April 18, 2011
Gail Grabowski
Theme: Electric Avenue — Each theme answer is a familiar phrase that ends with a word that can be related to electricity.
Theme answers:
- 17A: Mott's product (APPLE JUICE).
- 55A: Gust of wind, e.g. (AIR CURRENT).
- 10D: Nightclub minimum (COVER CHARGE).
- 24D: '60s-'70s passive resistance slogan (FLOWER POWER).

Today's puzzles is, well, it's a Monday puzzle which means simple theme, nothing flashy. But it's a Monday puzzle by Gail Grabowski, so it's on the smooth side which is always nice.
- 16A: Opinion piece, for short (OP-ED). This always seems wrong to me, because I think the OP in OP-ED is short for "opinion." But it's not. It's short for "opposite." (A newspaper's OP-ED page is traditionally OPposite the EDitorial page.)
- 24A: What daredevils seem to lack (FEAR). Me: "Sanity?"
- 29A: Rail chemical carriers (TANK CARS). Remember a little while ago when I said "nothing flashy"? This is what I'm talking about.
- 62A: Japanese wrestling (SUMO). Two wrestling clues in today's grid but neither one of them the kind of wrestling I like. See also 37D: Wrestling duos (TAG TEAMS).
- 8D: Org. with Raiders and Steelers (AFC). American Football Corporation. (I'm kidding.)
- 13D: Rapids phenomenon (EDDY). Just in case the title I gave this puzzle hasn't done its job, I'll mention here that EDDY is the way EDDY Grant spells his first name. He's the one who sang the unforgettable "Electric Avenue."
- 31D: Cordelia's sister (REGAN). Two of King Lear's daughters.
- 41D: Part of FBI (FEDERAL). The clue isn't asking for part of the actual organization — just part of the acronym. But you knew that.

- 38A: Mythological ship (ARGO).
- 4D: Sinuous swimmer (EEL).
- 11D: Each (A POP).
- 30D: High-altitude nest (AERIE).
Everything Else — 1A: Key in (ENTER); 6A: The thing over there (THAT); 10A: Stalactite site (CAVE); 14A: Sticky (GOOEY); 15A: Get a new mortgage for, briefly (REFI); 19A: Tear up, as a check (VOID); 20A: __ Moines (DES); 21A: Transvaal settler (BOER); 22A: With all one's heart (DEEPLY); 25A: Place to fish from (PIER); 26A: Wore an upside-down frown (SMILED); 33A: Burgundy, for one (COLOR); 34A: Pitched shelter (TENT); 35A: Dickens's Uriah (HEEP); 36A: State purposefully (AVOW); 37A: Latin ballroom dance (TANGO); 39A: Hop out of bed (RISE); 40A: Whizzes (ACES); 41A: Monastery member (FRIAR); 42A: Fix (SET RIGHT); 44A: University officer (REGENT); 45A: Greenhouse containers (POTS); 46A: Constructed (MADE); 47A: It starts after the overture (ACT ONE); 50A: Newspaper unit (PAGE); 51A: Captain's "I need help ASAP!" (SOS); 54A: Extinguish, with "out" (BLOW); 58A: Hamster's home (CAGE); 59A: Drop anchor (MOOR); 60A: Counters with beads (ABACI); 61A: Train for a bout (SPAR); 63A: Water bottle capacity (LITER); 1D: Antiquated exclamation (EGAD); 2D: "Don't think so" (NOPE); 3D: Does better than (TOPS); 5D: Microbrewery offering (RYE BEER); 6D: More loyal (TRUER); 7D: Estate beneficiary (HEIR); 9D: Was linked with (TIED INTO); 12D: Bridal accessory (VEIL); 18D: "The Grapes of Wrath" family name (JOAD); 23D: "A spider!" ("EEK!"); 25D: Dieter's feelings of distress (PANGS); 26D: Marks for life (SCARS); 27D: Studio production (MOVIE); 28D: Gambler's words of lament (I LOST); 29D: Church belief (TENET); 32D: Golf or tennis (SPORT); 34D: RPM gauges (TACHS); 43D: Physics particle (ION); 44D: Old World Style pasta sauce brand (RAGU); 46D: Computer user's shortcut (MACRO); 47D: Elementary lessons (ABC'S); 48D: Applaud (CLAP); 49D: Old Roman wrap (TOGA); 50D: Seniors often take limos to it (PROM); 51D: Bench, for one (SEAT); 52D: It's often enough (ONCE); 53D: Instigate, with "up" (STIR); 56D: Debtor's letters (IOU); 57D: Hitter's stat (RBI).
Nice start to the week - and thanks @PG for the theme - I didn't see it even when I was done.
I liked the longer down fills - FLOWERPOWER and COVERCHARGE, and I think I'm getting all those Lear daughters finally drummed into my head, I didn't have to think more than five times to get REGAN :)
For the record, 59A MOOR does not mean to "Drop anchor". If you drop you anchor, then you're anchored, not moored. If you're moored, you are tied by a relatively short line to a mooring buoy and the buoy itself is anchored to the bottom. Your anchor is still on your boat. Often there are numerous buoys arrayed in a mooring field: Catalina Island
I'm amused at reading this grid:
Enter that cave
Fear pier
avow tango argo
spar sumo liter
I've got to go read that gooey refi oped.
@Anoa Bob
moor2 /mʊər/ Show Spelled
[moor] Show IPA
–verb (used with object)
1. to secure (a ship, boat, dirigible, etc.) in a particular place, as by cables and anchors or by lines.
2. to fix firmly; secure.
Will or can somebody please tell me where JNH is?
@Othello said...
The mooring buoy itself is attached or anchored to the bottom. But to moor is to tie up to that buoy, not "drop anchor". To "drop anchor" has a very specific meaning to the mariner and is distinctly different from the meaning of "to moor".
I first learned this distinction in the U.S. Navy in the 1960's. And it has continued to be the way the two terms have been used over the ensuing years that I've been sailing.
If I gave the order to my crew on the bow to moor and they dropped the anchor, I'd make them walk the plank. :)
My nit for the day is "{Mott's product". Sounds as if they make only one thing and that one thing is APPLEsauce, (my only writeover).
Otherwise a Monday-easy puzzle. As is often the case with early week puzzles I forgot to look for the theme since it wasn't needed for the solve. Still, an enjoyable puzzle. Hopefully next time I'll remember how to spell Uriah HEEP.
Fun and smooth. But curse you, @PG for that Electric Avenue earworm! Tho I SMILED.
ABACI? OooKaay! Annoyance at a bead computational error? ABACuss?
@Anon9:27: JNH's email address can be found on his profile page. I don't think any of us here know John personally or are privy to his calendar, so your best bet is to ask him directly.
Nice smooth Monday puzzle.
Air current was the only one that needed a few crosses. Nautical theme? pier, rise, sos, blow, aircurrent, moor, spar, eel, eddy, deeply, flowerpower ;-), stir, clap;-0!
REGENT gave me pause from the usual "bang it in" at the keyboard approach to Monday, but the crosses came through.
Good luck, PG. Hope all goes as smoothly as possible.
Thanks PG!! As a new puzzler, this site is invaluable to me. I'm learning so much. Wishing you a smooth move.
Enjoyed today's puzzle, but like Rube, thought of applesauce first for 17A until the crosses didn't work.
PG: good luck with the move. This too shall pass. I've done it 20 times and it's always tough. Making a home gets easier, moving out and getting rid of stuff stay hard.
Fine Monday puzzle to start me back on track. Nothing too sparkly, but no random Roman numerals or too much crosswordese to vex me! Finally coming up for air after a long hockey season!
Never knew about RYE BEER. Had to ask my resident beer imbiber that one! Was my only stumbling block.
Good luck on the move, PG! Local or far away? Either one is tough!
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