If you haven't solved the puzzles yet, you should do that first. This week's puzzle can be found here. Last week's is here. I don't think these are permanent links though. If you're coming to this blog late, I think you'll be able to find PDF versions of the puzzles here and here.
Just in case I haven't rambled on long enough yet, I'm going to add a little spoiler space before I post the grids and theme answers. If you haven't solved the puzzles, go do it now!
Kindergarten Crime Spree Part 1 (January 24, 2010)
Theme answers:
- 22A: I arrived at the crime scene at 9 a.m. The kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Ladey, SPELLED IT OUT FOR ME.
- 35A: "First," she said, "someone STOLE A KISS."
- 39A: "Wait," I said, "I thought there was a KIDNAPPING."
- 46A: "Yes, but we woke him up. Then a pinky ring went missing." "Real jewels?" I asked. "No," she said, "JUST PASTE."
- 52A/69A: She said, "Then I saw the HANDWRITING ON THE WALL."
- 78A: "Graffiti?" I asked. "No, just letters." "Ah," I said, "a CAPITAL CASE."
- 85A/97A: I thought, All right, fine, I can PLAY THEIR LITTLE GAME.
- 99A: "Then I found these," she said, and even I was shocked. There were CHALK MARKS on the floor.
Kindergarten Crime Spree Part 2 (January 31, 2010)
Theme answers:
- 21A: I narrowed it down to two suspects. Naturally, they both LOOKED INNOCENT.
- 26A: Let's call them DICK AND JANE.
- 35A: I could tell right away that she was HOOKED ON PHONICS.
- 49A:And he—well, let's just say that he was IN A CLASS BY HIMSELF.
- 64A: I laid out the evidence; they could see that I'd done MY HOMEWORK.
- 66A: But neither would talk. So I said, "I'm going to COUNT TO TEN."
- 82A: And that did it—they immediately started crying. I said, "Well, I hope you've LEARNED YOUR LESSON."
- 93A: "Maybe you'll both be let out early FOR GOOD BEHAVIOR."
- 106A: "But only if you SHOW AND TELL me exactly what happened."
- 113A: They agreed. And that's when the FINGERPOINTING / FINGERPRINTING / FINGERPAINTING began. THE END (Hint: Because of a single variable letter, this clue has three different appropriate answers. Write in whichever one(s) you like. See 116 Down.)
- 116D: Start of a crime novel by Sue Grafton, whose titles are particularly apt for this puzzle. (This clue has three possible answers. See 113 Across.) (O / R / A IS).
January 31 Puzzle / Everything Else — 1A: Pioneering cartoonist (NAST); 5A: Prep for a trip (PACK); 9A: Cry of recognition (AHA); 12A: Stumblebums (CLODS); 17A: Job safety org. (OSHA); 18A: Present opening? (OMNI-); 19A: Job opening (SLOT); 20A: Jewelers' lenses (LOUPES); 24A: Manifesto co-author (ENGELS); 25A: Takes in or lets out (ALTERS); 28A: Untrue (NOT SO); 29A: Earthquake origins (FOCI); 32A: Promising letters (IOU); 33A: Org. of cadets (ROTC); 41A: Old college cry (RAH); 42A: Capital on the Aare (BERN); 44A: Pianist Gilels (EMIL); 45A: Sculler's prop (OAR); 46A: Words before "merry" (AND BE); 48A: Chinese principle (TAO); 54A: Goes ballistic (ERUPTS); 56A: Hydrox finish (-IDE); 57A: Before you know it (SOON); 58A: Be in a different form? (ARE); 59A: Pool problem (ALGAE); 60A: Golf great (SNEAD); 62A: "Convoy" star's first name (KRIS); 72A: At a snail's pace (SLOW); 73A: Takes shape (FORMS); 74A: Chocolate shop lure (AROMA); 75A: Reagan's "Star Wars" prog. (SDI); 78A: Lingerie items (BRAS); 80A: Cloud chamber bit (ION); 81A: Toyota rival (NISSAN); 87A: "Twitch," minus every other letter (TIC); 88A: Arm bones (ULNAS); 89A: Seattle-to-Vegas dir. (SSE); 90A: GM's electric car (VOLT); 91A: Island near Java (BALI); 92A: Saints' org. (NFC); 99A: Sugar-free, perhaps (DIET); 101A: Extinct 12-footer (MOA); 102A: In ___ (lined up) (A ROW); 103A: Terra follower (COTTA); 111A: Last two words in the title of an epic 1962 western (WAS WON); 112A: Actress Stone (SHARON); 117A: "Fighting" NCAA team Colorful eye part (ILLINI); 118A: Swan lover of myth (LEDA); 119A: Colorful eye part (IRIS); 120A: Words to a traitor (ET TU); 121A: One way to choose (BY LOT); 122A: 2001 and 2010, for ex. (YRS.); 123A: "Darn it" preceder (GOSH); 124A: Greek letters (RHOS); 1D: Ace of diamonds Ryan (NOLAN); 2D: Embark on ___ career (A SOLO); 3D: Noticeably filled (with) (SHOT THROUGH); 4D: Goes up against (TAKES ON); 5D: Okra features (PODS); 6D: Pal, to Pascal (AMI); 7D: Wolf's home? (CNN); 8D: Relations (KIN); 9D: Actor with actor brothers (ALEC); 10D: Flying wedge sound (HONK); 11D: Reach (ATTAIN); 12D: Nor, for one: abbr. (CONJ.); 13D: Long-time Indiana senator (LUGAR); 14D: Market action that remains in effect until filled or canceled (OPEN ORDER); 15D: Easily trashed, e.g. (DELETABLE); 16D: Air-leak sound (SSS); 19D: "Nova" subj. (SCI.); 20D: Nobel decliner ___ Tho (LE DUC); 22D: Switch ending (-EROO); 23D: Frigg's husband (ODIN); 27D: "___ insist!" (NO I); 29D: Katrina aftermath org. (FEMA); 30D: Like poems of praise (ODIC); 31D: Coal miner (COLLIER); 34D: Food Network figure (CHEF); 36D: Berry and Burns (KENS); 37D: Struck a stance (POSED); 38D: Partakes of (HAS); 39D: Space balls (ORBS); 40D: See 60 Across (SAM); 42D: Second-string squad (B TEAM); 43D: Premature (EARLY); 47D: Ultrasecret org. (NSA); 49D: List details (ITEMS); 50D: It's an Aleutian (ADAK); 51D: Dogpatch name (YOKUM); 52D: Brassy group (HORNS); 53D: ___ to win it (IN IT); 55D: Kung ___ chicken (PAO); 60D: "Kill Bill" weapon (SWORD); 61D: "Dream on!" ("NO WAY!"); 63D: Coffee-spill result (STAIN); 65D: Hamburg's river (ELBE); 66D: "Sounds great" ("COOL"); 67D: "It's Now ___" (OR NEVER); 68D: Surgery sites, briefly (ORS); 69D: "For openers ..." (TO START WITH); 70D: BlackBerry delivery (EMAIL); 71D: Folk singer Griffith (NANCI); 73D: Pulled the trigger (FIRED); 75D: How misers act (SELFISHLY); 76D: Glenn Miller milieu (DANCE HALL); 77D: Roth follower (IRA); 79D: Lackluster (SO-SO); 81D: Punishment for some kids (NO TV); 82D: "Casablanca" role, Ilsa ___ (LUND); 83D: Research-funding org. (NSF); 84D: "Camp show" org. (USO); 85D: London district (SOHO); 86D: KFC side dish (SLAW); 91D: Rocket stage (BOOSTER); 94D: Saudi neighbor (OMANI); 95D: Democrat Dellums (RON); 96D: One who may bug you (GADFLY); 97D: Barn bundle (BALE); 98D: Able one's assertion (I CAN); 100D: Hope-Crosby flick, "Road ___" (TO RIO); 104D: Famed sidekick (TONTO); 105D: Burger beef (ANGUS); 107D: "I ___ tell" (WON'T); 108D: Arena level (TIER); 109D: Some linemen (ENDS); 110D: NYC airport, on tickets (LGA); 111D: Genie's gift (WISH); 112D: Sis or bro (SIB); 114D: Fix dishonestly (RIG); 115D: Con's opposite (PRO).