January 2, 2011
Merl Reagle
[Note: This is the puzzle that appears in the Sunday L.A. Times newspaper. If you don't get the paper, you can find the puzzle here. Scroll down to see today's syndicated puzzle.]

Theme: "A Separate Piece" — Familiar phrases that start with A-words have the A-word separated, creating new punny phrases.
Theme answers:
Merl Reagle
[Note: This is the puzzle that appears in the Sunday L.A. Times newspaper. If you don't get the paper, you can find the puzzle here. Scroll down to see today's syndicated puzzle.]

Theme: "A Separate Piece" — Familiar phrases that start with A-words have the A-word separated, creating new punny phrases.
Theme answers:
- 22A: Steeple before it's built? (A SPIRE-TO-BE).
- 27A: Henry Luce, once? (A HEAD OF TIME).
- 30A: "Farewell, flabs—hello, abs," for example? (A VERSE TO EXERCISE).
- 43A: José Canseco fashion accessory? (A STEROID BELT).
- 50A: Where Bacardi is bottled? (A RUM PLANT).
- 68A: What the boxer had? (A BOUT LAST NIGHT).
- 91A: Upshot of Hanks or Hulce appearing in a turkey? (A TOM BOMBS).
- 93A: Barricade just big enough to keep out certain birds? (A SWAN-HIGH DAM).
- 107A: What you get when you cross a calf with a dachshund? (A LONG LITTLE DOGIE).
- 113A: Source of cruise music? (A BAND ON SHIP).
- 118A: What Bob is wearing that smells so good? (A DOLE SCENT).
Favorite of the puns: git ALONG LITTLE DOGIE. Favorite clue of the day: Short on Jalapenos = MILD. Got Job requirement = DYE but don't understand it. Never heard of the LENA river but got it thru crosses.
Replies to yesterday comments. @Sfingi, thanks for letting me know Pachisi is Parcheesi, which of course I do know. It never even crossed my mind they were the same. @Cleo, yep 'twas a pun. I knew it wasn't French and had to look it up.
Fun puzzle, relaxing for another wet Sunday in erstwhile sunny southern California.
@CarolC: I'm guessing "Job" requirement is as in "dye job." I only got the word through crosses, then the meaning.
Vi says,
Reagle must put in the letters than decides on the clues i.e. Literay monogram. It could be anybody that every wrote a paper!!
Merl uses too many abbreviations. It's a crossWORD not a cross-abbreviation puzzle. Syst for system - come on!
Also, clues like "Job" requirement for dye - REALLY!
I get the clues, but they seem like deliberate nonsense.
I am sometimes pretty critical of Mr. Reagles efforts at punnery. But to give credit where it is due, this is definitely one of his better efforts. Downright good, and pretty interesting!
This was LA's puzzle last week? It's in today's Washington Post.
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