Theme: Extreme Awesomeness — Theme answers are all clued as 57A: PHENOMENAL.
- 17A: See 57-Across (OVER THE TOP).
- 22A: See 57-Across (BEYOND BELIEF).
- 36A: See 57-Across (TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE).
- 44A: See 57-Across (OFF THE CHARTS).
- 57A: Clue for 17-, 22-, 36- and 44-Across (PHENOMENAL).

On to the good stuff:
- 1A: "Food, Body and Mind" diet maven (CRAIG). I'm showing my age when I tell you that my first thought was Adelle Davis.
- 14A: Wolf cry, often? (FALSE ALARM). Great clue.
- 20A: Shinto temple gateway (TORII). I've seen pictures of these structures but didn't know the name. I'm pretty sure I've seen TORII in a puzzle before, but it didn't come back to me at all. Needed every cross.
- 21A: Longtime Chicago Symphony maestro (SOLTI). Crosswordese 301.
- 24A: Steppes native (TATAR). I read the clue as "Steppes relative" and was trying to think of another geographical category, like maybe a llano.
- 41A: Tiger Woods's dad (EARL). Another timely clue.
- 63A: Frère de la mère (ONCLE). French!
- 5D: Go-__ (GETTER). I thought this was going to be "Go get her" or "Go get him," which I was going to complain about. Whew! Dodged the bullet!
- 8D: R2-D2 or C-3PO (DROID). I seem to recall one of these droids was clued as something other than a droid in a recent puzzle. I was all set to go look it up because I thought it sounded weird (me: "Aren't they droids?") and then decided I didn't really want to be that familiar with Star Wars details.
- 9D: Rock blaster? (AMP). Another great clue. Rock music blasts out of an amp.
- 12D: Rampal's instrument (FLUTE). I played both piano and flute as a kid and I tell you what. I listened to Claude Bolling's "Suite for Flute and Jazz Piano" album until I wore it out. Here's a little musical interlude for you:

- 13D: Calligrapher's embellishment (SERIF). For some reason lately I've found myself looking at websites about typography and finding myself freakishly interested in the topic.
- 23D: Grease, so to speak (BRIBE). Another nice clue.
- 37D: Home of the College World Series (OMAHA). Also home of the 2010 NCAA Wrestling Championships. Hotel is booked, just need to get a flight.
- 47D: Songwriter Sammy et al. (CAHNS). We should probably do a CW101 some day on all the people named Cahn, Caan, Cohn, Coen, and Cohen.
- 50D: Roberto's rivers (RIOS). Spanish!

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Everything Else — 6A: Pierce portrayer (ALDA); 10A: Lummoxes (OAFS); 16A: River past Thebes (NILE); 18A: "Fall back" interval (HOUR); 19A: What F or M may indicate (SEX); 27A: Purge (RID); 28A: Yemen neighbor (OMAN); 29A: Like many rebates (MAIL-IN); 33A: Part of FYI (FOR); 39A: Approves (OKS); 43A: Uptight (ANTSY); 51A: Iraqi port (BASRA); 52A: Cliff dwelling (AERIE); 53A: "__ to Extremes": Billy Joel hit (I GO); 56A: Gunny fiber (JUTE); 59A: Slaughter who famously scored the winning run in the 1946 World Series (ENOS); 60A: Not feeling well (INDISPOSED); 61A: Reveille counterpart (TAPS); 62A: Latin 101 verb (ESSE); 1D: Some are CPAs (CFOS); 2D: All-night party (RAVE); 3D: Infield mate of Derek (ALEX); 4D: Haifa's country: Abbr. (ISR.); 6D: Olds compact (ALERO); 7D: Romance languages ancestor (LATIN); 10D: Waiting to talk (ON HOLD); 11D: Garlicky mayo (AIOLI); 15D: Call to a mate (AHOY); 21D: It flows along La Rive Gauche (SEINE); 22D: Good thing to go out with (BANG); 24D: Cairn terrier of film (TOTO); 25D: Out of control (AMOK); 26D: Art community near Santa Fe (TAOS); 30D: Soccer star Freddie (ADU); 31D: "__ only money" (IT'S); 32D: Rock's __ Lobos (LOS); 33D: Greek house? (FRAT); 34D: "__ not to reason why": Tennyson (OURS); 35D: Be dependent (on) (RELY); 38D: They're often next to fives (TENS); 42D: Chill pill target (STRESS); 43D: At the original speed, in music (A TEMPO); 44D: __ d'art (OBJET); 45D: Regional wildlife (FAUNA); 46D: Setting that affects depth of field (F-STOP); 48D: Pays attention to (HEEDS); 49D: Immortal PGA nickname (ARNIE); 54D: Highlander (GAEL); 55D: Quaint word in some tavern names (OLDE); 57D: Dessert choice (PIE); 58D: Ages and ages (EON).
Tough tough Naddor puzzle, but quite doable once you catch on to the theme. A few stumpers for me led me to Google for ALEX Rodriguez (I’m not a Yankees fan, so I put AROD in). Also I wasn’t sure how to spell Sammy CAHNS name (47d) … had CAAN. The third looker-upper was Freddy ADU (30d).
IMO, I thought “Frere de la mere” (ONCLE) was unfair. It was the French word for “brother of the mother”, but “mere” is also used for “sea” and so I kept thinking of a sailor or something related to the sea.
Otherwise I liked the puzzle… almost OVERTHETOP for a Thursday.
“Gunny fiber” = JUTE
“Pierce portrayer” = ALDA
“Chicago Symphony maestro” = SOLTI (my son John’s old boss)
MOOSE crossing with MOUSSE
OBJET d’art (even though I thought it was MUSEE).
INSC (57d)
“Fall back interval” for HOUR (18a)
New word to be learned:
AIOLI (11d)
I’m INDISPOSED with this back pain and now we get a lot more snow to shovel in the Chicago area (ugh!)
PG, I loved your RAMPAL clip.
Nice job, Dan!
Now, I thought this puzzle was no more difficult than Monday's. Feels like a week of Wednesday puzzles to me.
@PG, isn't it convenient that President Obama has so many engagements in Scandinavia? Oslo for the Nobel, then Copenhagen for the climate summit.
That other puzzle called R2-D2 (who should be in a theme with H1N1) and C-3PO ROBOTs rather than DROIDs. Nobody calls them "robots." My son could tell you which specific type of droid each one is.
@John, why, I don't know what you're talking about. Here at the Chicago lakefront, we have maybe 2-3" of snow on the ground, and the sidewalks are clear.
I panicked when I saw there were no clues for the five theme answers and saw several clues I thought I'd have to Google. But I'm so proud of myself! Just started in and finished in reasonable time and NO Googles. FUN puzzle!!! I did have some false starts like putting Asta for Toto( 24d) since a "Carin terrier" held no mental image for me and I, too, put in "robot" for "droid"(8d).
Tell me something, Puzzle Mavens: Why does the bottom of the puzzle usually seem easier, IMO, than the top? Does the constructor put the best and hardest effort at the top and then ease off when the choices become more limited at the bottom? I generally find I'm more successful by starting at the bottom and working up. Is this just me or does has one else noticed this?
Good puzzle with some clever cluing. Had the wrong Pierce, kept thinking Mildred and trying to put Joan Crawford in then got Alda in crosses.
Ajohnsneverhome - the word for sea in French is "mer" not "mere" though they do sound alike and I thought it was a great clue but and also esse as Latin 101 instead of the usual amas/amat
This Thurday actually fell a lot easier than the last 2, maybe it's because on see the other theme entries referencing 57A I jumped there and sorted it out first, I don't know. Did make g8rs' mistake of putting in ASTA...
Agree that INSC is super-yuck, but it is all on its lonesome in its yuckiness at least.
SAS the airline I had to learn from crosswords. SAS the British crack troops (who also spawned the reality series "SAS: Are you tough enough?") never seem to getting any crossword airtime, or at least that I've seen.
Forgot: Wikipedia on the unloved regiment.
"INSC" was not my fav. Sort of figured it out, but had "INSR" first, but then got "Oncle." Isn't "mer" or "la mer" the sea in French? (took this soooo long ago in hs)
Hand up for A-Rod, instead of Alex. Knew "droids" as #2 son is HUGE Star Wars fan.
Did not know "Solti" but would have known Fiedler or Williams. Nor did I know "Torii," but what a beautiful structure!
'Tatar"-also read the clue wrong (what WAS I thinking?)--kept wanting mesa or plateau-from Steppes. Another "mau mau moment" for me, I guess. And this is why I do crosswords.
"Wonderful, Wonderful, Copenhagen!"-on the Bucket list!
@PG-loved "Baroque and Blue" clip. I enjoy Dave Brubeck, too. I'll have to add this to my collection. Sammy Cahn's songs are outstanding. My personal favorite, which he wrote with Jule Styne, "Time after Time." Old Blue Eyes did a version. Time after Time Cyndi Lauper's song is entirely different, but also enjoyable!
@JNH, hope your back gets better soon!
I think I was on Dan Naddor's wavelength this morning as this was a very speedy solve. My only writeover was GAEL over SCOT for highlander. I liked all the theme answers and LOL'd at 'chill pill target': STRESS. Another LOL at 'good thing to go out with': BANG.
@PG: Wow - pic of Obama and his Nobel Peace Prize hot off the press. And....one of these days I'd like to hear how you got so interested in college wrestling!
The Tennyson reference should actually be " Theirs" but alas we so often misquote.
The stanza it comes from:
'Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd ?
Not tho' the soldier knew
Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do & die,
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
i was wondering about that, too. i think it would have been fine if it hadn't claimed to be quoted from tennyson, because plenty of people do say it that way. just not tennyson.
Solving interval - 18a HOUR.
This was a great puzzle!
At first I hated the Non-Cluing of the theme answers (originally), but slowly they came, and Mr. Naddor, they were PHENOMENAL.
Did not know the maestro for the Chicago Symphony, but the crosses took care of it. Knew @JNH aced that and the F-STOP easily.
Liked the ONCLE but hated the INSC. Thanks PG for the explanation, inscribed.
LOL at the MOOSE/MOUSSE interplay.
Being picky, but aren't anDROIDs suppose to look like humans? (I know in the movie they were called droids, but at first I wanted Robot).
@PG Great, great write up and clips.
Loved this puzzle! It fit the trivia I know. Only look up was to see if I guessed right with the R in ALERO and TORII. Also had ARod until SEX made it ALEX.
"Star Wars" not my thing so I had robot before DROID filled in. Givens were SOLTI, EARL, FLUTE, CRAIG, ALDA, TOTO, and the popular ENOS.
Had hemp before OBJET made it JUTE. During World War 11 when everything was saved and recycled (string, cardboard, tinfoil from chewing gum wrappers), it was very patriotic to wear skirts made of gunny sacks (JUTE). The bags, which held feed for farm animals, became soft when washed. They were made in bright colors and I proudly wore one made by my Mother that was blue with pink flowers.
Really PHENOMENAL that Freddy ADU became a professional soccer player at 14! Very big news at the time.
Sammy CAHN (once Kahn then back to CAHN but really Cohen) was a wonderful lyricist. "Time After Time", "Come Fly With Me" (Sinatra), the suggestive "Teach Me Tonight" (another one that must have made mothers cringe when sung by their 12 year olds), and the current appropriately named "Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow", were only a few of his prolific output.
Thank you Dan and PG!
I was wondering what the typical response was going to be to this puzzle since I found it relatively easy. I enjoyed the work out to get a theme but it wasn't too difficult after that since the puzzle theme was known once you got one of them.
Still all in all a great puzzle, TORII is one I need to remember. The Tenneyson quote was bothering me as well because that was one of the few poems that I know most of it, by heart.
Surprised that SOLTI(longtime Chicago Symphony Orchestra maestro) is regarded as "Crosswordese." Hells bells. He holds the record for the number of Grammies won. And you don't have to be a Chicagoan like Orange and I to be aware of that.
All in all a very enjoyable Dan Naddor puzzle this morning. The theme answers fell into place easily for me. But I got stuck in other areas. Another hand up for AROD. I had DRONE for DROID. How dumb is that? Got totally stuck on the cross of ALERO (which I should know by know) and TORII and had to google. It's weird, my best walking buddy just got back from 10 days in Japan and was telling me yesterday about the Shintu temples that she had visited. EARL, Tiger Wood's Dad must be rolling over in his grave. Loved Frere de la Mere ONCLE and Chill Pill Target STRESS. There's a lot of that at this time of year.
@Gareth Bain and GoG8rs Asta was a Wire Hair Fox Terrier (aka a Wire) not a Cairn. I have a little 4 month old Asta dog nibbling on my toes at this very moment.
@JNH My kitty in my avatar climbs trees for sport and to chase lizards.
Thanks for explaining INSC. Totally didn't understand that at all, though know it seems somewhat obvious.
Great puzzle overall.
Amy B.
I was thinking Drone too before the TORII fill led me to DROID. The main reason I knew TORII is my dictionary has a picture of it, so I've seen it many, many times.
At first I was wondering what the reaction would be here. But let's face it, Dan Naddors cluing to "See 57-Across" was much better than saying PHENOMENAL 4 times and losing a great theme answer.
As to the dog. Well the only 4-letter dogs I know are Asta (the Thin-Man's), Fala (FDR's), FIDO (seldom seen) and TOTO. Since I had 24a TATAR and 28a OMAN it was fairly easy to figure out. (Kind of like having the E from ERR yesterday kept me from the SSTS) Since I do the puzzle in ink, I find it better to look at the crosses before writing something down first.
Tough for me at first, stuck on Tori II ad its my Desktop picture!
I was looking for sea and I took french...overlooked first word.
Couldn't remember how to spell sammy
Overall loved this puzzle, once I got the hang of it!
Grrrr. If I wanted to do puzzles in French I'd do puzzles in freakin' French!
Freddy Adu is a soccer "star"? No, he's a middling good player in a second rate league. But I knew 'Ljungberg' (former Arsenal striker) wasn't going to fit.
AgeS and ageS are eonS.
Highlanders, like most Scotts, are an admixture of Gael, Brython and Pict peoples. I had to go with 'pict' of course.
Wanted Joan (Crawford) for (Mildred) Pierce portrayer.
Totally thrown by 'tatar'. Had 'nomad' in there which worked with 'bang' and suggested 'mesa' for the New Mexico town.
Fun easy puzzle. Loved moose crossing mousse also
Good write-up, and fun, fast, Mondayish puzz.
Mostly dittos of above. Me too LOL re MOOSE/MOUSSE xing. Perfect joy would have been MEECE as another cross on MOUSSE. I think I spent too much time watching cartoons when I was a kid.
Thanks, 3 of Four, for saving me doing all that typing. Been teaching English so long I couldn't help myself--answered that one in red ink.
Hey, shrub5, I think this was the second time this week I've stumbled over SCOT instead of GAEL. Don't remember what puzz. Flat learning curve here.
INSC?! Gotta slam the clue as well, though I can't think how else to clue something so ugly. Clue signals past tense, so I wrote in ___'D on first pass, expecting I'd think of a three-letter abbr. And, my bad, this was right next to SCOT, with blanks for 58D (again, clue seemed to signal a plural, so I was still resisting singular EON), and crossed at bottom by O_DT_. Had misread "mére" as "mer" and was in WTF mode at that point.
Naturally, the OLDE gimme at 55D, which fixed everything in SE, was the last clue I read.
@Tuttle: Yes - Landon Donovan is a star, at least in the States. Freddy ADU is not there yet.
Re 3-Down: With (first name) Derek in the clue, the answer has to be ALEX, with MARK Teixeira being a faint possibility.
I date myself as growing up during a certain time. Alan ALDA is the only thing that entered my mind.
Very fun puzzle, and fun is a key element for puzzlemakers to strive for otherwise we wouldn't be solving them if they weren't.
As an Arsenal supporter, I tried to fit Ljungberg in for 30D, I made it work ;^) I do agree, agree, though, that Freddie Adu is NOT a soccer star, more of a media created star than an actual soccer star.
Alan ALDA entered my mind, too, but only after HAWKEYE Pierce entered. Prior to that point, I was thinking FRANKLIN Pierce, our 14th President.
what @tinbeni said--
have no idea still what CRAIG, AERIE, ADU, TORII, SOLTI, JUTE, ALERO, AIOLI were--lucky to get them by crosses--so quite a learning experience to boot
Liked: ANTSY, ONCLE and the theme expressions w 57A
Puzzle a true winner in my book and nice enough difficulty for late week!
Is INSC really an acceptable abbreviation for inscribed?
Googled it and I can't find it anywhere.
In total NON-PC at first wanted to enter dead for Tiger Woods dad EARL.
@How about the Great Kahn, from whom we may all descend? Did you know the Jewish Cohans are supposed all to be descended from Aaron the Priest? Geneticists are getting what they can from the Y chromosome theses days.
I'm impressed about your son and Sir George.
AIOLI should be made with olive oil.
We got our snow yesterday. The wind is still fierce. I didn't leave the house. Hubster shoveled.
@Tinbeni - I have a bunch of green plastic-mostly figures which can be said to be on a continuum between droid and robot and some towards animal. (Yeah, I know - but I'm OCD, not nutz.)
Too much sports (6). Knew only ARNIE. I'm not a fan of Naddor, anyway. Theme was good.
I have a time frame which determines if I Google. I did so for BASRA CRAIG EARL OMAHA TORII. Didn't know ADU ALDA (hated that sexist show) CFOS ENOS FSTOP SAS, which all fell in.
Wanted CRAIG to be Deepak Chopra. When anyone asks me if I was ever flim-flammed I always yes - Nutrisystem.
I join the gang in hate of INSCR.
Learned Tiger's real name is Eldrick! That explains everything.
A cairn (Scot.) is a pile of stones meant to mark some important spot. Many people mispronounce it like Karen.
The dog was bred from Skye terriers.
Don't forget, the Seine also flows by La Rive Droite!
I loved this puzzle. Didn't have to look up even one clue. I filled in all of the musical clues first, and had fun with A TEMPO, FLUTE, SOLTI (a colleague), CAHNS, and TAPS. The only error I made was DROID, I had "robot" but changed it rather quickly. Since musicians frequently say OVER THE TOP & OFF THE CHARTS, it was a delightful fill, molto piu mosso.
AIOLI was introduced to me when I was in Zagreb, I'm totally hooked on it now.
After I finished the puzzle and posted here I figured it was time to start googling.
Turns out that DROID is a LucasFilms Ltd. trademark. My 1st thought robot probably shows my age. 'Robbie the Robot' from Forbidden Planet my fav.
Your comment led me to also google Musee d'art so I spent some time learning about 20th century art.
I should have visited that museum when I was in Paris. My loss.
I get frustrated with the French, Latin, Spanish, Italian German at times too. But the CW101's here have made them bearable.
The other day Orange or PG included some sites re: Crossword construction rules. So I checked them out and that led me to a WTF with INSC, the 'C' was my very last fill, and I still did not have a clue until @PG explained. I still think it was lame.
It's always a BIG plus when a puzzle introduces something new or jars an old brain cell back into action to remember something learned but since forgotten.
As such, @CB this one was a gold mine.
You city slickers just don't know what shoveling snow is all about. I live in North Aurora near some blowing farmland... we don't get the benefits of them thar snowplowin' gizmos.
Somehow seeing a beautiful TORII on the same page as EARL Hickey just doesn't compute!
Yes, I thought the same thing... Copenhagen needs to go on my bucket list.
The other day Orange led us to a list of CW rules by Will Shortz. Now I'm learning that important rule " If it's a first name in the clue, then it must be a first name in the entry also."
Even worse, I tried ERSE instead of GAEL.
I too questioned EON (singular).
And I also entered JOAN for the Pierce clue... nope doesn't fit, so I floundered around with Franklin Pierce for a while.
@3 of Four
Glad you clarified that construction fault...it bothered me. But then, I had a boss once who used to say to me "Yours is not to reason why, yours is but to do or die" (he actually was a good boss though).
During WW2, my mom used to sew clothes for us kids made out of the material that flour sacks were made of. It was nice cotton imprinted with fancy floral patterns... imagine how us boys took that?
Well in that case, then I should be feeling sorry for those cute little lizards instead.
INK? Yikes!!!!
Garlic lemon AIOLI is a must with steamed artichokes. I also though INSC was lame, but not as lame as SHS from the other day.
Aaaaahhhhh... now I remember AIOLI!!! That's a California thing with artichokes...yumm! Now I have to try that next time I have an artichoke. Here in the midwest we just serve them with melted butter.
@JOHN, who needs plows? We hardly got any snow here.
INSC. is well and truly terrible.
Add to that the poetry FAIL, and you've got something less than PHENOMENAL, but pretty solid nonetheless. I choose, like you PG, to laugh rather than wince at MOOSE/MOUSSE.
GETTER, on the other hand ... I wanna drive my ALERO over that thing.
4:45 or so for me = Easy Wed. NYT puzzle for me.
@JNH etal Have to have Hollandaise sauce with artichokes yummmm
@JNH--I'm sure you looked cute!!! How is your back? Mine is still very painful from an injury over a month ago. One must learn to just suck it up! Sore backs can be tolerated, but heart attacks because of shoveling are a different matter. Take care!
My favorite--artichokes stuffed with Italian breadcrumbs, Romano cheese, pepper, garlic, and fresh parsley. To die for!
Oh yes, the puzzle. PG, thanks for the piano and flute. Very little in the music literature that has both genres, classical and jazz, in one piece. Do you still play?
Not much time today, gotta run and get a haircut ;)
Overall I enjoyed the puzzle, and the few words I didn't know, I was saved from google by the crosses.
The last to fall was 5D: Go-__ b/c I didn't know Craig or Torii ... but I used my fallback method, which is to rewrite w/ dashes. I couldn't think of a 6 letter word to follow Go, but Go-_ET_ER was very clearly GETTER. This is particularly helpful for downs, b/c arranging it in a more normal readable manner helps my brain ;)
Ok, now I'm really running!
I think a really clever clue for (12d) would have been "Kokopelli plays" (FLUTE).
@John - I forgot to put your name at the top of my earlier comment. All of our towns, villages, hamlets, and counties have their own plows and conic mountains of sand-salt mix. Some have special buildings for the latter. One is trying a mix with some of the salt replaced by glass! Utica doesn't always do as good a job as Oneida County. It's all a major part of the budgets.
Carciof (artichoke) - major Italian vegetable. I often use flavored olive oil, presently Monini white truffle.
Finally, it's "Theirs but to do AND die." No choice there.
INSC - not too bad at this end - was "Auth." after all ... in fact a slam dunk,always an outlier ...
Good fun puzzle (did late in day)few problems, only hang-up was I put in NEARTHETOP rather than OVERTHETOP by reading sloppily and had to back up and fill it in properly.
Poor SAS
-bogus Peace Prize
-bogus Science "theory"
-bogus leader (all politicians are)
ooops :-)
Good puzzle, with only insc. not so great, but not a real problem.
Plenty of good long words, good clues and answers.
The crosswordese pate could be moose mousse. Instead of Craig I spent a little time trying to remember the murdered doctor from Westchester, NY....
Aioli is delicious with many dishes, but especially with large fries (steak fries) which is how they serve them at Harvey Nichols' rooftop restaurant in London (forgeddabout Copenhagen!).
Thank you, PG, I enjoyed the jazz while reading the excellent write-up!
@Mac The Westchester Diet doctor - was it Dr. Tarnower? He was murdered by the woman who ran a girl's prep school. We lived in Purchase, NY at the time and the murder happened not far from our home. Oooh that's a creepy memory. She ended up in the Bedford Hills prison for women. Her name was Jean something or other.
@Mac It was the Scarsdale Diet and Jean Harris was the head mistress of the Madeira School in VA. Acording to Wiki after she was shot the doc and was bailed out she was taken to United Hospital in Port Chester, NY for a psychiatric evaluation. That is the
hospital where my son was born almost 27 years ago. Whoa freaky memory jolt!!
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