October 2, 2011
Merl Reagle
[Note: This is the puzzle that appears in the Sunday L.A. Times newspaper. If you don't get the paper, you can find the puzzle here. Scroll down to see today's syndicated puzzle.]
Theme: "Sugar and Spies" — A spy story with cooking puns.
Theme answers:
- 22A: A2: "... WHAT'S COOKING, Chief? Or Chef? Or Boss?".
- 24A: A1: "One of our guys is in HOT WATER ..."
- 28A: A1: "... for POACHING a sensitive document from the Something-or-other Embassy in Copenhagen."
- 35A: A2: "DANISH?" A1: "No thanks, just coffee."
- 37A: A1: "This may sound like SMALL POTATOES ..."
- 49A: A1: "... but it's no PIECE OF CAKE."
- 57A: A1: "Our guy is being held by a couple of tough MEATBALLS ..."
- 65A: A2: "You mean, they're not exactly CREAM PUFFS."
- 69A: A1: "Right. They're a couple of HARDBOILED types."
- 80A: A2: "I hope the plan isn't HALF BAKED."
- 91A: A1: "PUT A LID ON IT already! Sheesh."
- 98A: A1: "Now listen. Just TURN UP THE HEAT on these ..."
- 101A: "... CRUMBS and bring our guy in."
- 110A: A1: "They're probably GRILLING him as we speak."
- 117A: A1: "So, here's hoping for a job WELL DONE."
- 118A: A2: "Say, what's the 'sensitive document' our guy grabbed?" A1: "A SECRET RECIPE, of course." A2: "Ah! Figures."

Everything — 1A: Some hounds (BASSETS); 8A: Asleep, as a foot (NUMB); 12A: Texas hold 'em org. (WPT); 15A: Improve, perhaps (AGE); 18A: Footstool (OTTOMAN); 19A: Sky bear (URSA); 20A: Elyria's state (OHIO); 21A: La-la lead-in (TRA); 22A: A2: "... ___, Chief? Or Chef? Or Boss?" ("WHAT'S COOKING"); 24A: A1: "One of our guys is in ___ ..." (HOT WATER); 26A: Permits (LETS); 27A: Mine extracts (ORES); 28A: A1: "... for ___ a sensitive document from the Something-or-other Embassy in Copenhagen." (POACHING); 29A: Chemical ending (-ENE); 30A: Spill remark (OOPS); 32A: Bird word (COO); 34A: Female bird (HEN); 35A: A2: "___?" A1: "No thanks, just coffee." (DANISH); 37A: A1: "This may sound like ___ ..." (SMALL POTATOES); 44A: Boy of La Mancha (NIÑO); 46A: Hospital section (WARD); 47A: Cross (ROOD); 48A: Se Ri of golf (PAK); 49A: A1: "... but it's no ___." (PIECE OF CAKE); 53A: Female force (YIN); 54A: Indian outfit (SARI); 55A: Intro to "Is Born" (A STAR); 56A: Eastwood in "Rawhide" (YATES); 57A: A1: "Our guy is being held by a couple of tough ___ ..." (MEATBALLS); 60A: With 86 Down, a gun sound (RAT); 61A: Sonora's sun (SOL); 62A: Regional judicial body that hears appeals: abbr. (USCC); 64A: Fine (AOK); 65A: A2: "You mean, they're not exactly ___." (CREAM PUFFS); 69A: A1: "Right. They're a couple of ___ types." (HARDBOILED); 75A: Fabled flyer (ROC); 76A: Flying start? (AERO-); 78A: Ger. neighbor (AUS.); 79A: Simile center (AS A); 80A: A2: "I hope the plan isn't ___." (HALF BAKED); 85A: Veni (I CAME); 87A: Hosni's predecessor (ANWAR); 89A: High cards (ACES); 90A: Enterprise lead-in (USS); 91A: A1: "___ already! Sheesh." (PUT A LID ON IT); 93A: "Scarface" setting: abbr. (FLA.); 94A: He played Elmer (BURT); 96A: With "breve," 2/2 time (ALLA); 97A: Jazzy Getz (STAN); 98A: A1: "Now listen. Just ___ on these ..." (TURN UP THE HEAT); 101A: "... ___ and bring our guy in." (CRUMBS); 105A: Chicago sights (ELS); 106A: Author Talese (GAY); 107A: Hurt (ACHE); 109A: Still (YET); 110A: A1: "They're probably ___ him as we speak." (GRILLING); 114A: Intro to "girl!" (ATTA); 116A: Nautical term (ALEE); 117A: A1: "So, here's hoping for a job ___." (WELL DONE); 118A: A2: "Say, what's the 'sensitive document' our guy grabbed?" A1: "A ___, of course." A2: "Ah! Figures." (SECRET RECIPE); 122A: United (ONE); 123A: Role for Ronny (OPIE); 124A: Fill with cargo (LADE); 125A: Spruce, e.g. (CONIFER); 126A: Elfin (WEE); 127A: Become (GET); 128A: "Disgusting!" ("YUCK!"); 129A: Cups, e.g. (HOLDERS); 1D: Heard pins drop? (BOWLED); 2D: Greek Minerva (ATHENA); 3D: ___ Island (STATEN); 4D: Overindulgers of a sort (SOTS); 5D: Dash lengths (EMS); 6D: Tic follower (TAC); 7D: Nosy Nellie (SNOOP); 8D: Microwave: sl. (NUKE); 9D: "Topaz" author (URIS); 10D: AOL rival (MSN); 11D: Carry-on item (BAG); 12D: Cowboy's command (WHOA); 13D: Face (a batter) (PITCH TO); 14D: Fair-haired kid (TOWHEAD); 15D: Memo abbr. (ATTN.); 16D: Actor Kinnear (GREG); 17D: Ring location? (EAR); 20D: "I see!" ("OHO!"); 23D: Hosp. areas (OR'S); 25D: "___ She Sweet" (AIN'T); 28D: D.C. denizen (POL); 30D: Willow type (OSIER); 31D: "Horrors!" ("OH NO!"); 32D: Loving touch (CARESS); 33D: Like tall redwoods (OLD); 36D: Cuzco dweller (INCA); 37D: Hit hard (SWAT); 38D: ___ of (utilize) (MAKE USE); 39D: ___-dieu (prayer bench) (PRIE); 40D: Ms. O'Neill (OONA); 41D: Aussie gem (OPAL); 42D: First name in tea (EARL); 43D: Vail needs (SKIS); 45D: "Thinking ___" (OF YOU); 49D: Paris picnic site (PARC); 50D: Munich's river (ISAR); 51D: Kitchen ending (-ETTE); 52D: Junior cow (CALF); 53D: Exercise place (YMCA); 54D: H.H. Munro (SAKI); 58D: Bar amounts (TABS); 59D: Scary word (BOO); 61D: Humane org. (SPCA); 63D: Cereal count (CHOCULA); 66D: Pound sounds (ARFS); 67D: Throng (MOB); 68D: They come and go (FADS); 70D: Hindu hero (RAMA); 71D: Sword fights (DUELS); 72D: Yard grass (LAWN); 73D: Actor Morales (ESAI); 74D: Pub missile (DART); 77D: "Believe It Or Not" name (RIPLEY); 80D: Ax handle (HAFT); 81D: Rights grp. (ACLU); 82D: Literary king (LEAR); 83D: Actor Russell (KURT); 84D: Bk. before Job (ESTH.); 86D: See 60 Across (-A-TAT); 87D: "Not on ___!" (A DARE); 88D: Low-class, in London (NONU); 92D: Hankering (ITCH); 94D: Square-jawed pooch (BULLDOG); 95D: Rising ground (UPSLOPE); 96D: "I see!" ("AHA!"); 99D: Singer Young (NEIL); 100D: Quiche need (EGG); 102D: "For Once in ___" (MY LIFE); 103D: Belt clip-on (BEEPER); 104D: Pilots (STEERS); 107D: Had a bite (ATE); 108D: Emulate Berra (CATCH); 110D: Writer Weingarten (GENE); 111D: Progesterone expert and author, Dr. John ___ (R. LEE); 112D: ___ for the long haul (IN IT); 113D: Born (NÉE); 114D: Current choices (AC/DC); 115D: Hard journey (TREK); 116D: Litmus test result (ACID); 117D: "Amazing!" ("WOW!"); 118D: Like some dogs (SLY); 119D: ___ de cologne (EAU); 120D: Aussie leaper (ROO); 121D: Made bigger: abbr. (ENL.).
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