Theme: DNA Sequence — Theme answers have the letter sequence DNA contained in them.
Theme answers:
- 17A: All-big-gun battleship (DREADNAUGHT).
- 24A: Deeply ingrained habit (SECOND NATURE).
- 42A: Gap subsidiary (OLD NAVY).
- 39A: Shanghais (KIDNAPS).
- 53A: Cuba or Puerto Rico, e.g. (ISLAND NATION).
- 64A: Human fingerprint, and what's hidden in five puzzle answers (DNA SEQUENCE).

- 45A: Org. with the blog Greenversations (EPA). I thought to myself "Greenpeace? ... No, that doesn't work."
- 49D: When Rome wasn't built? (IN A DAY). Cute clue for an ugly partial!
- 53D: Trump with a cameo in "The First Wives Club" (IVANA). The clue for this common answer is dressed up very nicely today!

Other than that:
- 1A: FBI sting that began during Carter's presidency (ABSCAM). Is it possible that my mom served as a juror on an ABSCAM trial? For some reason that sticks in my mind, and yet seems very unlikely.
- 14A: Sheep herder (COLLIE). There's the collie we were looking for the other day!
- 16A: Hawaiian Punch rival (HI-C). I much prefer this clue to the typical drunken hiccup reference.
- 22A: Budget noodle dish (RAMEN). Ah, college.
- 48A: Convenience store (MINI-MART). The only thing I could think for the longest time was Kwik-E-Mart. And I don't even watch "The Simpsons."
- 63A: Lat neighbors (ABS). These are muscles.
- 28D: Pay-as-you-go rd. (TPKE.). With the T in place, I slapped down toll, not noticing the abbreviation hint.
- 61D: Nestlé cereal beverage (ECCO). Ne-Ever heard of this. And the Cruciverb data base says ECCO has never been clued this way before (it's usually a Dutch shoe company). So what the heck is Ecco? Hmmm ... it's an instant cereal beverage that's naturally free of caffeine made from barley, malted barley, rye and chicory. Um, I think I'll pass.
- 65D: Jazz org.? (NBA). This is a reference to the National Basketball Association's Utah Jazz.

- The poet EZRA Pound.
- The Old Testament book after Chronicles II and before Nehemiah and its namesake, the Biblical prophet/scribe/reformer.
- EZRA Fitch of Abercrombie & Fitch.
- Rock band Better Than EZRA.
- Children's author EZRA Jack Keats.
- And, of course, today's 25D: University founder Cornell.
Everything Else — 7A: In this way (THUS); 11A: Tapped-out message (SOS); 15A: Old World Style sauce maker (RAGU); 19A: It might be pale or brown (ALE); 20A: Blackguards (CADS); 21A: Powerful health care lobbying gp. (AMA); 28A: TV sched. notation (TBA); 31A: Most piquant (ZESTIEST); 32A: Extremely cold (POLAR); 34A: Birthplace of "Wayne's World," briefly (SNL); 52A: Hard-rock filler (AS A); 57A: Parisian's "Presto!" ("VOILÀ"); 58A: Family nickname (SIS); 59A: "__ the hint!" (I GET); 68A: __ Percé: Pacific Northwest tribe (NEZ); 70A: Prepare to slip off (UNLACE); 71A: Museum filler (ART); 72A: Barbecue site (YARD); 73A: Singer Sheena (EASTON); 1D: Type of elec. adapter (AC/DC); 2D: Afghanistan's Tora __ region (BORA); 3D: Huskies' burden (SLED); 4D: School group (CLASS); 5D: Help (AID); 6D: Serious threat (MENACE); 8D: Broom rider (HAG); 9D: Exclamation with a shudder (UGH); 10D: Buddha's teachings (SUTRAS); 11D: SeaWorld celebrity (SHAMU); 12D: Carrier of crude (OILER); 13D: Dramatic segment (SCENE); 18D: Songwriter Tori (AMOS); 23D: Show up (ATTEND); 26D: Pebbles's pet (DINO); 27D: "Little" Dickens girl (NELL); 29D: Cook, in a way (BOIL); 30D: Gucci of fashion (ALDO); 33D: Mink or sable (ANIMAL); 36D: Pop, to baby (DADA); 37D: Parade rtes., maybe (AVES.); 38D: Vidal's Breckinridge (MYRA); 40D: Remain undecided (PEND); 41D: Pirouette (SPIN); 43D: Inflict on (DO TO); 46D: Gathered up (AMASSED); 50D: Play to __: draw (A TIE); 51D: Off-color (RISQUE); 54D: Not even tipsy (SOBER); 55D: "Faust Symphony" composer (LISZT); 56D: Physicist Bohr (NIELS); 60D: Swarm insect (GNAT); 62D: High schooler (TEEN); 66D: Balloon filler (AIR); 67D: Italian "a" (UNA).
A dreadnought is also an acoustic guitar type (the most common type, actually). I think it was coined by CF Martin, who was a Navy buff and master guitar builder.
Or not - I'm often wrong in my recollection of trivia. I'll look it up and post back if I lied.
Interesting puzzle,for some reason not that hard for me. RISQUE was a challenge, but otherwise a very smooth solve.
Puerto Rico a nation? A commonwealth, a republic, yes. Puerto Ricans don't need a passport any more than Californians to come to NY. Columbians try to pretend they're Puerto Ricans so they won't be deported. The colors of Puerto Rico's flag are reverso of Cuba, style the same, otherwise... I'm sure someone will have another opinion.
Didn't know Greenversations, Tori AMOS, or Nestle's Ecco (Umberto's picture on the box?). Nevertheless, easy.
By the way, Ragú is the product and Ragù the style.
Good puzzle and a bit more effort was required for me to complete. Probably since I was drinking coffee (never heard of ECCO before, either) and the caffeine took more time to kick in.
Almost laughed out loud when the (border) COLLIE finally showed up.
Got sidetracked by DreadnAught since the 1906 British Battleship is spelled DreadnOught (I too checked it out on Wiki, and the photo you posted was the only place I found with the puzzles spelling) but the DNA Sequence corrected that little SNAFU.
Entered toll before I changed it to TPKE when I realized the ELOI were making another appearance and that gave me the 'K' in kiDNAaps.
Learned that olDNAvy was a subsidiary of GAP.
Probably when I looked at the completed CW it made me wonder why today's was an initial struggle for me because clues were good and the answers straight forward.
Nice writeup PG !!!
Never heard of ECCO either. Sounds perfectly yucky. I remember my grandpa used to drink an equally face-wincing beverage: instant postum.
IN A DAY got a cute clue, but I'm not sure the answer answers the question "When". And I'm also not too fond of the I GET clue with the ECCO cross--I GET the hint! is as meaningless (to me? am I missing a reference?) as I GOT the hint!, and ECCO/OCCO could have been either. Aside from these quibbles, fine puzzle.
So a thought: it's awesome to learn things from puzzles, and the process by which that sometimes happens is amazing. If you'd asked me this morning what ABSCAM was, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have remembered that it was based on an FBI sting. But given the clue [FBI sting that began during Carter's presidency], I entered ABSCAM with no crosses. How does that happen?
The puzzle went pretty smoothly, but a little longer then usual. My slowdowns were at DREADNAUGHT and the fact that the puzzle is essentially cut in two. EZRA and DOTO are the only down fill that connects to the rest of the puzzle
Hey hey hey! Clever cluing returns!
I liked this puzzle, (1) because there were 6 theme answers, no mean feat for the constructor, I'm sure, and (2) because of a few clever clues like "Jazz org." (NBA), "prepare to slip off" (UNLACE).
I just now understand HIC as a Hawaiian Punch rival (Hi-C)...got it from crosses. And never heard of ECCO, ABIE, NEZ, ELOI; but we do these things to learn, right?
Plus, I'm a Cornellian, so anytime there's an EZRA Cornell it takes me back. (Just don't let's talk about The Office, please?)
Thanks to Kelsey Blakley, PG for the writeup featuring the aforementioned EZRA, and of course, the oft-maligned editor.
This puzzle kicked me around a bit and ended up very messy with numerous writeovers -- especially in the left lower area. Started with SCOOPED instead of AMASSED, PARK instead of YARD, TURN for SPIN, and ERMINE before ANIMAL. BAKE for BOIL and TOLL for TPKE didn't help either. I gave a shudder with EEK but corrected to UGH. I use pen on paper and this was so messed up that I considered printing out another copy so I could see what I was doing.
I also have never heard of ECCO, the cereal beverage. I looked it up and can only find references to it from Australia and So. America. I wonder if it is not marketed in the US? Anyone out there ever had this product? @PG's description of it doesn't sound very tasty.
Had trouble with Lat neighbors. I fell for the geographic slant by thinking of Latvia. I should have been aware there was no period after Lat -- even after the crosses yielded ABS, I STILL was thinking geographically and that ABS must be an abbreviation for one of those former USSR republic-stans. Only coming here did I see they were muscles!!! D'oh!
Favorite clue was When Rome wasn't built? (IN A DAY) and @PG, I liked your cartoon.
Thought I recognised the constructor from yesterday's NYT. Good, good puzzle for the LA Times - enjoyed the challenge. Also had toll instead of tpke and I misunderstood "presto" as in ASAP not "hey presto" so took a while to come up with voila.
Thanks KB
Agree, agree got messed up, got turned right, googled twice - gave up and while this site was loading changed 'oldcabs' to kidnaps and finished before my bus stop. Thanks for the ezra write up today. Favorite word for me zestiest (had tartiest ithat would be wrong).
The ECCO clue wins my prize for worst clue of the day. Technically accurate, but not in this country. If you Google ECCO, you get a zillion pages featuring Ecco shoes. And if you go to Nestlé USA's site, there is no such brand anywhere. You know why? Because Americans don't drink "cereal drinks." We also are not a Vegemite country. This is what makes America great.
I just ordered some Ecco Bella Instant Bliss Drink from Amazon.com. Its got chocolate!
And thanks for another snappy puzzle KB!
Honey can you pass the Ecco?
Certain darling, isn't it wonderful to drink your cereal and your coffee, would you like a liquified danish afterwards?
I'm an RN buff so Dreadnaught kind of irritated me. Perhaps they can mangle some other Elizabethan compound names; Swiftchure, Worspite, Nawnsuch, Speetwell, Vangard...
Kelsey's a woman!? Well, I learned *something* today.
ECCO = wha? Else, supereasy (tho' the W held out on me just a touch).
Decent concept. Approved.
I am also an RN buff. Love those crisp white uniforms. Grrrr...
I really wanted RIBALD for RISQUE, for some reason I really like that word.
Dreadnaught is a word everyone should know, and I can see by my little red spellcheck line (which doesn't even recognize itself) that I'm wrong.
mildly surprised to see that the theme answers weren't the longest ones in the grid, or even the longest across answers (MINIMART and ZESTIEST were not part of the theme). you don't see that every day. not really a bad thing, since you don't need to "get" the theme to finish the puzzle, and when you do finish, it's easy to tell where the DNA sequences are.
Easy puzzle but fun. Only "rough" spot was the Dreadnought answer in that I spelled it correctly at first then realized I needed to forget my history and misspell the word or, invent a new singer by the name of Tori Omos. Popular culture always wins out over history so I decided to sell out and misspell Dreadnaught.
Somehow, reading through, I missed Tuttle's comment. He/She is quite correct, and points out a pet peeve of mine, and also one which I have just committed myself, above. The origin of our perceived "dreadnaught" is "dread no(a)ught", which translates to "dread zero" or "dread nothing", which is a confidence inspiring name for a ship of war.
BTW, the O vs. A is regional.
I too never heard of Dreadnaught . And to me ecco = shoes.
Other than that an easy thursday puzzle
A little more difficult for me today, but a good puzzle. I have never heard of DREADNAUGHT, ABIE, or the grody ECCO. Isn't Ovaltine the same sort of UGH inducing concoction. RAMEN is not all that appetite enticing either. Was glad to see we got the herd dog COLLIE right this time! Liked RISQUE.
This, to me, was a fine puzzle and a fair bit better than todays NYT effort.
@Tuttle @ John
re:Dreadnought; Thank you for the confirmation. Thought I was being to picky when I commented earlier. That was the actual name as the 1906 British Battleship, at the time it made all other warships obsolete and started an arms race.
But I have seen the spelling used in the puzzle before (Dreadnaught, with an 'A'), so maybe there was regional thing going on ... and Teri Omos didn't seem correct.
@Shrub5 I was thinking geographically on the "Lat neighbor" clue (and I worked in Latvia a while ago). I just do not think of my lat & ab muscles as "neighbors."
When I see this in clues I think "Are they down the street?"
Maybe I should have them over for coffee or ECCO.
My Webster Collegiate only has dreadnought, but my unabridged Webster has both spellings. DREADNAUGHT is good.
I join the "I got/occo" folks; Ovaltine and Postum I have had, but Ecco I have never seen, so there was no way for me to know.
My unabridged dictionary has "Dreadnought, also dreadnaught" and unlike others here I recognized the latter as normal spelling. My recognition would have come from reading, not experience of ships.
I didn't see the abbreviation clue for tpke, so that section took me a little longer than it should have.
I really like the word "voila"--I think it comes from reading Agatha Christie and Hercule Poirot?
Joon said:
"mildly surprised to see that the theme answers weren't the longest ones in the grid, or even the longest across answers"
Don't know what puzzle you did today Joon but the theme answers were the longest.
I thought my last entry of DNAEVIDENCE was a better fit, not being that familiar with DNASEQUENCE. I was stunned to see "DNA sequence" has 7 times the Google hits as "DNA evidence"!
My first try for 31A was SPICIEST and I fell into the TOLL trap, too. Otherwise, no obstacles and a very pleasant solve. Thanks K.B
I appreciate the Ragú/Ragù distinction from
Sfingi and the Crosswordese lessons from .P.G. always help tremendously.
A lousy puzzle with annoying errors. It's HMS Dreadnought. An oiler is a carrier of bunker fuel (not crude) to replenish other ships. Never heard of ramen or Ecco. Puerto Rico not a nation. Is Edam ball-shaped? Or more like a rounded hockey puck?
Nice puzzle, and nice to find out that Kelsey is a lady.
I also put an o in "Dreadnought", because of the connection to Nothing, but the DNA made me change it.
You think Ecco is for people with dental problems?
@P. Abide: OLD NAVY and KIDNAPS are shorter than ZESTIEST and its opposite.
@anon: Never heard of ramen? Go to any grocery store near a college campus...there'll be shelves upon shelves full of the stuff, at around 20 cents each, just add hot water. Easy-to-make, tasty, hot (and salty) cheap carbs. M-m-m-m-m!
(For a tasty treat, just add ecco?)
I'm surprised so few people recognize DREADNAUGHT, it's pretty common in sci-fi and video games.
I think Archer had to deal with one in an Enterprise episode, and weren't the Star Destroyers in SW DREADNAUGHTs? If you've ever played any futuristic RTS games like Homeworld or Sins of a Solar Empire, a monsterous DREADNAUGHT is something you want to have in your space fleet.
Never heard of ramen? What did you eat in college, mac & cheese?
The rich kids in college ate Pizza or Mac & Cheese, the poor ones like me ate RAMEN. Gourmet ramen eaters would add in red pepper flakes stolen from the rich kids' pizza boxes or a few peanuts to give the ramen some crunch appeal. We also would "shanghai" saltines from the careful-teria and add peanutbutter and toast them on foil over a lamp.
Greenversations' organization was a gimme because once you're on their mailing list you CANNOT get off, but it's still a bad clue.
VOILA is a great word but not when bloggers (not here) use VIOLA instead. Common on some of the cooking blogs. AN-NOY-ing!
split & co.
Nobody caught my preference to RIBALD over RISQUE? I'm disappointed, great word.
I'm also disappointed I forgot to mention the differentiation between crude and bunker fuel; kudos to the poster above for pointing out a major flaw.
@Orange- those weren't theme entries, just coincidences!
p.s. I stand corrected (note reverse dna sequence)
When I got the 'R' and saw the clue, my first thought was Ribald, too. Can't remember which mag. had it but in the back of mind there was "The Ribald Classic" ... I'm thinking National Lampoon but it could have been some other mag. But I got the 'E' for Easton and had to remember its twin.
kiDNAps and olDNAvy were theme entries, as 64-A clued, "and what's hidden in five puzzle answers" .... ergo, not just coincidences. The interesting thing was they were only 7 letters and there were two 8 letter answers that were NOT part of the themes (since most theme response's are normally the longest words).
...weren't the Star Destroyers in SW DREADNAUGHTs?
Nope, they were Star Destroyers. That's their type-name. I've seen SUPER Star Destroyers referred to as dreadnoughts but I don't think that's canonical, just a generic term for the largest, most powerful combatant in a fleet.
In fact, I don't think anyone, historically, ever officially used dreadnought as a type-name. It was used informally as a way to distinguish all-big-gun battleships from mixed-battery battleships. By the time WWII rolled around all battleships were dreadnoughts (super dreadnoughts actually) and the term fell out of use.
Don't know why, but I sailed through this puzzle and got it all correct while eating my lunch. It actually was pretty difficult, but sometimes things just click. This was one of the ZESTIEST embedded- word puzzles in a long time. I loved the theme, the clues were cute & clever, and the fill words were pretty darn good. If I learn at least two new things, then I'm happy.
I've heard of DREAD NAUGHT before, but somehow I kept thinking of hair style (dread locks) and so I never associated it with a ship. Learned about EZRA Cornell, ECCO, ALDO Gucci, and Greenversations (EPA).
Pondered ASA for "Hard-rock filler", then I had an "Aha moment". Sorry Oprah... I know people are getting sued for using her patented "Aha moment" phrase.
Did not like the abbreviation for turnpike (TPKE)and the clue for ANIMAL (Mink or sable).
I'm a travel decal and postcard collector. The term RISQUE is used whenever a postcard or decal contains "Cheesecake" (scantily clothed girl). It has nothing to do with RIBALD, which has an air of naughtiness to it.
Actually HAGSTROM (my name, no relation) is the finest guiter builder in the world.
Well you all wanted Border COLLIE the other day... today we got COLLIE (Sheep herder). You can't say the LAT isn't trying hard to please us now.
HI-C a rival of Hawaiian Punch ???
Not even in the same league!
I remember ABSCAM. It involved some corrupt Philadelphia politicians and a bunch of money. I also never heard of ECCO as a beverage. ECCO is also a brand of cookware. The only fill I didn't like on this puzzle was TPKE. Tpk. is the abbreviation for Turnpike, but I guess the E was needed.
nice puzzle--even better than her outing yesterday in nyt..except for ECCO..loved "Lat neighbors" clue, and other clever cluing. Liked: ZESTIEST, and ABSCAM, because my family helped the FBI break the case by supplying info about the phony British "royal" working the caper. Long story. But what is this about Puerton Rico being a NATION?
Glad to learn what a DREADNAUGHT is, and PG thanks for the EZRA tutorial
@wilsch, Edward Katzinger started the EKCO Housewares Co. And the USPS uses TPKE.
I also had DNA evidence instead of sequence for a while. Loved the puzzle though.
I stand corrected on my ECCO/ECKO cookware comment. I see that Turnpike could be with or without the "e"; it just threw me off for some reason.
Great site
My first reply here. I liked the puzzle today, and the only clunker was ECCO. Never had any idea. I got the dreadnaught easily as I have an interestin war history. The theme worked well, but with the surprize of longer regular answers than theme answers.
I am not up to the speed of Rex Parker or Puzzlegirl, so it took me a bit to get it all right. It was nice to have clues that make yo think instead of pat answers
Okay. it's hours later and I'm still craving NECCO Wafers. Coincidence?
Un attimo, per favore, Ecco means "here" in Italiano, no? (We have a local restaurante named "Ecco La." Sfingi might be able to confirm. As a drink? Blech! Used to drink Postem in my pre-caffeine days. Sanka was worse!
Have a great coleslaw recipe that uses "Ramen" noodles and hot chili oil. Yum.
I wanted ribald instead of "risque," too! Reminds me of British farces, like "Noises Off."
I actually have a Martin "dreadnought" D-18 guitar.
Didn't know it was a battle ship, too, not being a Naval history fan. Action is too hard for my old fingers, now, even with light gauge strings....The spelling is definitely debatable.
ABSCAM-another proud NJ political moment. Brought Harrison"Pete" Williams down, along with Rep Frank Thompson, among others.
Eloi has been over used the past few weeks, IMHO.
Overall, had a nice tussle with the puzzle today, despite its minor flaws. Not quite mud wrestling, but we're getting there.
re: Dreadnought D-18 guitar.
I'll bet it is a great play.
When @Glowe mentioned it in the first comment of the day, I had to google it. Turns out (like @Glowe pointed out) it was first made in 1916 and named after the famous 1906 British Battleship and they have continued to produce them ever since.
Google "Dreadnought Guitar" for an interesting read and detailed history leading up to your D-18 model.
@JNH ~ sometimes it just works out that way, and the clues fall in place and before you know it ... you have sailed through the puzzle.
It has been happening that way for me ever since I started checking out this blog and started learning some of the CW nuances and CW101's.
Oh, before I would usually complete them but it seemed to be a fight. Now they are a real enjoyable endeavor.
And our Hosts write-up's inevitably make me smile :)
@ddbmc - my husband says ecco can mean lots of things. Originally from Greek "Eureka," "Ecco la" means "here it is." "Ecco" could be a positive answer, an agreement to what someone just said. "Oh, yeah." It's all very idiomatic, and very common. Cute name for a restaurant.
This breakfast drink sounds yucky. At the Home, many of the "inmates," because of problems swallowing, etc. must eat their food in very decimated form. Today, for instance, some had Kielbasa and sauerkraut mush, with a clue to what it had been by looking at their neighbors' fare. Some must eat - get ready- thickened water!
Actually, the food is often good, if you get to eat the real stuff. My mother eats only 4-legged animals, and if it's anything else, she has alternatives. She smoked 50 yrs., to stay skinny, but doesn't remember. She insists she's 80, not 90. (90 is the new 80.) There are plenty of overweight people there. What there aren't are many men. I think their secret is, don't go to the medicine man, just die naturally. Excuse me for holding forth, or "ventilating" here.
@Sfingi, my sweet departed Auntie had to drink the "thickened water and mush meals." She passed last year at 88. Thanks for the "Ecco" info.
@tenbeni, I did read the D-18 info!Thanks! Was a grad gift from college many lunar years ago! Rich, sumptuous sound, too! Just gotta take the tour in Nazareth, PA! Louden Wainright's "Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road," gets played on it every Thanksgiving! Long story....:)
@sf - How, TF, saukraut mush werks into a CW blog, I have no idea! Again I doff my chapeau to the random and eyebrow-raising images you provide.
@ JNH - I own a Martin guitar ( alas not a D35 but...) and a Rolex watch and an Acura car. I expect all of these can be argued as to what exact level of 'bestness' they are, but I haven't regetted in any way (except I wish I would have bought that D35) investing in quality I could afford (F@#$#K i'm SO going to buy that D35 tomorrow).
@Tinbeni - you're right, right, and then you're right. Coming from a guy that's often wrong, three hits in one post is excellent, and would be a good month for me ...
Sfingi's right, as usual! ECCO is a slippery little word....it can translate to English in serveral different ways: here, here is/are, here it is/they are, and even, more loosely "right" "that's right," up to "yes, that's it!" It functions to a) announce or b) confirm.
Eccomi = "here I am." Rieccomi = "here I am again" or "I'm back."
Of course, none of this Italian is useful for the puzzles, but will impress the inlaws or the maitre d' in an Italian restaurant! Could score you a better table even, or make up for being late to an Italian dinner. Bonus: Easier to pronounce than French!
Sfingi's right, as usual! ECCO is a slippery little word....it can translate to English in serveral different ways: here, here is/are, here it is/they are, and even, more loosely "right" "that's right," up to "yes, that's it!" It functions to a) announce or b) confirm.
Eccomi = "here I am." Rieccomi = "here I am again" or "I'm back."
Of course, none of this Italian is useful for the puzzles, but will impress the inlaws or the maitre d' in an Italian restaurant! Could score you a better table even, or make up for being late to an Italian dinner. Bonus: Easier to pronounce than French!
@PJB-Chi-town-Sfingi and I just love to take those leaps off the puzzle, because of the entertainment value AND shared info.
Glowe-DAMN! Couldn't talk the "rents into the D 35 back in the day. And now we're paying for kid's college, so no moola for musical instruments! Fossil and Hondas, in this household!
So ECCO in Italian and VIOLA in French mean pretty much the same thing... "There it is !".
As Arte Johnson would say... "Verrrry interesting!"
@John, NECCO wafers are a weekend staple around here! Did you know they bring good luck at hockey games????
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