Theme answers:
- 18A: Impossible to get close to (COLD AS ICE).
- 26A: Surrender (WAVE A WHITE FLAG).
- 43A: "Jerry Maguire" catchphrase (SHOW ME THE MONEY).
- 57A: Right-click result, often (POP-UP MENU).
- 65A: Verb associated with the beginnings of 18-, 26-, 43- and 57-Across (CATCH).

Moving On:
- 1A: Sluglike "Star Wars" crime lord (JABBA).
- 14A: To go, in Grenoble (ALLER). This is French, right? To me, Grenoble sounds like it should be somewhere other than France.
- 17A: Scrabble 10-pointer (Z TILE). I can't decide if I love this or hate it. I think I might love it.
- 25A: __ Fáil: Irish coronation stone (LIA). Saw this in another puzzle recently. I had never heard of it before then.
- 42A: Send, so to speak (ELATE). I'm pretty sure someone is going to be confused by this. Seems like every time it pops up (see what I did there?) in a puzzle, someone is confused. Send in this case is roughly equivalent to thrill, like in that old song "You Send Me."
- 62A: "__, Therefore I Am": Dennis Miller book (I RANT). I used to like him a lot. Now I ... don't really.
- 9D: Hypotheticals (WHAT-IFS). This is a great clue/answer.
- 38D: "I do not like them, __": Seuss line (SAM I AM).
- 49D: Vedic drink for an immortal soul (SOMA). Got this one totally through crosses.
- 55D: Friend of Pete and Julie on "The Mod Squad" (LINC). Loved this show when I was a kid.
- 58D: One-eighty (UEY). Can also be spelled uie. No matter how much we hate it, I'm pretty sure it's not going away.

- 34A: "Waiting for Lefty" playwright (ODETS).
- 38A: Circle Line : Hudson :: Bateaux-Mouches : __ (SEINE).
- 40A: Wall St. enforcer (SEC).
- 41A: Wooden shoe (SABOT).
- 13D: Bygone dagger (SNEE).
- 27D: "__ Irish Rose" (ABIE'S).
- 52D: One-named New Age singer (ENYA).
Everything Else — 6A: Sound from someone who's down (SOB); 9A: Legal orders (WRITS); 15A: Supermarket chain founded in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. (IGA); 16A: Wore (HAD ON); 20A: Lifetime-guaranteed lighters (ZIPPOS); 22A: Soft drink choice (DIET COKE); 23A: Out of balance (ALOP); 33A: Having a lot to lose, maybe? (OBESE); 34A: "Waiting for Lefty" playwright (ODETS); 35A: Mme. in Madrid (SRA.); 37A: Beach toy (KITE); 38A: Circle Line : Hudson :: Bateaux-Mouches : __ (SEINE); 39A: Smart guy? (ALEC); 40A: Wall St. enforcer (SEC); 41A: Wooden shoe (SABOT); 46A: Moo goo __ pan (GAI); 47A: Apartment manager, for short (SUPE); 48A: Lark (ESCAPADE); 53A: Indiana and Purdue, e.g. (RIVALS); 59A: Knot over (RETIE); 60A: Spitting __ (IMAGE); 61A: Oven cleaner component (LYE); 63A: Checked out before a heist (CASED); 64A: Nonexpert (LAY); 1D: Cat's passion (JAZZ); 2D: Some glee club members (ALTI); 3D: Radar image (BLIP); 4D: Semi-soft Italian cheese (BEL PAESE); 5D: Anatomical rings (AREOLAE); 6D: [thus] ([SIC]); 7D: Common prayer opening (O GOD); 8D: Island in the Java Sea (BALI); 10D: Imp (RASCAL); 11D: Personal: Pref. (IDIO-); 12D: Pendulum sound (TOCK); 13D: Bygone dagger (SNEE); 19D: Strike out (DELETE); 21D: Spread for growth (SOW); 24D: "Friends" friend (PHOEBE); 26D: Stir-fry cookware (WOKS); 27D: "__ Irish Rose" (ABIE'S); 28D: Climbing legume (VETCH); 29D: Nincompoop (IDIOT); 30D: Tithe portions (TENTHS); 31D: Narnia lion (ASLAN); 32D: Norwegian marathoner Waitz (GRETE); 36D: __-deucy (ACEY); 39D: Medicinal plant (ALOE VERA); 41D: Traded (SWAPPED); 42D: Derived from observation (EMPIRIC); 44D: Model railroad scale (O GAUGE); 45D: Part of EEC: Abbr. (EUR.); 48D: Like "Lawrence of Arabia" (EPIC); 50D: Balancing experts, briefly? (CPAS); 51D: Valley (DELL); 52D: One-named New Age singer (ENYA); 54D: Rat tail? (-A-TAT); 56D: Brother of Abel (SETH).