THEME: Rhode Island — familiar phrases have their "IR" changed to "RI," creating wacky phrases which are then clued, "?"-style

Maybe slightly tougher than last week's Friday, but not by much. The difficulty level of these late-week puzzles seems still to be set somewhat underneath the typical level,

Crosswordese 101: RANIS (30A: Indian royalty) — If you do crosswords for any length of time, you will run across both RAJA and RANI, which are terms that mean, roughly, "king" and "queen" in India. About half the time, RAJAH has an "H" on the end (which appears to be the preferred spelling), and occasionally RANEE gets the two-E treatment. Both terms are often clued as "Asian" or "Hindu" or "Eastern" royalty, and a RANI will often be "Sari-clad" (SARI being another important bit of crosswordese). Ironically, though I've known RAJA and RANI since my earliest crosswording days (I started solving in Ann Arbor in the early 90s, where there was a restaurant just down the street from me called "Raja Rani's"), today I briefly struggled in the RANIS section of the grid, as the clue didn't clearly say "plural" to me, so I had RANEE there. Ugh.
Love the long Downs in this one — never heard ROOSTER TAIL used in this way (6D: Motorboat's wake), but it was easy to infer from crosses. SUNNY SIDE UP, on the other hand, was a virtual gimme (24D: Eggs order), though Not the way I prefer my eggs — those yolks must must must be hard. Otherwise — GAG REFLEX. In general, according to "rules" posted somewhere at cruciverb.com, non-theme answers should not exceed theme answers in length, but since these are Downs, and there are no Down theme answers, I don't think their length matters much. Not like to cause confusion.
What else?
- 10A: Robert who played Anthony Soprano, Jr. (ILER) — yeah, you need to learn this guy right now, because he's surprisingly common. Be prepared to botch his name for a while. For instance, today, I remembered him as ILES.
- 15A: Sacred five-book collection (TORAH) — I was so proud of remembering Sting's wife's name, only her name turned out not to be SKYLER but STYLER (5D: Actress Trudie who's married to Sting). If I had gotten that right, maybe I wouldn't have entered KORAN here at first. :(
- 16A: Residencia room (SALA) — more crosswordese
- 23A: Creedal holding (TENET) — such a weird-sounding clue, and yet I got it right away.
- 39A: Bourne portrayer (DAMON) — actor Matt, playing Jason Bourne.
47A: Pharyngeal tissue (ADENOIDS) — had real trouble at the end of this one, mainly because I misread 56A: Years during Nero's reign as "Year..." singular, so had ANNO. This gave me -KOS at 49D: Street supplies? Didn't understand the clue, but it must be TKOS, right? but ADENOIDT is impossible. OK, does SKOS mean anything? Is it SROS? No, NOOR is a queen, but not somewhere you'd have breakfast. Finally reread the Nero clue and changed it to ANNI, which gave me SKIS, and then the "Street" part made sense - "Street" in question = Skier Picabo Street.
- 59A: D-day transports (LSTs) — more crossword commonness.
- 3D: Marginal comments (NOTATIONS) — just made a whole Bunch of these on student papers. Wanted ANNOTATIONS.
- 25D: Preceders of omegas (PSIS) — ah, "preceders." One of the great absurd words in the crossword cluing arsenal.
- 26D: Man-goat deities (FAUNS) — One I know best = Mr. Tumnus ("Chronicles of Narnia")
- 40D: Everycity, USA (PEORIA) — got this instantly, despite not knowing for certain if it was true. "Family City, USA" = OREM, Utah.
- 41D: Kmart founder (KRESGE) — News to me. So that's what the "K" stands for.
- 43D: Finland's second largest city (ESPOO) — I've seen this answer before, and though I couldn't retrieve it completely this time, there was one thing I knew for certain: POO was involved. That was enough.
- 47D: Verdi's slave girl (AIDA) — you see her about once a week. She'll be the Crosswordese 101 entry some day.
~Rex Parker
Everything Else — 1A: Beachfront property? (SAND); 5A: Sp. misses (SRTAS); 10A: Robert who played Anthony Soprano Jr. (ILER); 14A: Jumbo__: scoreboard display (TRON); 15A: Sacred five-book collection (TORAH); 16A: Residencia room (SALA); 17A: Numerical prefix (OCTA); 18A: Words to a drunk? (YOUREFRIED); 20A: "Is there more?" (WHATELSE); 22A: Chigger, e.g. (LARVA); 23A: Creedal holding (TENET); 24A: One concerned with 13-Down (SPEEDER); 26A: 2000s Senate leader's turndown? (FRISTREFUSAL); 29A: Rifles (LOOTS); 30A: Indian royalty (RANIS); 31A: Morning glistener (DEW); 34A: Has (OWNS); 35A: Amazes (STUNS); 36A: "Was it you?" answer (NOTI); 37A: "Scream" director Craven (WES); 38A: Stinker (MEANY); 39A: Bourne portrayer (DAMON); 40A: Hilton on the ice? (PARISSKATING); 42A: Vague (GENERAL); 45A: Novelist Shaw (IRWIN); 46A: Apply to (USEON); 47A: Pharyngeal tissue (ADENOIDS); 50A: What you never see after strikes? (SPARETRIES); 53A: Breakfast area (NOOK); 54A: Spelling of TV (TORI); 55A: Excavated again (REDUG); 56A: Years during Nero's reign (ANNI); 57A: 2000 N.L. home run champ (SOSA); 58A: Brotherly love (AGAPE); 59A: D-day transports (LSTS); 1D: Lade (STOW); 2D: St. Louis landmark (ARCH); 3D: Marginal comments (NOTATIONS); 4D: Evidence in paternity suits (DNATESTS); 5D: Actress Trudie who's married to Sting (STYLER); 6D: Motorboat's wake (ROOSTERTAIL); 7D: "Right you are" (TRUE); 8D: Rhine tributary (AAR); 9D: Miss identification? (SHE); 10D: Where Mount Carmel is (ISRAEL); 11D: Scottish landowner (LAIRD); 12D: Collège attendee (ELEVE); 13D: It can trap a 24-Across (RADAR); 19D: Circus performers (FLEAS); 21D: Middle Earth beings (ENTS); 24D: Eggs order (SUNNYSIDEUP); 25D: Preceders of omegas (PSIS); 26D: Stream (FLOW); 27D: "Lady Jane Grey" dramatist (ROWE); 28D: Man-goat deities (FAUNS); 31D: India and Pakistan under British influence, e.g. (DOMINIONS); 32D: School founded by Henry VI (ETON); 33D: What birds take? (WING); 35D: Medical supplies (SERA); 36D: Like some pride (NATIONAL); 38D: Strategic WWI river (MARNE); 39D: First light (DAWN); 40D: Everycity, USA (PEORIA); 41D: Kmart founder (KRESGE); 42D: Windy day features (GUSTS); 43D: Finland's second largest city (ESPOO); 44D: Comes close (NEARS); 47D: Verdi's slave girl (AIDA); 48D: "Stop" (DONT); 49D: Street supplies? (SKIS); 51D: Carol syllable (TRA); 52D: Enrolled: Abbr. (REG).
good morning, and permit me to pick a nit, Mr. Parker:
You said: 16A: Residencia room (SALA) - more crosswordese
I'm pretty sure the word "sala" is a very common word in Latino daily life, therefore it is not crosswordese. This term is tossed around pretty loosely; it only originally meant words that are common in puzzles and NOT seen in everyday life. I think it would be helpful to maintain this distinction.
Roostertail is not exactly a wake but a spray of water for show behind a ski or jet boat or jetski. I haven't heard that term in awhile. Made me smile
@ JumpDawg. Agree with rooster tail. Took a few crosses before I realized that the answer really was not a wake but a spray.
Rex, agree re. Fridays. No problem with this one but a devil of a time with NYT. Actually made me feel a little better doing this one second.
Rex, here's what I said over at Crossword Fiend this morning: "I feel like 'first refusal' isn't a stand-alone phrase without its preceding 'right of.'" Indeed!
SaminMiam, you have a point there. Some folks use "repeater" for the words that show up a ton in crosswords but aren't necessarily obscure in daily life (e.g., ERIE, ERA). I'm not wild about the word, but I guess it serves a purpose.
Sam's comment reminds me: The L.A. Times crossword does seem to include Spanish words more often than the New York-based puzzles. If you're new to the L.A. Times crossword and you don't know any Spanish, do make a note of the ones you encounter in the puzzle because you'll probably see them again.
ESPOO!!!! I remember the discussion at Rex's site on this when it appeared in the NYT. Something actually stuck.
WHAT ELSE? Just more good, pleasant stuff from the LAT.
S.S. Kresge stores were similar to WoolWorths.
I also agree that a Roostertail is a spray like a jet in a fountain. Some Jet Skis produce the Rooster Tail from the cooling of the engine.
For the name of the theme, can I suggest "Back Rhodes"?
Friday is where it gets tricksy - I was stuck in the SE corner for quite a while trying to make a word out of IVXLDM, when I really needed ANNI.
I didn't think Mr Tumnus was a deitiy. I know Pan is a deity, but are all fauns? What's the difference between a faun and a satyr? Is it just the cute factor?
Since Koran and Torah both have the same middle 3 letters, I had the wrong one in there for too long.
No, not a word out of IVXLDM, but just trying to fit them into crosses.
S&S Kresge was a five-and-dime, how soon some forget. LAT seems to require a little better knowledge of foreign(non-"American" english) language and my jinx continues with two (simple) J clues. A few clues were strained today, but OK. 20A, 58A, 35D!!! Awwwwawkward, but then again given lay understanding of medical anything ....
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who started with Koran for TORAH. I also remembered ILER as Aler at first.
I thought some of the cluing was off today, too. [Beachfront property?] tried a little too hard. And, this is totally nit-picky, but I think the results of the DNA TESTS make up the evidence in paternity suits, not the tests themselves.
Two rivers in one puzzle? ACK!
I thought SPARE TRIES referred to baseball, like, you don't get any spare (extra) tries after you strike out, but Rex's explanation makes much more sense and is undoubtedly correct. Enjoyable puzzle.
@Sandy: I believe fauns are Roman and satyrs are Greek. I have no idea of their relative drinking and sexual habits.
philia is brotherly love, not agape which is divine.
fauns in roman lit = satyrs in greek lit
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Torah is a great Mitsvah!
Picabo Street? Really?! Grrr...
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