October 11, 2011

So. There you have it. I don't really know what else to say. How about one more big THANK YOU for everything and we'll call it good.

Theme: Emotional Athletes — Familiar phrases that start with a color are defined in relation to sports teams.
Theme answers:
Theme: "Surprise Endings" — Each theme answer is a movie title with it's last letter changed to a different letter.
Theme answers:
Theme: NoneSorry I'm late. Also sorry this will be short. I've got something weird going on with my eye and need to go to the doctor. I'm sure it's not life-threatening (otherwise I wouldn't be here), but it just looks like something I need to get checked out. And it's not really my eye so much as it's some swelling under my eye, which probably isn't related to my actual eyeball at all, so really, not a huge deal. But I'm gonna stop talking about it now so I can say a few things about this puzzle.
It's always a treat to see Brad's name in the byline and this puzzle turned out to be pretty much exactly what I expected. A tough workout with lots of sparkle. There were only a couple things I just flat-out didn't know:
Theme: G FORCE — The letters CE are replaced by the letter G in familiar phrases (i.e., you need to substitute "G" FOR "CE")
Theme answers:
Theme: I'm tryin' to sleep here! — Theme answers are noises that might make it difficult to sleep.
Theme answers:
Theme: Kinky sex … oh wait, no …. — The last word of each theme answer is a type of prop used by Harry Houdini.
Theme answers: