August 1, 2011
Andrew Bannem
Theme: Ice Ice Baby — The last word of each theme answer can be a form of ice.
Theme answers:
- 20A: Microprocessor (COMPUTER CHIP).
- 39A: Substance in a visual display unit (LIQUID CRYSTAL).
- 56A: Broth-making aid (BOUILLON CUBE).
- 65D: The ends of 20-, 39- and 56-Across are forms of it (ICE).
- 30D: 65-Down, in a cocktail (ROCKS).
- 15A: Where dos are done (SALON). PuzzleDaughter is really into doing nails right now so she's opened a "salon" right here at the PuzzleHouse. She even has a Club Card so that once you've visited the salon ten times you get … a surprise. She's got kind of a strange business model though. The first four times you visit the salon it's free, but after that you have to start paying. Her marketing skills might need a little work is what I'm saying.
- 23A: Hard tattoo to misspell (MOM).
- 50A: Halfback's maneuver (END RUN). This is funny. I don't recall hearing this phrase in relation to football. It's pretty obviously a football term, but I've heard it mostly in its metaphircal sense.
- 67A: Modern kind of phone (SMART). This is a type of clue/answer pair that Amy taught me to find irritating. (And good thing too! I don't have enough things to be irritated about!) You see, a SMART isn't a type of phone. A SMART PHONE is a type of phone. This is one of those irritants that I just live with. You should either join me in being irritated or … decide that you're not going to be bothered by this kind of stuff. Probably best to choose the latter.
- 1D: Beatles adjective (FAB). For you young'uns out there, the Beatles were known as the FAB Four.
- 2D: Chat room "I think ..." (IMO). For you older people out there, it stands for In My Opinion.
- 5D: Forensic TV spin-off (CSI: MIAMI). I've never watched any of the CSI shows. I also never watched any of the Law & Order spin-offs, although I watched every single episode of the original. I'm not really sure why. I think I just got busy. It's not that I'm opposed to spin-offs. I watched "Rhoda" after all.
- 8D: Track tipster (TOUT). This is probably the toughest clue in the grid. Somewhere way back in the cobwebs I knew this definition of TOUT, but it sure didn't come easy.
- 25D: What they call the wind, in a 1951 song (MARIA). I'm not familiar with this song, but it brought to mind this one:

Everything — 1A: Effervescence (FIZZ); 5A: Orange container (CRATE); 10A: Afterthoughts (ANDS); 14A: Mine, in Marseille (À MOI); 15A: Where dos are done (SALON); 16A: Chimney buildup (SOOT); 17A: Blessing (BOON); 18A: Words spoken while tossing in cards (I'M OUT); 19A: One may be dog-eared (PAGE); 20A: Microprocessor (COMPUTER CHIP); 23A: Hard tattoo to misspell (MOM); 26A: Grafton's "__ for Burglar" (B IS); 27A: Sunday dinners (ROASTS); 28A: Qatar's peninsula (ARABIA); 30A: Grating sound (RASP); 32A: Load (up), as energy food (CARB); 33A: Synthesizer pioneer (MOOG); 35A: Juanita's "this" (ESTA); 39A: Substance in a visual display unit (LIQUID CRYSTAL); 42A: Scout uniform accessory (SASH); 43A: Depression era migrant (OKIE); 44A: Graph line (AXIS); 46A: Snobbish mannerisms (AIRS); 48A: Maine mail order giant (L.L. BEAN); 50A: Halfback's maneuver (END RUN); 54A: __-mo replay (SLO); 55A: High-speed PC option (DSL); 56A: Broth-making aid (BOUILLON CUBE); 60A: Two-tone treat (OREO); 61A: Oodles (A HEAP); 62A: Long skirt (MAXI); 66A: Leave out (OMIT); 67A: Modern kind of phone (SMART); 68A: Voltaire's "with" (AVEC); 69A: Topeka's st. (KANS.); 70A: Versatile blood donor (TYPE O); 71A: Green stone (JADE); 1D: Beatles adjective (FAB); 2D: Chat room "I think ..." (IMO); 3D: Bronx attraction (ZOO); 4D: Metal in pennies (ZINC); 5D: Forensic TV spin-off (CSI: MIAMI); 6D: Highway exits (RAMPS); 7D: Baseball's Felipe or Matty (ALOU); 8D: Track tipster (TOUT); 9D: Goes in (ENTERS); 10D: Pet-protecting org. (ASPCA); 11D: __ Ark (NOAH'S); 12D: Loaf on the job (DOG IT); 13D: Staircase units (STEPS); 21D: Japanese wraparound (OBI); 22D: Double Dutch needs (ROPES); 23D: Fella (MAC); 24D: Postgraduate grillings (ORALS); 25D: What they call the wind, in a 1951 song (MARIA); 29D: Backyard cookouts, briefly (BBQ'S); 30D: 65-Down, in a cocktail (ROCKS); 31D: Prefix with culture (AGRI-); 34D: Skunk's defense (ODOR); 36D: Take a __ at: try (STAB); 37D: Put a levy on (TAXED); 38D: Assumed name (ALIAS); 40D: Ryder competitor (UHAUL); 41D: Shout at from below (YELL UP TO); 45D: NBC show with Baba Wawa skits, briefly (SNL); 47D: At the bottom of the standings (IN LAST); 49D: Soft shot (LOB); 50D: Kindle download (E-BOOK); 51D: "__ Rae" (NORMA); 52D: Expected at the terminal (DUE IN); 53D: Mob outbreaks (RIOTS); 54D: Alarming situation (SCARE); 57D: "That's a surprise!" ("OH MY!"); 58D: Twice-monthly tide (NEAP); 59D: Key of Bruckner's Symphony No. 7 (E MAJ.); 63D: Gardner on screen (AVA); 64D: Crossed (out) (X'ED); 65D: The ends of 20-, 39- and 56-Across are forms of it (ICE).
A gem of a Monday.
I'd add BOON to the list of sorta hard fill. Like TOUT, just don't hear it everyday.
Ex is named PAGE. Had to chuckle at the clue. I never noticed!
Looks like the Joads were on the move today. OKIE(S) in NYT also.
And haven't we seen alot of MOOG lately?
Loved the PuzzleDaughter salon tale, @PG. This seems very hip marketing. First few days are like freeware, then once used to it, upgrade to the paid version. HULU Plus!
Oh, and I forgot, awesome Hendrix tune and clip! Thanks@PG.
Yeah, PuzzleDaughter knows what she's doing. That's how drug dealers do it. "The first couple times are free, then you gotta start paying."
Lissen up, Puzzle Girl!
Clue Answer
Type of
store department
shirt tee
arrow up
nest bird's
test Turing
phone smart
Do you dig?
Sort of worrying to see all those Okies around....
Good puzzle, with especially good fill. I enjoyed it!
CARB (up)? Not sure about this - I see what Andrew is getting at, but do you "carb up"? I've carbo-loaded, but maybe that's old style.
Rest of it was great. Noticed that it would be a whaddya-call-it puzzle except there's no "W".
Turing isn't a type of test, he was a guy. A Turing Test is a type of test. A department isn't a type of store, a department store is a type of store, a store with many different departments.
While we all get what the clue was getting at, the grammar is incorrect, which may or may not be irritating. Kind of exactly what PG said.
Clue SMART as something akin to "Like a 'Droid", and all's ok.
I had several surprising (for a Monday) sticking points today. So my time was about twice as long as typical for me.
Found out that I want to put an extra letter in BOULLiON. I first tried taking out one of the L's. Good thing this was clued as soup and not gold.
For some reason I got my blood typing mixed up and keyed in "abPos" first pass through, then held onto it with the one correct letter for too long. Speaking of weak grammar: IN LAST? The Royals just about own the spot, but I think I hear a noun after the phrase in the broadcasts.
Also wanted another letter for MARIA - here I am not alone, per Wiki: "Paint Your Wagon is a Broadway musical comedy, with book and lyrics by Alan J. Lerner and music by Frederick Loewe. Popular songs from the show included "Wand'rin' Star", "I Talk to the Trees" and "They Call the Wind Maria". (While the name in this title is pronounced as the currently popular spelling of "Mariah," the original spelling is the classical spelling of "Maria.") The musical ran on Broadway in 1951 and in the West End in 1953." Movie was in 1969.
However, despite my personal mental glitches, this was a cool theme for a hot day (hot week, hot month, hot summer!) Thanks to Andrew Bannem, and to PG.
Well, I liked the theme a lot, but was also puzzled by the spelling of "bouillon" and "Maria." Glad to have those clarified. And even if it makes me one of the "older people" (how true, sadly) I'm glad to finally know what "IMO" stands for. Thanks, Puzzle Girl!
wasn't the wind called mariah? Maria is from west side story, no?
@erocchio, read the Wiki quote from my earlier post, or just look it up yourself, like I did when I had the same question.
I would think the similar spelling of Maria might have to do with West Side Story being about a Latin gang and Paint Your Wagon about a bunch of Irish miners. Probably Lee Marvin's best film ... Clint's, not so much.
Happy Monday
HeBow, Not to differ.....but yes to differ. What about Cat Balou??
Great write up as usual. Being an expert in little I know 2D as IMhO (humble). And in IMHO, Carb up is exactly what I do before the MS 150 with pasta the night before and two cheap beers the morning of. Carb-up & no pain no pain!
Yo! The Kingston Trio's version of They call the wind Maria was a big, really, really big hit in the late 50s.
... for you younger people out there, a "chat room" used to be a thing on the internet back in the 1980s.
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