.
Couple quick things before I ride off into the sunset. First, next time you're in the grocery store, check out the November issue of Oprah Magazine. I'm on page 167. It's a story about people who have found hobbies they're passionate about. I'm absolutely thrilled that they included me (thanks, Amy, for sending them my way!). And finally, if you haven't been watching Jeopardy the past several days, you really must start. Joon Pahk is A-Maz-Ing and it's so much fun to watch one of CrossWorld's denizens making a big splash.
So. There you have it. I don't really know what else to say. How about one more big THANK YOU for everything and we'll call it good.

So. There you have it. I don't really know what else to say. How about one more big THANK YOU for everything and we'll call it good.

PG-I will really miss your colorful write-ups. I've been doing the LAT puzzle for many years but I have been following your blog for just a few months. You brought new life and fun and a sense of community to solving that I doubt I will find anywhere else. It was great!
I'll miss your blog. I used to come to it when I got stuck, but now I come to it just to learn more about some of the answers, see if others had the same frustrations or fun that I did. I'm not very technical, so I never took the time to have a name to post comments, (and I don't remember all the passwords) but I enjoyed it all the same. Best wishes to you. As a working mom, now starting to close in on the empty nest, there are seasons for different things. It is always good to assess what to keep and what to stop doing for awhile.
I'm sorry to hear your ending the blog :( I looked forward to reading this every day.
Best wishes in your futur endeavors.
My wife and I will miss your blog very much. We use it to discuss the questions we get stuck on and other great information. Thanks for doing this but please don't miss a minute of your children. They grow up to fast
Mark and denise
I look forward to your Cross word Blog daily! What Will I do now?
"You're killing me, Smalls."
I haven't visited your blog as often as I should have - but I feel very sad that you have to close it down.
I do realize that it is a LOT of hard work, tiresome, time consuming and at times, thankless. I thank you for your heroic volunteer efforts. I only wish you had some online and load sharing help, at times - because one person can only do so much.
In a heartfelt and sincere manner, I wish you the very best for your future, and hope your family involvements and professional endeavors will continue to give you great joy and happiness.
I only started trying to work with crosswords this year since I retired in March. Our paper carries the LA Crossword during the week and Saturdays. I found your blog on line around April. Every day I would get frustrated with the CW and come straight to your blog. It has been a boon for the likes of me who has constant trouble trying to figure out what the heck the puzzler has in mind. Often I will shake my head after checking your answers with how tenuous the clue was. I am truly sorry you have decided to stop. However, I want to thank you whole heartedly for the help I've found here. Wish I understood CW better.
I started doing the LAT puzzle when I moved to Taiwan (it's in one of the english language newspapers) because some of the other teachers did it on their lunch break, so we all worked at it together. Once I changed schools, I really missed the sense of community I'd come to associate with doing the puzzle. Luckily I found that sense of community again when I found this blog.
So thanks, PG, for the entertaining write-ups and educational tips, but mostly for providing a place to discuss the puzzle, and see what other solvers thought and how they thought.
Anyway, PG, you've been great, and all you other folks here have been great.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
We will miss you! I reviewed the CW blog every morning. My day won't be the same without it.
Thanks to the person who invented guest crossword blogging from one who followed. Enjoyed your unique take on things. See you elsewhere in Crossworld.
PG, I was just thinking as I read your coverage for Rex Parker today how much I enjoy your comments. So, it was a big surprise to read you are stopping your blog. I liked your Crosswordese 101, and I also enjoyed the YouTube clips you embedded.
I hope you do some guest fill-ins occasionally.
Thanks for your good work!
Thank you for your insight and observations on the LAT crossword puzzles.
You've made my "solving experience" more enjoyable
Tonights "Sunset Toast" is to you.
Cheers !!!
I can certainly understand wanting your life back, the amount of time you spent here must have been huge! I started a little over a year ago doing the LAT puzzle, eventually found this blog, and became addicted to the puzzle and the blog. I'll definitely miss you, but for a while I'll be distracted by the withdrawal symptoms I'll have to deal with ;-)
Best of luck to you and yours! Enjoy those kids, time passes much too quickly!
I don't know you anymore than you know me, but thank you for touching my life. I have appreciated your work over the years and you have helped me goad my 77 year old young Mother to solve a crossword puzzle in between the mandatory chores.
Like you, I don't have the words right now. Just...thank you!
SSgt John 'Kamikaze' Kelly
Thanks P.G.for all your great insight on puzzling. You will be missed. Wishing you all the best and hopefully we will get to solve puzzles that you construct. thanks again for all your help. Sincerely, Ron Worden
Thanks P.G.for all your great insight on puzzling. You will be missed. Wishing you all the best and hopefully we will get to solve puzzles that you construct. thanks again for all your help. Sincerely, Ron Worden
BYE :(
Thank you for your selfless love and devotion that you have had over the years! You will truly be missed as I stumble through the puzzles everyday now without the luxury of knowing that the answers aren't there for quick sneaky-peeks (cheats, lol)!
I feel kind of silly today, crying over a crossword blog post. :-( We'll miss you, Puzzlegirl!
Enjoy your post-LACC Life. We'll all be looking for your byline on a crossword in the future.
Anonymously and appreciatively yours,
Goodbye and good luck.
well that was surprising. i'm sad, in a way, but also happy for you that you are doing this to free yourself from something that had obviously begun to feel like a burden. undeniably a good decision, if a hard one to make, and i congratulate you for it.
i'll miss LACC, but hopefully not you. don't be a stranger, now. :)
I'm simply devastated. This has become such a pleasurable way to start my day that I can't imagine the mornings without it. Loved the write-up and have become so familiar with everybody's comment styles and interests. I do understand you needing your life back, but wish so much this blog could have been handed on to one of the substitutes who've covered for you so ably from time to time. At any rate, thanks for the memories.
I've been here since day one and have really felt that this blog has helped me take it to the next level as far as knocking out those Friday/Saturday puzzles with more and more ease. I had a feeling when Amy and Rex moved on that the blog would soon come to an end but you kept on much longer then I thought, so more power to you. I wish that John'sneverhome could say a final good-bye to you but alas that doesn't appear to be in the cards.
Hopefully I'll see you by the LA xword competition one of these days.
Will you be writing a CW book? Some of us need some reference help that will define things for us. I'd be interested.
Every day, while pretending to do work, I finish the crossword that my co-worker (also pretending to do work) started. Sometimes she leaves a lot for me, sometimes just a few clues, but this page was my official answer key. I wish you the best in your next projects, and thank you for helping me become a better puzzle solver! I'll miss you!!
Rob Wilber
Harrisburg, PA
Hello. :(
oh, pg! how grateful this reader is that you've brought your funny, smart, adorable, literate perceptions to the world of xword blogging. the lacc will be sorely missed! glad to know you'll be doing more constructing, though; and guest blogging; and that your kids'll benefit as well (as long as they'll allow... ;-) )! gladder still about the "o" piece. **too cool**!!!
see you 'round x-world!!!
I have here a contract, signed by you (in blood), that states you are obligated to continue this blog until the end of 2011 (with an option for another year). For that contract, you have received the adoration and praise of the masses that was promised to you.
Now, do I have to take you to court, or am I going to have to call an old friend...?
Thank you! On many levels. As a constructor for erudite constructive feedback on my puzzles. As a solver, for an informed framework from which to discuss the LAT. I'll miss this definitely, though I understand completely, as the few times I subbed for you it took more than an hour to put everything together! Also kudos to Deb, Amy and Rex who continue to blog crosswords daily!
@PG, I am sad to see you go, and I miss your commentary and the rest of the community here already. I fully support your decision, you have your priorities straight. I look forward to solving a puzzle you have constructed.
All that said, could you please leave the CW 101 listing and links up? I keep meaning to study all of it. Of course, they say nothing really goes away on the web . . .
Happy Trails!
It really has been a great and fun ride, @PG.
Thanks for all the thought and effort you put into making it fun, witty, and human. In other words, putting so much of yourself into it, and the your entire family.
Even when you were tired, or pressed for time (and what parent isn't ALWAYS?), you did it, and with verve and elan.
I'll miss the updates on you, the whole PuzzleFamily, and the Hawkeye grapplers.
A very hearty and heartfelt thank you.
You done good!
@Anon 6:24-The Jet steals home!
Wait! How am I supposed to know what 26D meant?! Arr(gh)!
I thought today's puzzle was pretty good ,though, for the first time ever, I found the write up lacking. Everyone can have an off day and I look forward to tomorrow's write up and @PG's chance to redeem.
Denial is fun and easy.
Thanks for all the fun and not banning me for ridiculous posts.
Good-bye and Good Luck, PG , your daily dose of wit and X-Word expertise will be sorely missed.
Always have been Anonymous ... but my name is Ron ...
Nooooooooooo! Please don't do this. Thanks for everything, but we will miss you immensely. Maybe you can take a hiatus and come back later. Any way good luck with your future endeavors.
So sorry to see you go. My wife and I stumbled on your blog a few years back and then started doing the LA times puzzle on line, just so we could read your comments when done. A little sarcasm here, a little humor there, straight forward answers when we needed them. Great blog we will miss you. Good luck with your career.
2 year follower. I understand the missing kids grow up thing, need not say anything else. God Bless, Buddy MD
One less person in the tontine! The pot of gold will be mine! Mine!
And hey, you got an all-caps goodbye message from Bob Dole, so that's something.
I would gush about how entertaining a writer you are, and how invaluable you are to the once and future success of my own blog, but I'm not really in the mood.
Thanks for all the blood, sweat, and tears, P.G. I think 11/11/11 sounds like a perfectly fine day to make a big decision, too. I'll miss your cheerful posts.
Best of luck to you in the future!
Gosh, PG, I miss you already. We were so lucky to have you as long as we did.
Somehow I knew this day was coming but that doesn't make it any easier. So I'm sending you a heartfelt 'thank you' along with some cyber-hugs for all the time you spent educating us, providing us a forum along with some laughs. You have an amazing talent in creative writing. I will always remember you in your unique area of the crossword blogger/college wrestling enthusiast Venn diagram.
I hope to see you at ACPT some day! Take care.
Attn: all commenters -- just a friendly reminder that our beloved PG has a "tip jar" so if you are so inclined......
(see top of blog 'donate')
Your departure will leave a hole in my Monday and Tuesday mornings. Certainly understand wanting fewer obligations though.
One of the great things about having a puzzle published in the LA Times was being able to read PG's write-up in the morning. I'll really miss that. But I'm glad she's decided to go out while she's still on top of the blogging world.
We expect to see your byline on lots of puzzles soon!
I too will miss you PG - I learned a lot from your solutions and ALWAYS had a laugh.
Thanks for all the time you have dedicated to this blog and I wish you all the best for the future.
Thank you for your valuable, informative and amusing write ups. You got me through the tough novice stage. I derive much pleasure from cwps and it's due, in large part, to you and your blog. Live long and prosper, PG.
Thank you PuzzleGirl. I only stumbled across your blog a few months ago when googling for an answer and now I read it daily, usually after finishing.
While I am sad, I totally understand your decision. I was once a TV reviewer and found it killed my love of television - disaster! It was such a burden to have to form an opinion every week, so I can only imagine what pressure it was keeping up such a well-loved daily blog.
So thanks for the good times past and all the best for the future!
Thanks for the blog! It's been a daily stop for me since the spring. The crosswordese write ups have been great since I'm a new solver, but what I've really appreciated are the discussions of what is good and bad about each puzzle. It's really helped me appreciate the behind the scenes of puzzle construction.
Have fun with your newfound free time!
Thanks PG.
and thanks you shrub5 for drawing my attention to the "A tip is worth a thousand words?" - Jar.
- Jack
And, sadly, Aloha means goodbye. Your music vids were always turned up to 11!
Thx for your time, you will be missed
Au revoir, Angela, au revoir.
I'm sorry to read of your decision, PG, but understand completely.
In an ironic twist, the other puzzle in my local paper this morning had as one answer Vaya Con Dios
Fare thee well!
PG - So sorry to hear that you're bowing out, but it's totally understandable. When something you start out doing for fun becomes a chore and a stressor, its time to move on. As others have already stated, it's more important to spend time with your family, take care of yourself and do the things you really want to be doing.
Thank you for your daily dose of humor, enlightenment, and downright good puzzle critiques. Your blog has been a huge help since I started trying to solve crosswords back in 2009. I have also enjoyed and will miss all the other commenters. Hoping we still will hear from each other now and then at other crossword blogs.
I read the article in Oprah while I was getting my hair done today. That's pretty awesome.
Ciao Angela and good luck to you!
I second what everyone else has said. I truly have no words.
And thanks just isn't enough, tho I always wondered how in the world you did this and worked and raised a family and had a life and.....
Can I find you on Facebook?! Really will miss your wit
Puzzle Girl, we will miss you!! I have so much enjoyed coming here every day to be amused and educated. Best wishes to you and your family!
Thanks again, I will truly miss viewing this blog every day. You have taught me a lot about crosswords. Thanks again for everything!
Been reading for about a year, but I've never posted... this is my first comment ever on Blogger, actually... just wanted to say thanks for a really great job - you're in every way the reason I started doing the LAT regularly (and, by extension, crosswords at all), and I really appreciate it. It's made my life better. I'm very sad to see you closing up shop, but I wish you luck in your future endeavors.
Thanks again.
Shocked and saddened to see you're shutting down business. Keep in mind that "comebacks" are always possible. Perhaps some day....well, you get my drift. Thanks for all your hard work!
PG just read what Rex said. Will miss this blog even tho I haven't been around so regularly lately.
Good luck to you and a big bunch of beets to wish you luck.
Well, this is bittersweet! Sad for me, happy for you!
Thanks for all the time you have devoted to this very entertaining blog! I will miss you.
(LOL @ Ant!)
Crud. Have a life!
Due to time differences I hadn't often commented but I've been here almost every day to read your enjoyable, witty, write ups. I will miss them. Every once in a while, while subbing for Rex, you will have to update us on The Puzzle Family.
Good Luck and Enjoy!
Just wanted to say Thank You for all the help. I've been following this blog since about March 17th or so and it's given a lot of good aide when I was stumped. I'm sorry to see you go, but appreciate all your time put into this every day, so good luck with your next endeavor!
I have learned so much from this blog, so many times I haven't understood a clue or answer and it has all been explained to my satisfaction. As much as I understand why you cannot do it anymore, I just don't know who can help me with the puzzles anymore, or where I can go to for "Crosswordese". A sad farewell from me.:(
Congratulations on reclaiming your life from the Crossword Blogging Monkey that was clinging to your back. May he serve you well as a helper monkey around the house.
What's great is that now I won't feel guilty about asking you to guest blog at Diary of a Crossword Fiend on occasion! You are always welcome over there, PuzzleGirl.
Nothing gold can stay, Pony Girl.
Bravo. Thou dost rock.
Even though I've known this was coming for some time, I still haven't been ready for it. I don't know what to say but thank you.
Thank you for giving me something to read when I was feeling excited, frustrated, or anything else based on the puzzle, to see if I was the only one who loved (or hated!) it. (Insert Mr. Hand-on-forehead.)
Thank you for your CW 101 lessons, which have been invaluable for someone like me who is still learning his way around a crossword. It's funny - though this blog hasn't been around since I started solving crosswords regularly, it sure feels like it has been, and I know it's helped me.
Thank you for giving me a little ego-boost each time you wrote about my puzzles.
Thank you for letting me guest blog every now and again and for being a major part of the inspiration for me to blog over at Amy's site.
Thank you for letting me usually lurk and having a great crowd to lurk behind, because so often they encapsulated my thoughts perfectly, and I just didn't have the time to drop a note, even though I was reading.
Thank you for be an awesome crossword friend and selling me Girl Scout Cookies!
You'll be sorely missed. Your blog helped me turn the corner on my puzzle solving skills. Will miss this as part of my day.
Good luck, I fully understand your decision to put your family first-for this you're to be commended. Looking forward to seeing your puzzles in the future!
Thanks, PG, for the entertaining commentary over the past so many years. Enjoy the "one less thing" feeling while it lasts, and good luck with your new adventures.
@PG: you will be missed, but I'm happy you are going to have a little more time to spend on your priorities. Lots of luck and happiness, and I'm sure we'll see you in the puzzle world!
Oh, no! Say it isn't so! You and the blog will be truly missed.
As a new solver I found your blog just a couple of months ago and its been very helpful and I'll miss it a lot. Thanks for keeping the blog for so long and all the help you've given me along the way.
OK PG Are you going to read all the nice things everyone said about you, and then say "PUNKED!" tomorrow?
If only, it were so.
PG - Thank you for loving puzzles and sharing your love with ordinary puzzle mortals. Please go forth, be well and know how heartily I cheer for your happiness and freedom and the space you will fill with your next great venture. I will be smiling when I think of this community that you have nutured for so long - and I won't be shy when I spot another puzzler on the bus.
Burner10 (from way back)
@Burner10! I remember you from Crosswords LA!
Ooooooooohhhhh nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't get over here every day, so I read with shock that this is your last post! I know that, for me, just commenting (mostly) daily (and not here, she says, feeling oddly guilty) can be a big time commitment if I want to make a meaningful contribution to the conversation.
You say "It's not even really that doing the blog takes up all that much time..." but I imagine that the time writing and posting is only a portion of what it takes to do a quality job like you do. I know you have posted when you were sick, and snowed in, and had sick kids. That shows a dedication to this, and by extension to us, that goes well beyond what we should expect.
Any chance that @DougP might want to take over???? Perhaps a cooperative of multiple contributors to keep it going? @Neville? Perhaps some regular posters who may have been thinking of trying a hand at guest-blogging? How about it? huh?
Like @C, I find that denial isn't only a river in Egypt.
Still, my daughter will be 14 in three weeks, and I wish I could get some of those late nights at work. Thanks for the great community and all of the work. Do consider posting here occasionally.
Angela, I'm crushed. ChefWen just told me that you were abandoning ship. Being, (temporarily), out here in the HST zone, we're the last to hear. Your humor, insight, and crosswordese skills on this blog will be sorely missed. Congratulations on achieving 300+ followers. We can only hope that you will continue to enlighten all of us in other ways and on other blogs.
Crosscan, CrazyCat(Lady), Rex, Orange, ChefBea, Shrub5, Hazel, CoffeeLvr, Joon, Tinbeni, ETAL, wish you the best in your future endeavors... (JNH too, i'm sure, where ever he is).
seems to be the year for shedding extra weight, lightening up, moving on! Congratulations for what you created, sustained and known when to walk away.
@PG - Have we changed your mind yet?
I've been playing catch-up for weeks, but am so glad I caught up with you on your last day. This blog, and the people here have been a bright spot every day.
But as the man once sang:
You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em...
I am happy for you, but you will be greatly missed. Hope to see you at Rex's place once in a while.
Clue: Armored vehicles protecting a historical museum?
Answer: Tanks for the memories!
Sad to see it end, but congratulations for moving on to the next stage.
Don't be a stranger!
I do understand. But you will be missed. Best that our passions don't morph into obsessions.
We're going to miss you, PG, but we can still look forward to your forays into crossword construction, I hope. Very best of luck as you explore the new world of Free Time.
You took us all along on your journey and regaled us with your stories.
Thank you and enjoy your next adventure.
I'm not gonna mince words. This Sucks!
Here's to you, Angela! I'll be looking forward to solving your puzzles. And maybe a guest blog or two over at Michael's or Amy's blog.
Tell me today is 4/1 and ths is a joke....
Im still a novice in these puzzles and will miss both the write ups and the community. Thanks so much @PG!
We will miss you PG. Thanks for all the entertainment.
I will miss your blog. I'm 82 and have learned a lot about crossword puzzles by reading it each day after doing the puzzle. Thanks for all you have done!
I, too, will miss you greatly but salute you for listening to that inner voice that knows best. I am yet one more example that you have met your goal as I went from occasionally TRYING to work the puzzle to enjoying them daily given your insights and information (and I am much better at working them). Intelligent, humorous, caring, wise and clever are all terms I would ascribe to you given my experience with your blog.
It has been a great run and you will be greatly missed but always admired.
Kay in CA
I will miss checking this blog daily as I have for almost three years. Not only has it been entertaining but educational as well. I have been able to increase my solving time and power immensely because of all that I have learned here. I was so excited when I met you at the LA Puzzle tournament two years ago when my husband and I entered as a novice team. Hopefully you will be at the next one. We weren't able to attend this year's. Reading the comments today, I am content to know that you have made a difference in so many lives, for so many different reasons. I wish you all the success in your future endeavors and will be looking forward to solving many more puzzles constructed by you.
I will miss your knowledge, wit, and wisdom. Thanks for helping me be a better solver, and for feeling a part of a larger community. Good luck!
Bummer. But.....whatever.
Thanks for all your time, PG. This was always the first blog I checked when I had a puzzle published - it was always a rush of nervousness and excitement the night before!
Best wishes in your future endeavors!
I know I'm a little late to the table, but I was so bummed out yesterday, I couldn't bring myself to post. @PG - thank you so much for your time, teaching and humor over the past year + that I have been faithfully visiting your blog. Finishing the puzzle and then coming to your blog was a highlight of my day. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors.
As I was working on the Wednesday puzzle, I felt a lack of enthusiasm, because I knew I couldn't come here to commiserate afterward. Is it just me?
Was gone for a week, but when I got home last night I started solving all the puzzles in the papers my neighbor had collected. After I worked as far as I could on each one I would (as always) think of which answers from the puzzle you would highlight, and how the other solvers would regale or trash the clues and answers. Well here it is Wednesday morning and though I was able to catch up I am left with this empty place for tomorrow. I too have thoroughly enjoyed your contributions to my CW education and inclusion in this civil and friendly environment. You will be sorely missed as will your devoted followers. All the best.
Nooooo...say it isn't so! I completely understand but I will so miss your insights and sense of humor about CWs. It's funny but I feel like I've just broken up with someone i love. Sigh. Best wishes. Miss you...
Thank you so much for your time and effort. You will be sorely missed. I enjoyed and learned a lot throughout the short few months I have been reading your blog. Best of luck....and again Thanks!
Really gonna miss you. You have helped me out so much.... Thanks for everything.
Thanks so much for devoting time every day out of your busy schedule to run this blog. It served as a tutorial for me as I was starting to really do crosswords seriously.
You always found something good to say about even the most problematic of puzzles, and your choices of pictures to include were great.
As much as I will miss CC I'm glad you've decided to devote more time to constructing. I look forward to seeing your name at the top!
I am relatively new to crosswords, and your blog has helped me to enjoy them more and accelerate my learning. As others commented, I came here at first when I was stuck, but then found your comments part of my enjoyment of solving a crossword. It has been like talking them over with a friend. Thank you for all the time, effort, humor and insight you have put into this blog. I will be looking for your name on new crosswords. Best of luck in your new endeavors.
Gosh am I ever going to miss you! I, too came to you either when I got stuck or when I finished the puzzle to see some of your reasonings, word meanings, or puzzle themes (which I sometimes missed even when I got the whole puzzle. As a writer I love words myself. Won't someone pay you to do this? That would be the perfect answer. You would be remunerated for your efforts and doing what you love. Check out my website at www.toasts.org and thank you for all the pleasure you've given so many of us including myself!!!
Very nice column in O, PG!
Can't help clicking on this LAXC icon.....
I will definitely miss you. I read your blog several times a week for years, even though I posted on here only infrequently. Your work was amazing and you will be missed. Best of luck in all that you do.
NO WAY! I need the upper left of the Wednesday puzzle. God I'm going to miss you. Thanks so much for letting me use your brain, wit and dedication each week. There will be other resources but it won't feel like home. I understand your reasons so I'll leave you with a big cyber hug, my gratitude and my best wishes to you and your family.
Thanks for all the time you have devoted to LACC. I will surely miss reading your puzzle critiques!
Best of luck to you!
You so enlivened my life and brain! And I appreciate you more than ever, because I just read your recommended alternative blog:
ugh...too little information...to much jabbering. My very best to you.
....from Sherman Oaks
Thank you for doing this while you did. I enjoyed finding out what I couldn't discover during lunch break at work. It generally took about 3 of us to figure out what you spin through in minutes.
PG, congratulations on your freedom and on the "O" write-up! Hoping to see more of your puzzles in the NYT and looking forward to seeing what trouble you manage to get into with all that new-found time.
@Anonymous - Did you visit Crossword Corner? You'll probably like Amy Reynaldo's Crossword Fiend blog better:
Crossword Fiend
Amy covers lots of puzzles, including the LA Times. Lots of info & not much jabbering.
Sherman Oaks, why did you wait until Wednesday night to post on Tuesday blog?
Thank you,
I've never commented before, but have been a long time reader. I've enjoyed your blog as much as I've enjoyed solving the puzzles, and have learned a lot along the way.
Good luck with future projects, and enjoy your family time. I look forward to solving your puzzles.
I go away from the computer for one day and *this* happens? NOOOO! I will miss my daily fix so much. Thanks for everything, especially those days that you were inside my brain... I'd do the puzzle and come here to find that you'd written my exact experience. Except way funnier and with hilarious pertinent pictures and videos. Best wishes for all your future endeavors.
I knew about the NYT puzzle you co-authored with Doug P months before it came out...and was relieved and thrilled to see it finally in print.
I didn't see this coming...but I'm glad to hear you'll have more time for things that matter to you...including puzzle construction!
Since this is in no way the end of your stay in the crossword universe, let me simply say: happy trails to you, till we meet again.
P.S.: I wasn't able to get a puzzle accepted in the LAT in time for you to review...but I tried! I really did! You know how it goes.
PG, congrats on all that you accomplished with this site. BB
Good bye, PG! You have been a delight and inspiration! Will miss your blog immeasurably!
I'll also miss all our fellow commenters/commentators. Transitions suck!
Good luck, Puzzle Girl, with all your future endeavors, be they puzzles or wrestle mania!
Dede McMenamy aka DDBMC
Oh PuzzleGirl. I will miss you SO MUCH! Tho I've never before posted, and feel woefully inexperienced in doing so, I simply must tell you that I have loved having you and Puzzle Husband and Puzzle Kids be a part of my mornings. I totally support your decision for all the reasons you have listed. But OUCH, personally this is a big loss. No one can replace you.
Thank you. Thank you. Wishing you all the best!
A Devoted Fan
Okay, so Tuesday I thought, "Good for you, PG!" Today I'm still happy for you, but I really miss your blog! Good luck with your future endeavors!
Follower for a few years.
Rhymes with cats
It's not the same without you PG. I wish the L.A. Times would hire you full time to perform this function, it is really needed. We miss you soooo much !!
Sorry to see you go but doing ANYthing repeatedly is not fun.
So start doing the fun things!
Best wishes in the future, PG. Thanks for doing this !!
Sad to hear this...but THANK YOU so much for all your hard work and great humor everyday! Whoo hoo on the Oprah magazine shout out! You rock and wishing you the best! - mary
I'm sure everyone feels like they're losing a good friend. I feel like I know you. I lived and worked in the DC area - taught school in DC! I loved the posts about you and puzzle family. Best wishes to all of you. Jeanne
I'm sure everyone feels like they're losing a good friend. I feel like I know you. I lived and worked in the DC area - taught school in DC! I loved the posts about you and puzzle family. Best wishes to all of you. Jeanne
Echo = Comback?
I am really sorry to see you go! I have done the LA crossword for a long time but enjoyed it much more after finding your blog! Your insights were much appreciated. I also really liked it when I found a clue to be rather, ahem, clueless, only to find you felt the same way!
Thank you very much for all the effort you put into this blog. You will be missed!
I keep coming here out of habit. Solve the L.A. times, then head on over to Angela's place. And every time it's the goodbye page. There is a hole in my routine. Loved your write ups and insight Angela. I didn't say goodbye to the blog in my last post because I couldn't believe it. But now I am. I raise a bourbon and a Padron to you. Goodbye.
To the blog that is. I'll be looking forward to your puzzles.
This will be a long winter without you!
Thank you for one of the great roads taken.
I'll miss you a lot, puzzle girl.
Thank you, PG, for your contributions--both to my crossword education and to the field at large! Good luck for all your future endeavors!
I have enjoyed the blog. Thank you for the past. Good luck in the future.
This has been a wonderful place to come. Warm humor, wit and smarts. I'll miss you, Puzzle Girl.
I just wanted to say THANK YOU!! I found your blog on a whim and I have been very grateful. My father is what you call not a computer person, so pretty much every morning he would call me to help. I thank you for bringing us a little bit closer eventhough we are miles apart. Good luck with your next endevor.
OMG... from the very last row
of the show, a voice says thank you PG for the passion we all enjoyed. I suppose I'll have to start drinking coffee again.
Good Luck.
Nooooooooooooo! I love your blog! My tradition is to do the puzzle and then read the blog. It would help me make sense of the answers that I filled in but didn't understand. Best wishes on your other endeavours!
Been busy, heard this was to happen. LAT is so less haughty than the NYT puzzles and puzzlers.
Will be missed
I can't believe you have gone. I have looked everywhere for another blog to help me and I can't find one. You will be sorely missed.
C'mon! You didn't look everywhere.
I never read or write on people's blogs...yours was so good, I did both. :) Best of luck...
A twelve-letter word meaning There Will Be A Big Hole In My Life Without Puzzle Girl To My Crossword Back! I am d-i-s-c-o-n-s-o-l-a-t-e. And as a Grandma, I think PG is doing just the right thing. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I don't know you but I' ll miss you!
You guys have been wonderful. I just got back from a few weeks of traveling and saw your "good bye". I will miss you along with thousands of others. You have done a magnificent job. Eternal thanks.
Oh jeez,I will miss your insights, clues and the back and forth. On the other hand, I understand how a daily thing like this can get to be a chore, when it started out as a passion. Thanks for everything!
I completely understand. And I"ll completely miss you. You were my first bookmark on crossword blogs. Best of luck with all your adventures (especially your children!).
I'm crushed! But many thanks for everything: you've given us so much more than answers to a daily crossword puzzle!
Came here after seeing the new LA Times crossword format only to find you're gone!
I'm late to the party, but I'll miss the answers -- I mean your blog -- too. :)
I really miss you Puzzle Girl. No other blogs are as good as yours. I learned so much from you. I feel like my solving skills are not progressing since I no longer have you to refer to. Enjoy your holidays and I hope all is well with you and your family. You are the best, Puzzle Girl!
dear p-g you have been my guiding light through so many crossword days .... i ll surely miss you in my computer world
Thank you! This was such a fun blog. I've never commented, but I've been here everyday, either confirming or cheating on clues, for probably just over a half year now. I love the community you've created, and as, a writer before put it, the interesting factoids about the clues. Hats off to ya. You'll be missed
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