October 9, 2011
John Lampkin
[Note: This is the syndicated L.A. Times puzzle. It does not appear in the actual newspaper, but is available for free at cruciverb.com.]
Theme: "Seas the Day" — Nautical wordplay.
Theme Entries:
- 24A: Course for sailors? (ANCHOR MANAGEMENT).
- 40A: Measures to ensure restful sleep on-board? (BERTH CONTROL).
- 64A: The Red Baron, belowdecks? (ACE IN THE HULL).
- 72A: Results of eating French fries at the ship's wheel? (SLIPPERY HELM).
- 97A: Irrational weeping over a broken spar? (MAST HYSTERIA).
- 116A: Philosophical shrug about channel markers? (BUOYS WILL BE BUOYS).
- 3D: Positive report from a deck hand? (THE JIB IS UP).
- 77D: Bit of gear for a nuclear-powered dinghy? (URANIUM OAR).
A shipshape collection of seaworthy puns from John Lampkin today! I like this group better than last week's wine puns. And now I want to rewatch Master and Commander. Love that movie.
I'd single out ANCHOR MANAGEMENT and BUOYS WILL BE BUOYS as my favorite theme entries, but none of them made me wince. If I have one complaint, it's that ACE IN THE HOLD sounds better to me than ACE IN THE HULL, and the clue makes sense either way. In fact, I liked HOLD so much, that I had a bit of trouble finishing up that section of the puzzle.
- 1A: Sax object? (ALTO). I don't really understand this clue. An "alto" isn't an object. Maybe the object of an alto sax is to make an alto sound. Any theories?
- 22A: South, in a north wind (ALEE). Another nautical reference. I wonder if John tried to come up an ALEE theme entry. "Poet Frost on the safe side?"
- 29A: "When I Take My Sugar to ___": 1931 hit (TEA). I was curious about this song, and I found an original 1931 recording on YouTube. Interesting and kinda catchy, but I thought it would sound more like Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar on Me."
- 45A: "I'd like to buy ___" (AN I). I wonder how Joon would do on Wheel of Fortune. He wouldn't make much money, because he'd solve every puzzle before any letters were guessed.
- 54A: Five-O booking agent (DANO). "Book 'em, Dano!" There was some discussion among crossword constructors a while back about whether the name is spelled "Dano" or "Danno." Apparently the Hawaii Five-O writers weren't consistent with the spelling. So you'll see "Danno" in a puzzle every now and then.
- 115A: How many nightclubs are lit (DIMLY). My first thought: "All of them."
- 127A: Lane associate (OLSEN). Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen. Remember that time Superman made him marry an ape?
- 25D: Classical guitar family name (ROMERO). New to me. From Wikipedia: "Los Romeros is a guitar quartet, sometimes known as 'The Royal Family of the Guitar.' Their personnel consists entirely of members of the Romero family."
- 41D: Home, metonymically (HEARTH). Metonymy is a figure of speech in which a thing or concept is not called by its own name, but by the name of something intimately associated with it. For example, "Hollywood" is used as a metonym for the movie industry, and "The White House" is a metonym for the Presidency.
- 72D: Toondom's Princess of Power (SHE-RA). He-Man's twin sister. Shouldn't she be called She-Woman? And which one do you think has the prettier hairstyle?
- 118D: Intoxicating letters? (BYO). As in BYOB, Bring Your Own Booze/Bottle. When I throw a party, I tell people to "BYO" food, booze, chairs, and entertainment. Why should I do all the work?

Everything — 1A: Sax object? (ALTO); 5A: Passing fancies (WHIMS); 10A: Hospital delivery (BIRTH); 15A: Dandelion's home, often (LAWN); 19A: Wonka's creator (DAHL); 20A: Like much floor tile (VINYL); 21A: In __: awaiting delivery (UTERO); 22A: South, in a north wind (ALEE); 23A: Suit to __ (A TEE); 24A: Course for sailors? (ANCHOR MANAGEMENT); 27A: Taking drive-thru orders, e.g. (MCJOB); 29A: "When I Take My Sugar to __": 1931 hit (TEA); 30A: Leaves out (OMITS); 31A: Outdoes (BESTS); 32A: Ones in concert with con artists (SHILLS); 34A: Pollen-bearing organ (STAMEN); 36A: Insurance gps. (HMO'S); 38A: Moistens overnight, perhaps (BEDEWS); 40A: Measures to ensure restful sleep on-board? (BERTH CONTROL); 45A: "I'd like to buy __" (AN I); 47A: Corny jokes (GROANERS); 49A: Corny picks (EARS); 50A: Audit trailer? (-ORY); 51A: Plane front (NOSE); 53A: 19th-century Mexican president Juárez (BENITO); 54A: Five-O booking agent (DANO); 55A: Sleeper's choice (TWIN); 56A: Suit that beats the other three (TRUMP); 58A: Addams family cousin (ITT); 59A: Dastard (CUR); 60A: Bug barrier (SCREEN); 62A: Bug killers (ZAPPERS); 64A: The Red Baron, belowdecks? (ACE IN THE HULL); 68A: Beat badly (TROMP); 70A: English sÌ, at sea (AYE); 71A: Noodle rings? (HALOS); 72A: Result of eating French fries at the ship's wheel? (SLIPPERY HELM); 76A: Sweats (GYM SUIT); 80A: Word spoken before a shot (CHEESE); 81A: Suffix with Caesar (-EAN); 82A: H.S. math course (ALG.); 84A: Political housecleaning (PURGE); 85A: Flag throwers (REFS); 86A: "Ring around the collar" detergent (WISK); 88A: Pesto herbs (BASILS); 91A: Try to find on the road, say (PAGE); 92A: Some busts (ART); 93A: Stable upstairs? (SANE); 94A: Stout, for one (DARK BEER); 96A: Citi Field team, on scoreboards (NYM); 97A: Irrational weeping over a broken spar? (MAST HYSTERIA); 100A: St. Clare's town (ASSISI); 102A: Drain stain (RUST); 103A: Barbizon School artist (MILLET); 105A: "Uncle!" ("ENOUGH!"); 108A: Sock synthetic (ORLON); 111A: Yeshiva leader (REBBE); 113A: Four times daily, in an Rx (QID); 115A: How many nightclubs are lit (DIMLY); 116A: Philosophical shrug about channel markers? (BUOYS WILL BE BUOYS); 120A: Gad about (ROAM); 121A: French fashion mag (ELLE); 122A: Quintessential flop (EDSEL); 123A: "__ in Words": New Ager's memoir (YANNI); 124A: Deservedly get (EARN); 125A: Copyright datum (YEAR); 126A: 1970s Big Apple mayor (BEAME); 127A: Lane associate (OLSEN); 128A: "__ Tu": 1974 hit (ERES); 1D: John in the White House (ADAMS); 2D: Closing mechanism (LATCH); 3D: Positive report from a deck hand? (THE JIB IS UP); 4D: Fútbol cheer (OLÉ OLÉ); 5D: Wheeling's st. (W. VA.); 6D: Clue or cue (HINT); 7D: Like the ocean's roar (INCESSANT); 8D: What I might eat in defeat? (MY HAT); 9D: __-mo (SLO); 10D: Downers (BUMMERS); 11D: "If __ broke ..." (IT AIN'T); 12D: Musical based on Puccini's "La Bohème" (RENT); 13D: Raccoon attractor (TRASHCAN); 14D: Refuse to share (HOG); 15D: Least believable (LAMEST); 16D: Stout alternatives (ALES); 17D: Headed out (WENT); 18D: Butterfly catchers (NETS); 25D: Classical guitar family name (ROMERO); 26D: Poetic blacks (EBONS); 28D: Campus unit: Abbr. (BLDG.); 33D: Balkan native (SERB); 35D: Be an accessory to (ABET); 37D: In a moody way (MOROSELY); 39D: "Alas!" ("WOE IS ME""); 41D: Home, metonymically (HEARTH); 42D: Wheel on a spur (ROWEL); 43D: Bay window (ORIEL); 44D: Singer Loretta (LYNN); 45D: Bug film in which Gene Hackman voices General Mandible (ANTZ); 46D: Ibsen's "doll" (NORA); 48D: Silents star Naldi (NITA); 52D: Frat bash refuse (EMPTIES); 54D: Bug for payment (DUN); 55D: Bind tightly (TRUSS UP); 57D: Heist participants, to cops (PERPS); 59D: Sky over Paris (CIEL); 61D: Bite (CHOMP); 63D: Ravine-crossing hauling systems (ROPEWAYS); 65D: "All the Way" lyricist (CAHN); 66D: See (EYE); 67D: Dickers (HAGGLES); 69D: Out-of-the-box feature (PRESET); 72D: Toondom's Princess of Power (SHE-RA); 73D: Johansson's jabs (LEFTS); 74D: Chew the fat (YAK); 75D: False front (MASK); 77D: Bit of gear for a nuclear-powered dinghy? (URANIUM OAR); 78D: Punk star __ Pop (IGGY); 79D: Be crawling (with) (TEEM); 80D: Jam-pack (CRAM); 83D: Celebratory drinks (LIBATIONS); 87D: Good way to take things (IN STRIDE); 88D: Security holder, in law (BAILEE); 89D: Asian sea (ARAL); 90D: Zairian dictator Mobutu __ Seko (SESE); 93D: Eschews (SHUNS); 94D: Court action (DRIBBLE); 95D: Coat to peel off (RIND); 98D: Verne __, Mini-Me portrayer in Austin Powers films (TROYER); 99D: Symbol (EMBLEM); 101D: Evening musicale (SOIREE); 104D: Tantamount (EQUAL); 106D: A polarizing filter reduces it (GLARE); 107D: Choral offerings (HYMNS); 108D: Follow (OBEY); 109D: Thing to follow (RULE); 110D: She gets what she wants (LOLA); 112D: "Lohengrin" heroine (ELSA); 114D: Force unit (DYNE); 117D: Bug catcher (WEB); 118D: Intoxicating letters? (BYO); 119D: Biblical no-no (SIN).
Totally agree on HOLD over HULL (and it's a pretty easy change). Enjoyed the solve though, and found the puns to be pretty entertaining.
My nit with the puzzle was having BIRTH and it's theme replacement BERTH in the grid.
Thanks for the write up Doug, and for the (relatively) easy Stumper yesterday.
Good call on BIRTH/BERTH, Dave. I didn't even notice that. I liked seeing BIRTH on top of UTERO, but I didn't make the connection to the theme entry.
@Doug, I agree that these puns were a lot more fun that the wine related ones I have already forgotten.
I also was surprised to see TRUMP and TROMP both in the grid, and close together, although this is not theme related.
I like the fact that the grid acknowledges that puns are GROANERS.
I did finish with an error, should have taken another look after I let the puzzle set for a few hours. I initially had RaBBi for 111A, caught the ending E, but forgot about the E alternative for the first vowel. And yet, I knew aLSA had to be wrong.
Came here to whine about the trouble I had in the middle right since I was certain it was ACEINTHEHoLd... glad to know I'm not alone! I don't understand how ALTO is sax object either. Other than that, I really enjoyed the theme answers and the rest of the puzzle!
I would have wanted ACEINTHEHoLd also, but came at it from the right and had the LL in place. Thought _weLL for a sec.
My one error was REBBi. Knew ELSA for sure, but had no idea about BAILEE, so BAILiE looked just fine.
Also loved to see GROANERS in a puzzle loaded with puns. MCJOB always brings a smile.
Thx Doug for the explanation of metonym. That's better than a WOTD. Fun puzzle.
I really liked this puzzle, and I'm not much of a punster. Agree with everyone about the excellence of GROANERS. Had DUI instead of BYO. Took me a while to give it up.
Doug P. - I second @Rube's appreciation of your explanation of metonym. I love nym words.
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