THEME: "Phour Pairs"—Four words with two PH's are connected to the PHrase pH level
Theme answers:
- 17A: Plato's field (PHILOSOPHY). Plato, of course, is the name of Sal Mineo's character in Rebel Without a Cause.
- 22A: Wedding hiree (PHOTOGRAPHER). I can't say anything nice about the word hiree. The best hiree, of course, is a sloganeer (slangily). This sentence is brought to you in honor of Rex Parker.
- 45A: City named by William Penn (PHILADELPHIA). Also the Tom Hanks/Denzel Washington movie.
- 54A: Its white variety glows upon exposure to oxygen (PHOSPHORUS). Who remembers their chemistry classes? I barely do.
- 33A: Acidity or alkalinity measurement, which is literally 8 for this puzzle's four longest answers (PH LEVEL). I don't care for this clue. "pH level" doesn't mean "the number of pH's," so the clue is reaching too hard to explain things. A pH of 8 would be alkaline, whereas each individual theme entry with two PH's could be said to have a PH LEVEL of 2, which is highly acidic. Having four acids doesn't add up to a base.

- 16A: Head shape in a recurring "SNL" skit (CONE). Who doesn't love a pop-culture clue that harks back to the late '70s? The golden era of Saturday Night Live, and Laraine Newman's most prominent role to date. She was teenaged Connie Conehead.
- 49A: 1996 bride of comic books and television (LOIS LANE). Why 1996? I know one of you will tell me. What's that? You come here for answers, not for demands for information? Tough beans. It's hard work Googling up all this information, and I'm on vacation.
- 57A: 2008 American League champs (RAYS). I hate them for trouncing the Cubs in the playoffs several years back. But my in-laws get the Tampa and St. Petersburg newspapers here, so I will allow the team this one appearance in the clues.
- 13D: Ann __, only woman to sign a contract with an NBA team (MEYERS). You may be saying, "Who??" I know I was. Take a gander at her storied career in this FIBA (International Basketball Federation) Hall of Fame video:
- 23D: Turkey topper (GRAVY). This is, of course, a bowling reference. A turkey is three strikes in a row, and gravy is four consecutive strikes. You believe me, right?
- 39D: Gung-ho types (ZEALOTS). Gotta love the -lot words. Zealot, harlot, pilot...those three should hang out together.
Everything Else — 1A: Japanese noodle dish (RAMEN); 6A: Starbuck's boss (AHAB); 10A: Stern's opposite (STEM); 14A: Words after complete or close (A SALE); 15A: One of the Simpsons (LISA); 16A: Head shape in a recurring "SNL" skit (CONE); 17A: Plato's field (PHILOSOPHY); 19A: Pretentiously showy (ARTY); 20A: Like mozzarella (SEMISOFT); 21A: Journalist __ Boothe Luce (CLARE); 22A: Wedding hiree (PHOTOGRAPHER); 25A: "The Jazz Singer" subject (JOLSON); 28A: "The Ten Commandments" role (RAMESES); 29A: Lake near Niagara Falls (ERIE); 30A: Driveway surface (GRAVEL); 32A: Driver's aid (TEE); 33A: Acidity or alkalinity measurement, which is literally 8 for this puzzle's four longest answers (PH LEVEL); 35A: 3.0, e.g.: Abbr. (GPA); 38A: Pact (TREATY); 39A: Jerusalem temple site (ZION); 40A: Soft-shell clam (STEAMER); 43A: Foul (SMELLY); 45A: City named by William Penn (PHILADELPHIA); 48A: "Over the Rainbow" composer (ARLEN); 49A: 1996 bride of comic books and television (LOIS LANE); 53A: Glimpsed (SEEN); 54A: Its white variety glows upon exposure to oxygen (PHOSPHORUS); 56A: Satisfy, as needs (MEET); 57A: 2008 American League champs (RAYS); 58A: Absorbed the loss (ATE IT); 59A: Form 1040 IDs (SSNS); 60A: Shoppe sign word (OLDE); 61A: Jr.-year exams (PSATS); 1D: Knocks (RAPS); 2D: Tennis great Arthur (ASHE); 3D: Hurt badly (MAIM); 4D: Orbital shape (ELLIPSE); 5D: River past Iola, Kansas (NEOSHO); 6D: Up in the air (ALOFT); 7D: Aware of (HIP TO); 8D: Shade of blond (ASH); 9D: San Francisco __ (BAY); 10D: Surgeon's tool (SCALPEL); 11D: Contents of some arks (TORAHS); 12D: Chef's preparation (ENTREE); 13D: Ann __, only woman to sign a contract with an NBA team (MEYERS); 18D: Shortly (SOON); 21D: Bedouin's mount (CAMEL); 23D: Turkey topper (GRAVY); 24D: Speak wildly (RAVE); 25D: Lockheed product (JET); 26D: Tram filler (ORE); 27D: Fabrication (LIE); 30D: Driving hazard (GLARE); 31D: On a pension: Abbr. (RET.); 33D: Spin doc (PR MAN); 34D: Pay attention to (HEED); 35D: __ Grissom, former "CSI" role (GIL); 36D: Campaign hustler, for short (POL); 37D: "__ luck?" (ANY); 38D: Fortes (TALENTS); 39D: Gung-ho types (ZEALOTS); 40D: Involuntary contractions (SPASMS); 41D: "__ Company": old sitcom (THREE'S); 42D: Astronaut Collins (EILEEN); 43D: Ocean traveler (SHIP); 44D: Accident (MISHAP); 46D: London insurance pioneer (LLOYD); 47D: Ad hoc oater group (POSSE); 50D: Domain (AREA); 51D: Dark time for de Gaulle (NUIT); 52D: Ballpark figs. (ESTS.); 54D: Veteran (PRO); 55D: Prince of Broadway (HAL).
@Orange - Your vitriol at the RAYS may be misdirected. The only way they RAYS could have met your Cubs was in the World Series and, well, you know the rest.
Awwww, shame on you, Amy, for making us snow bunnies all jealous!
And then to top it off, we get a clip of "Stormy Weather".
I liked this puzzle. Once I caught on to the theme with the (33a) key, the rest was a snap.
Some nice fill words (SEMISOFT, RAMESES, STEAMER, LOIS LANE, ELLIPSE, and SCALPEL). This is what makes Dan Naddor the CW Maestro.
The clues were tricky--- e.g. “Like mozzarella”, “Dark time for de Gaulle”, “Contents of some arks”, and “3.0”, to name a few.
Some new words for me to learn: ARLEN, NEOSHO, RAYS, and MEYERS.
Not much in this puzzle that I didn’t like.
There’s that ZION again, just to keep John perked up.
RAMEN is probably the cheapest meal there is… I remember my college days, when that was about all I could afford. Yuck!
Seeing the CONE heads of SNL really makes me chuckle.
Hey Rich, when are you going to bless us with a Quotation-style puzzle? Seems that recently they’re all wordplay themes and non-theme puzzles.
Margot Kidder, Noel Neil, Teri Hatcher Dana Delany and Erica Durance??? WHO IS LOIS LANE?
Had my wakeup coffee, newspaper, & crossword. Now it’s time for my breakfast… dilled tomato juice, cardamom coffee-cake, and spinach-feta omelet. Yummm!
As a lifelong Floridian, here in Tampa Bay I can assure you the swimming pool water will NOT warm up to 70 degrees, sorry OrangeSon.
@9:18am it is 51 outside, we consider THAT freezing! (it will get up to 73 later today)
Also, the Tampa Bay RAYS beat the Chicago White Sox, not the Cubs (that was the Florida Marlins).
I would like to take a SCALPEL to this SMELLY, RN LAT offering.
Adding an 'S' to SSN, EST & PSAT is cheap fill. HIP TO and ATE IT were trite.
Is JOLSON really the "subject" of "The Jazz Singer?"
Stumped at Astronaut Collins at first, I met Michael (Apollo 11, etc.) and initially forgot EILEEN, 1st female shuttle commander.
Of course, we CW ZEALOTS solve what we are presented.
@Orange, great clips!!!!
I found this just a bit aggravating for some reason.
Didn't know GIL Grissom or EILEEN Collins. Don't like SSNS any more than SSTs. PSATS is as bad.
I finished correctly but joylessly.
Unfortunately, I DO remember my chemistry classes, just from one stupid incidence--- I sat on a laboratory table (the professor's no-no) that had an acid spill on it. Due to a very low PH, I ended up with a very hot *ss, and had to go home in a long white lab coat because the seat of my pants were gone.
Now don't go "getting your panties in a bunch" over the RAYS. We all know our cubbies are just born losers, and we still love 'em!
And I put a LOIS LANE clip up, just so you don't have to Goog-Goog-Google away your vacation.
All kidding aside, have a wonderful spa-like vacation and come back all rested-up for another great year of being a champion blog-meister.
And thanks for the Ann MEYER clip... I did not know.
Have a super New Years Eve!
And BTW, your great Michigan Avenue is a sultry 22 degrees right now (yes, above zero)!
Florida Marlins, Tampa Bay Rays—they're both fake expansion teams that I have no use for. You can see how I'd confuse them, right?
@JNH, I have no fondness for quote themes. As Will Shortz explained it to me once, the problem with quote themes is that the entire theme has a single "aha" moment, rather than each individual theme entry having its own "aha" moment. I tend to find them lifeless and joyless unless they're really funny and have a surprising payoff.
The puzzle was nice, but the "Stormy Weather" clip was elegant and fabulous. I really miss this kind of entertainment. Nowadays, even ballads are noisy.
Lois Lane married Superman or perhaps I should say Clark Kent in the comic books and on Lois and Clark TV series in 1996.
The pH reference was frustrating. I teach the pH scale so the clue "..which is literally 8..." had me completely stumped. How can 1+0+1+0 equal 8???? Arrggg
Thank you for posting (both here and @ DOACF - can that be abbr.'d BTW) on vacation Florida Orange.
Theme rationale was a bit iffy like you say, but was a good enough excuse for 4 nice long word answers. Also enjoyed the biggish chunks of white. The 2 8's sandwiching theme entries are both hits, which is impressive; overall a bit on the easy side for Wed. for me. NEOSHO was today's mystery word.
I agree with @darkman totally. But thank God for YouTube, all this great entertainment is alive again! I listened to that clip 3 times... it is so relaxing and isn't that what music is all about?
Is it sad that my initial thought on "Starbuck's Boss" had to do with neither the coffee houses nor Moby Dick but, rather, that 'Adama' wouldn't fit?
Kind of got a kick out of 'Temple site in Jerusalem' too. You can't swing a cat in that town without hitting a dozen temples to half a dozen religions.
Easy puzzle today. Never heard of the Neosho river.
Remember seeing the Jazz singer way back when and it was about Al Jolson. Lots of good music
Well, I must be on DN's wavelength, because I thought the theme was original, although getting the first theme answer was a pretty big indicator of what you're looking for. Maybe that kind of predictability is earlier week.
Thought the phil was good, too. But never heard of NEOSHO.
Just back from a few days on the CA Central Coast - beautiful scenery and terrific wineries.
@Orange I haven't heard anyone say Tough Beans in ages. That was one of my mother's favorities. Made me laugh. Thanks for taking the time out of your vaycay to do the write up. I thought this was a very acceptable Wednesday, puzzle with a little degree of difficulty. It did have some blah fill which has already been mentioned and the theme wasn't all that awesome. On the other hand, there were some unknowns for me -NEOSHO, MEYERS, GIL Grissom - I went for Gus since we had just had Astronaut EILEEN Collins, but obviously he wasn't in CSI, which I never watch and may be the only person I know who doesn't. Always like seeing my home town PHILADELPHIA. and thought ALOFT was timely because I'm going to see Up in the Air this afternoon. As a non-bowler It was interesting to have the GRAVY today after the TURKEY yesterday.
@Corgi OM Congrats on your puzzle! Very nice!
The theme became easy after the first two--but it is clever to think of 4 words with those spelling characteristics.
In my head Al Jolson is singing "Mammy! How I love you, how I love you my dear old Mammy"--I must have heard records long before I saw the movie. He had such a distinctive voice and style.
"The Jazz Singer" the first "talkie" movie (1927) stared Al Jolson in the title role of Jakie Rabinowitz.
My original point was if the clue was just "The Jazz Singer" 99.9% of us would enter "Al Jolson" or just "Jolson."
By adding the "subject" to the cluing I was trying to remember the characters name (NOT the Star who played him).
Good puzzle that hit the trivia I know, so didn't have to look anything up. Lucky that NEOSHO filled in because I have never heard of it.
Had rant and rage before GRAVEL gave me RAVE. Always think "LLOYD's of London" so just seeing LLOYD seemed odd. The clam STEAMERs we make are little-necks and they are hard shelled.
A lot of very accomplished people in todays puzzle, both real and fictional: (men)AHAB, ARLEN, JOLSON, RAMESES, ASHE, and HAL Prince; (women)CLARE Boothe Luce, LOIS Lane, astronaut EILEEN, and that great saxophone player LISA Simpson.
Have always admired Ann MEYERS and her vanguard career as an athlete, sportscaster and businesswoman.
She and her late husband, baseball pitcher Don Drysdale of the Dodgers, were certainly cream-of-the-crop in their respective fields.
Regarding the recent discussion on Dutch Babies, my husband returned from Oregon in 1977 and brought back the recipe and an article from "Sunset, The Magazine of Western Living". (Jan. '77)
Quoting "---Mention it's name (Manca's Restaurant) to many Seattleites and they still recall the menu's speciality---Dutch Babies. Victor Manca created the dish, his son Eugene tells us, as a version of a big German-style pancake. But his recipe was just for little pancakes so the family called them Dutch Babies. The name stuck. ---many people know all types of oven pancakes as Dutch Babies--even our supersized version."
We always served the super-sized Baby with powdered sugar and warm fresh blackberries.
@JNH--Your breakfast sounds so good this morning that if i were still in Chicago I might hunt you down and make you share!
@crazycatlady--Hand up for never having seen CSI, therefore not knowing GIL. However, I'm addicted to NCIS.
Bravo Corgi! It was fun.
@Thanks for disrupting your holiday with your fine write-up. You'll have to find an indoor pool for the little guy!
There are eight PHs in the four theme answers, two in each. I thought that this was a good clue having nothing to do with acidity.
And clever.
That's @Orange.
Good news! My son lost his balance and went straight into the pool. I heard the splash and looked up, and he was already out of the pool, standing there dripping wet from shoulders to toes. Luckily, the air is 70° so he was fine, and the wet clothes are in the laundry.
Uh...what day of the week is it? Hmmm. Fun puzz despite M-T easy, and the PH LEVEL thing was cute. Only snag for me was a too-quick VERONICA instead of LOIS LANE (didn't she and Archie tie the knot recently?). After LAT's M-T-Ws this week, Th's puzz will probably feel like stepping on a rake.
@Tinbeni - dead on re the cluing gaff on "'The Jazz Singer' subject". Figured out easily enough that DN was looking for JOLSON but didn't remember the character's actual name. Thanks for the factoid.
@Tinbeni - Al Jolson was the subject of The Jazz Singer, he was the inspiration for the story and subsequent play and movie.
From Wikipedia:
On April 25, 1917, Samson Raphaelson, a native of New York City's Lower East Side and a University of Illinois undergraduate, attended a performance of the musical Robinson Crusoe, Jr. in Champaign, Illinois. The star of the show was a thirty-year-old singer, Al Jolson, a Russian-born Jew who performed in blackface.[1] In a 1927 interview, Raphaelson described the experience: "I shall never forget the first five minutes of Jolson—his velocity, the amazing fluidity with which he shifted from a tremendous absorption in his audience to a tremendous absorption in his song."[1] He explained that he had seen emotional intensity like Jolson's only among synagogue cantors.
A few years later, pursuing a professional literary career, Raphaelson wrote "The Day of Atonement", a short story about a young Jew named Jakie Rabinowitz, based on Jolson's real life. The story was published in January 1922 in Everybody's Magazine.[2] Raphaelson later adapted the story into a stage play, The Jazz Singer. A straight drama, all the singing in Raphaleson's version takes place offstage.[3] With George Jessel in the lead role, the show premiered on Broadway in September 1925 and became a hit.[4] Warner Bros. acquired the movie rights to the play on June 4, 1926, and signed Jessel to a contract.[5] Moving Picture World published a story in February 1927 announcing that production on the film would begin with Jessel on May 1.[6]
@Luke--To add to the story, Jessel was offer the movie role but turned it down when the studio would not meet his salary demands. A major mistake, for he never appeared in a movie that came close to the historical significance or popularity of "The Jazz Singer".
Off to check the PH LEVEL in my hot tub. It's 18 degrees outside, so I'm looking forward to getting in.
Never heard of NEOSHO, and since I couldn't be sure it was JOLSON or Jolsen, that was an almost Nattick. Didn't know GIL Grissom. Don't watch it.
Got the theme that they were all PH, but 8? No way. I couldn't get past the acidity, and counted letters, etc...
Thanx for the video of Sal. He's related to my husband's mother, though his family's from the other side of THE Island (Catania, Sicily). In those days no one knew the stars were gay - and all 3 stars were gay in Giant (Rock, Sal and James Dean). The name would be pronounced Min-AY-oh over there.
@Parsan - agree with you re: STEAMERS. The best steamed clams are littlenecks served with clarified butter. Also, they're my favorite clams to make linguini with clam sauce. Not at all fond of those big chewy STEAMERS they serve in New England.
@Lit.Doc I also went for Veronica instead of LOIS LANE.
Missed out on the whole Dutch Baby Pancake discussion. My mother used to make one with apples that was yummy.
@Luke & @Parsan
All that you said above is absolutely true. Jolson WAS the inspiration for Rabinowitz's short story, "The Day of Atonement."
George Jessel did have a contract dispute and was dropped.
But in "The Jazz Singer" the play and the movie, the 'subject' is the character Jakie Rabinowitz defying the traditions of his devout Jewish family, being punished by his father, a cantor, singing in beer halls, rising to become a talented jazz singer and ultimately reconciling his professional ambitions and its conflict with the demands of his home & heritage.
@crazycatlady--An old family tradition, we had linguini with clam sauce Christmas Eve in Chicago with my family. It was delicious!
@Parson My Italian daughter made spaghetti alla vongele for our xmas eve dinner - along with 7 other fishes
I liked this pairs of PHs theme. Too bad "phenolphthalein" couldn't have been worked into the puzzle somehow! I recall doing acid/base titrations with this solution many moons ago in chemistry class.
Interesting info on Ann Meyers. I didn't know that. Recently I heard NBA Commissioner David Stern say that he expected to see a woman play in the NBA someday. That's hard for me to picture; the men's game is so physical, the women's game has more finesse.
All this talk of Dutch babies and linguine with clam sauce is killing me. Sounds so good! I'm still working on ham and other leftovers from the holidays. I guess I failed to send enough home with the guests....
chefbea--My Italian husband and family introduced me to the 7 fishes Christmas Eve tradition eons ago and I dutifully prepared that feast for many years. To say the least, it was a lot of food!
This JOLSON thing has brought back fond memories for me. My parents would not let me go to the movies until I was 8 years old, so The Jolson Story was the very first movie I had ever seen.
The Jolson Story was a musical biography in 1946, which told the life story of one of the world's greatest singers of all time. Larry Parks starred as Jolson, Evelyn Keyes starred as "Julie Benson" (supposedly his wife, Ruby Keeler.
WOW, I remember that event so clearly now. I love crossword puzzles because they so often jog the memory of this old relic.
In my job at the Plant Clinic, we're always testing soil samples for pH. It's interesting how acidity and akalinity affect plant growth. I often wonder if we humans are affected by that in our diets.
Now here's a little quiz for y'all. What does "pH" stand for?
I got Neosho from the name of a ship (oiler) I served on many years ago.
My local paper had the wrong grid today. I couldn't get anything after Ahab and cone. Had to go to the Richmond paper for the correct grid. Does that happen often? Or is it a Charlottesville problem?
@JNH - wash your mouth out with a high pH soap. We do NOT want quotations in our puzzles.
You tell him, Orange.
If memory serves me, I think it refers to Power (or potential) of Hydrogen, related to the concentration of the hydrogen ion.
@JNH Limestone is one of the major components in the hillside vineyard soils in Paso Robles, CA. It is probably the main reason why they are producing such excellent wines in that region. That along with the microclimate of hot days and cool damp nights. I almost failed chemistry, but I am learning quickly about terroir. LOL, it's much more fun!
FWIW, I never saw The Jazz Singer but knew it was supposed to be about Al Jolson.
And am I the only one who didn't know the phrase "from stem to stern"? I had the S-T-E, but couldn't complete because I didn't know who Ann Meyer's was, so had to Google it to finish.
PHLEVEL was ehhh, to a guy with a B.S. in Chemistry, sometimes very dense at this end (Insert blushing smiley) - tried to rip through this one after work and blew it up like a failed Chem. experiment.
NEOSHO and CAMEL did me in as I knew neither (no Middle East/Bible knowledge here - not my FORTE), otherwise an enjoyable breeze of a puzzle on a balmy 38* vs frigid (W/C 10*) 23* yesterday.
I really wanted saimin for 1A, but as hard as tried to squish it in, I couldn't. Saimin noodles are a huge thing here, they even serve them at McDonald's.
I don't know how or even why I knew NEOSHO, but to my astonishment, I did.
Liked this puzzle from STEM to STERN!
@shrub5: My memories of phenolphthalein and titrations are a lot more recent (say 4 years..) but none the less fond. Would be really humorous to see in a grid... It is 15 letters, but I can say some cussin' happening if it does appear!
I just read on another crossword blog that today's puzzle creator, Dan Naddor died yesterday. I had read he had been sick for quite some time, but didn't know that he was terminally ill. Has anyone here heard anything about this sad news?
Heavens!!! he has had so many puzzles in the last few days... which we all enjoy
There were a lot of people and things in this puzzle I didn't know and I still finished without googling. Not lots of fun, but fine for a Wednesday.
I'm not sure if I have seen "The Jazz Singer" but Jolson came out of the recesses of my memory. Once again, I missed out on some clues/answers because I do it on-line. I also don't get a real sense of the puzzle like I do when I have the paper in front of me.
Neosho was completely new to me, as was "stem to stern".
@JNH: you sure have breakfast like a king. Dinner like a pauper?
I live in CT, know steamers and steamed littlenecks, but I never heard of soft shelled clams, just crabs (delicious, especially cooked the Chinese way).
I'm making the batter for buckwheat blini as I comment, for the little jar of American caviar my husband bought, and am planning to make langoustines with garlicky linguine tomorrow evening. If we can't get the langoustines, it'll be clams. White.
Have a nice, relaxing time in Florida, Orange. I guess your boy found out the hard way that the water isn't warm enough.
i have dug clams all my life. please tell me the difference between soft and hard shell clams.
For those of you who are interested, here is Dan Naddor's Facebook page, with information and photos. It is a very sad loss.
Soft-shell clams have thin, brittle shells, a longer siphon, and a siphonal gape on the posterior end.
I had seen two prior announcements from @Anonymous re:Dan Naddor death on Dec.28,2009.
Could not find any reliable info on the internet until now. Damn!
When I see a pun in a crossword puzzle, I'll probably think of him.
This is a sad loss.
Sad news about Dan. I've enjoyed his puzzles and his way with words. I hope Mr Norris still has a few Naddors in the pipeline. Condolences to his family and those who knew him.
May he rest in peace...
The 7 fish are for the 7 sacraments.
Today is my birthday - 12/30/44 -
Battle of the Bulge. I always say my mother's wartime diet explains it all. The Feds let me use my Medicare as of 12/1.
If this bad news about Dan Naddor is verifiably true, we have indeed lost an amazing puzzle advocate, a genius constructor, an LACC blog-buddy, a gentleman, and a good friend. What is so sad to me is that I just talked to him (via email) three days ago and he opened up, shared his beliefs, and was very encouraging to me... he never let on that he was ill, so this news is quite a shock to me.
My condolences go out to his family, his loved ones, and his friends. We will miss his wonderfully creative puzzles.
@Sfingi: happy birthday!
@Orange: can you confirm Dan's death?
One thing seems odd: would the LAT publish Dan Naddor's puzzle two days after he died, without saying anything about it?
Unless the Facebook page was set up by some hacker I'm afraid this is true.
C.C. from the "other" blog stated that Dan was back in the hospital for complications from high dose radiation treatments (36 consecutive days worth) and being fed through a tube. He suffered from lung cancer despite never having smoked.
My heart goes out to his wife Tracie and daughter Alex.
R.I.P. Dan Naddor, we will miss you!
@Sfingi - Happy Birthday!
Is this really true about Dan Naddor??
Have been working and out all day. So sad to finish the puzzle, read the blog and find out that Dan Naddor is gone! I know of a few people who have suffered from lung cancer, having never smoked! My sincerest condolences! You know if he was here, he would have jumped into the blog to give us all the "what for!" Gone too soon!
@Sfingi-Happy Birthday!
Here's Wiki on soft shell clams:
"Soft-shell clams, scientific name Mya arenaria, popularly called "steamers", "softshells", "longnecks", "piss clams" or "Ipswich clams", are a species of edible saltwater clam, a marine bivalve mollusk in the family Myidae.
These clams live buried in the mud on tidal mudflats. They are well-known as a food item on the coast of New England in the Western Atlantic Ocean, however the range extends much farther north to Canada and south to the Southern states."
Clamming in Duxbury, MA, we used to get those BIG clams-quahogs. Way too chewy to just eat. Used to make stuffed clams with them.
@Sfingi: A very happy birthday to you. I always enjoy your comments and learn a lot from them.
Yes, it is so sad to hear about Dan Naddor. I hope his family will look at this site and see how many of us enjoyed his work. The crossword puzzle world has lost a wonderful contributor whose output gave us a great deal of entertainment.
Happy Birthday, Sfingi!
Anonymous: What does your "1+0+1+0" refer to? That has ME stumped!
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