Theme answers:
- 17A: Commonly upholstered seat (WING CHAIR).
- 28A: Real scream (THIGH SLAPPER).
- 45A: Crawl alternative (BREAST STROKE).
- 62A: '80s fashion fad inspired by dance films (LEG WARMER).
- 40A: "Finger lickin' good" sloganeer, and a hint to this puzzle's theme (KFC).

- 20A: Some littermates (KITTIES). Tried KITTENS first and was mildly annoyed that there wasn't some kind of hint in the clue that we were looking for a diminutive, but now I realize that was pretty silly. In fact, I got over it as soon as I got to 29D: Call to 20-Across (HERE), cuz that's a really awesome cross-reference clue. "Here kitty, kitty, kitty …."
- 23A: Gary's st. (IND.).
- 48A: British philosopher who wrote "Language, Truth and Logic" (A.J. AYER). No idea.
- 51A: Enjoy the Appalachian Trail (HIKE). Heh.
- 55A: Like a persistent headache (NAGGING).
- 60A: O'Connor's successor (ALITO). When I see O'Connor in a clue, I always think it's referring to Cardinal John Joseph O'Connor, who was appointed Archbishop of New York in 1984. I lived in New York at that time, so I'm sure that's why it sticks with me.
- 11D: Like some pride (CIVIC). Hope you all had a jolt of that CIVIC pride yesterday when you voted. I know I did.
- 32D: Ripple near the nipple (PEC). I would prefer not to see nipples in my puzzle. That is all.
- 57D: Go-getter's response to "Do you know of such a person?" (I'M IT). Hmmm. Questionable.
- 63D: Stat for CC Sabathia (ERA). Or, to be a little more timely, Tim Lincecum.

Other crosswordese in the puzzle that we've already covered:
- 39A: Wildly cheering (AROAR).
- 2D: Et __: and others (ALII).
- 7D: Actor Wallach (ELI).
- 40D: Korean automaker (KIA).
- 54D: Carrier to Tel Aviv (EL AL).
Everything Else — 1A: Hippocratic oath no-no (HARM); 5A: Astounds (AWES); 9A: Unspoken, but implied (TACIT); 14A: Pints at the bar (ALES); 15A: TV part? (TELE); 16A: Like merinos (OVINE); 19A: Prolific psalmist (DAVID); 21A: "To continue ..." ("AND …"); 24A: Bakery array (PIES); 26A: Smart-__: cocksure and conceited (ALECKY); 33A: Rue (REGRET); 34A: Pint-size (WEE); 35A: Frenzied (AMOK); 41A: Honshu port (OSAKA); 42A: Balkan native (SERB); 43A: Nintendo game console (WII); 44A: We-alone link (ARE NOT); 52A: Prom rental (TUX); 53A: Maker of tiny combs (BEE); 64A: The QE2, e.g. (LINER); 65A: An acre's 43,560 square feet (AREA); 66A: Je t'__: Pierre's "I love you" (AIME); 67A: Canada's highest mountain (LOGAN); 68A: Tramp's love (LADY); 69A: Put in the overhead (STOW); 1D: Aggressive sort (HAWK); 3D: Monopoly payment (RENT); 4D: Bilko's mil. rank (MSGT); 5D: Believer's antithesis (ATHEIST); 6D: Otter's kin (WEASEL); 8D: Word repeated in a Doris Day song (SERA); 9D: More than crawl (TODDLE); 10D: Palindromic girl's name that ranked among the 10 most popular in each of the past five years (AVA); 12D: How contracts are usually signed (IN INK); 13D: Garment including a chemise (TEDDY); 18D: Written code (CIPHER); 22D: Golfer's sunburn spot (NAPE); 25D: Swimmer with a bladelike snout (SAWFISH); 27D: Pencil tip (ERASER); 28D: Refrain syllables (TRAS); 31D: Like takers (GRABBY); 36D: Hombre's hand (MANO); 37D: "I get it, I get it!" ("OK OK!"); 38D: British rock star Bush (KATE); 41D: Former Nicaraguan leader (ORTEGA); 43D: "The Way We __" (WERE); 44D: "Shoot" ("ASK AWAY"); 46D: With new life (REBORN); 47D: Lightly shaded (TINGED); 48D: To any extent (AT ALL); 49D: Crooner Iglesias (JULIO); 50D: Firing (AXING); 56D: Mardi __ (GRAS); 58D: Nautilus skipper (NEMO); 59D: Expanded (GREW); 61D: Texas __: oil (TEA).
Just yesterday, I tried to buy A J Ayers' "Language, Truth and Logic" for the Kindle. Apparently, the language portion prohibits the use of e-anything, so no eBook.
IMIT? I still don't know what that means, outside of playing hide and seek.
OKOK is an apt rating for this puzzle. Funny that OKOK appeared in yesterday's BEQ puzzle in the NYT clued almost exactly the same way.
For me, chicken parts isn't a great theme, but there's not much junk fill today, so I forgive it.
Happy hump day!
Kentucky Grilled Chicken was introduced about a year ago.
G = Grilled. New items on the menu; supposedly more healthful. Gee, will we soon be seeing "Old KGC" = KFC, and/or "KGC parent" = YUM?
1st erasure: 20A KITTenS > KITTIES.
2nd erasure: 9D waDDLE > TODDLE
Last erasure: s > T at the 60A/61D cross.
Nit-pick: Cryptology types may have a problem with 18D, "Written code" = CIPHER. Traditionally, the technical difference between a CIPHER and a code is that CIPHERs are based on manipulation (usually mathematically in this computer age) of the alphanumeric content of a message. CIPHERs range from the simple one-to-one substitutions found in puzzle magazines to the theoretically unbreakable 'one-time pad'.
Codes, on the other hand, are mostly based on the intrinsic meaning of some (or perhaps all) of the words/phrases in a message. E.g., "Package to arrive next Tuesday via XXX" might become "Freddy to be baptized mmdd at St. ZZZ's".
And there are all kinds of variations of each and combinations of both, based on specific security and practicality requirements.
I was also going to say "Kentucky Grilled Chicken." They're trying to get away from the artery-clogging image :)
Didn't know A J Ayer or Logan but got them with crosses. Did know Igor (husband lived near Sikorsky before we married), can't believe I didn't get Wii faster ;)
I thought "ripple near nipple" was clever, but also a bit of a jar to see "nipple" in a clue ;)
And looking back at yesterday's puzzle (which I just did before today's) I think this is the first time I've seen "SLEAZE" in a puzzle! And I loved the phrases used as the theme answers.
With BREAST STROKE in the grid how could I not LOVE the theme?
Hey, Gal-Pal, the puzzle is calling, how about that WING CHAIR? A THIGH SLAPPER s/b a LEG WARMER ...
Fell for the role-v-TELE, for TV part?
Shout-out to CrazyCatLady !!!
I had kittens before those KITTIES showed up.
They're probably littermates of Zen!
Wanted to call 1-800 Ask-Gary for Gary's St. OK OK, IND was a gimmie.
Really liked that Gareth got me in the puzzle ... WEASEL's of the World, Unite ... they want our fur!
Hope the new kiddie is doing well.
BTW, 2 days in-a-row and MOI is in the grid.
Yesterday, SLEAZE and of course that WEASEL today.
I saw that the "legal pot" thingy failed in California. Soooo, I guess I'll just stay here in Tampa Bay,
a WEE 2 hr. flight to Jamaica.
(It's calls to me are getting louder!).
A 'Toast' to everyone at Sunset.
Cheers ...
It s official Gareth and I are not on the same wave length. I feel a bit awkward with his puzzles. I work in furniture and we don't sell any WING CHAIRs. I don't hit my thigh but I have heard of a KNEE SLAPPER. Second time in two days that I saw LOGAN clued as Canada's highest mountain as opposed to the airport.
I'm not an expert on lingerie by any stretch, but isn't a TEDDY closed at the crotch while a chemise is open? A quick googling says a TEDDY (in its modern form at least) is a camisole and panties in one piece while a chemise is simply a shift. This clue is like saying a shirt is part of an unitard.
65A is also oddly clued. Acres and square feet are both units of AREA.
Only writeover was KITTIES/KITTenS, per norm. Had a real groaner when I figured out the relation between BEEs and small combs. Kept thinking of toy companies. Must remember Mt. Logan. Didn't know KATE and vaguely remembered JULIO Eglesias... he's from my generation... actually, we're the same age.
Pleasant, if too brief, puzzle.
David, after looking at pictures of wing chairs I'm not surprised you don't sell any. Very old lady-ish.
PG, when I see Sandra Day O'Connor in a puzzle, I'm always reminded of how she retired to take care of her husband, who was suffering from Alzheimer's and ended up leaving her for someone he met in the nursing home. And of course the fact that her stepping down before Obama took office meant that the Supreme Court took a sharp turn to the right.
Not a bad puzzle but I can see why some would take issue with a few of the clues. I'd say above average.
Tinbeni, what's frustrating about Prop 19 is that it was ahead by something like 8 points until Attorney General Eric Holder threatened California not to pass it. Oh well, it will happen someday.
Alfred Jules AYER's Language Truth and logic is a book one must read if a philosophy major. (Me, Hubster, son and one sister were.) Absolutely boring. Logical Positivist. But, he had an interesting life.
The puzzle was easy. Gareth probably should have specified that the theme was in the first part of the clues, but it really didn't matter. I misspelled ATHEIST and KITTIES. -
Never heard of CC Sabathia. Sports, of course.
@Wolfenden - it wouldn't matter. The Feds would come and arrest you if the State doesn't. Has to be handled at that level.
You can vacation in Amsterdam, Holland or in Australia, too, where my son spent a day in a resort for that. The only rule is you can't take it with you. Just like life.
I have 2 antique WINGCHAIRs. But I am an old lady. They are very comfy, if you want to read and not fall asleep. You have Barcaloungers for that.
@Badrog - Toddlers TODDLE. Old ladies waDDLE. On their way to the WINGCHAIR. "Wie ein Gans, aber nicht so wacklich," as Grampa used to say.
ALITO is a wet rag on the dinner-chat circuit. Saw him at a BAR Assoc. dinner, right after his appointment to the SC. Amazingly educated and accomplished, but an incredibly tedious orator. Not sure how he argues his cases....guess he only has to issue opinions on paper. (But then again, he's on the Supreme Court and I'm not!)
Gareth, what? No nuggets?
Thank you again PG as always.
Really liked the theme today but then I pass the YUM! headquarters everyday and have eaten my fair share of KFC's delicious chicken. That Colonel sure could cook. If anyone is ever in the Louisville, KY area, I would highly recommend the Claudia Sanders Restaurant just north of town. It is where the whole chicken thing started. Loved the tasty treats today, not only chicken but PIES too.
DAVID is my husband's and son's name and KATE is short for my daughter's. LADY and the Tramp is one of my favorite movies and I have 3 KITTIES. Wow I really love this puzzle. This could become my all time favs.
Happy Hump Day All!
Found this to be an enjoyable Wednesday. Count me in for Kittens before KITTIES. Loved the add-on HERE. That's how I call my KITTIES. I also wanted KNEE SLAPPER until THIGH fell into place. Not too thrilled about the nipple clue. KATE, A. J. AYER and LOGAN were new for me.
As far as KFC getting away from the artery clogging image see this, KFC Bowls
@Tineni and Sfingi -The problem with prop 19 (legalization of recreational marijuana) is that it wasn't well thought when it came the regulation and taxation. The determination of those issues would be left up to the local governments. A fair number of law enforcement agencies were for it because it would allow them to focus more on serious crime. I do think, as @John Wolfenden said, that it will eventually happen. In the mean time people will just have to get their "train wreck" and "skywalker" from the "medical" dispensaries.
@Tuttle The only thing I know about TEDDYs is that if you're a tall woman (or man), they are uncomfortable.
OK puzzle, nothing not obtainable from crosses. Never heard of WINGCHAIR so I learned something new.
KITTIES was hard for me to come up with, my two cats are always referred to as KITTENS, the wife does not allow any other reference even though they are 9 yrs old. What the hey, here are my cats Sabrina & Nutty
Best part of this puzzle were the comments. Would love to see unitard or barcalounger clued some day.
With three new mom friends I thought the nipple clue was baby bottle related...silly me. Thought maybe there was a technical term I should know.
I get a sodium rush just walking by KFC on my way to coffee...nothin like the smell of lard in the mornin'
WOW, I really liked this puzzle... it was a fast solve with very little stymies and the fill was quite sparkly... KITTIES, PIES, KFC, TEDDY, and Mardi GRAS. Who could NOT like this puzzle? I didn't even wear out an ERASER today.
But, yep, I too wrote in KITTENS.
When I saw TELE, A. J. AYER, KATE Bush, WEE and LOGAN Mountain I said, "Hmmm, this smacks of a British influence". Then I saw that it was constructed by Gareth and I knew. Nice job, Gareth!
KFC (or KFG if you will) was founded by Colonel Harlan Sanders in Corbin Kentucky in 1952. I was just there last week and his original store is still there. At age 74 Sanders sold the Kentucky Fried Chicken corporation for $2 million to a partnership of Kentucky businessmen. When I was in China back in 2005, there were KFC stores on practically every street corner... it's a very popular franchise over there. So is Starbucks. Of all places, I found one INSIDE the walls of the Forbidden City in Beijing. Mao must have rolled over in his tomb (across the street) when Starbucks went in.
I knew 16A (OVINE) right away because I bought several Merino wool sweaters when I was in the Aran Islands (Ireland). They are perhaps the warmest winterwear that I own.
OK OK, I'm done!
Hey! Gotta put in a word for PUPPIES here :-) 20A could have been that, so I waited for crosses. By the time I got back to it, I had enough of them to avoid the KITTens misguess.
@C: I like your kittens. It's a pain taking pix of them though, isn't it? You want to cheat the exposure up a bit to get more detail on the black one -- but that overexposes the light one. I've had the same problem photographing mixed-race groups of people :-)
Too bad he couldn't fit in a certain pro golfer; then the puzzle could have gone WII WIE WEE all the way home :-) At least there was BEE...
KATE Bush had a beautiful song called "Wuthering Heights" on her first album, based on the book of course. Pat Benatar, who came up in this space a few days ago, covered it.
Umm, here's a link to Wuthering Heights.
If anyone's still reading...
Thank you guys for both the bouquets and brickbats... always learn a lot in either case (in the former case esp. many should be directed at Rich Norris though. Three things: 1. Re teddy, from that crossword-ese favourite, The OED: "3. orig. and chiefly N. Amer. [perh. transf. use of sense 1.] A woman's undergarment combining chemise and panties. Also in pl. teddies." 2. I had no idea about LOGAN either, I clued it re Chris Noth's Law and Order character. 3. Extra puzzle @ http://www.crosswordfiend.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&p=12400#p12400. Put it up not knowing I had an LAT dropping so soon (Rich Norris' email came a couple of days later than usual.)
The time this is being posted should suggest to you why I post so rarely here these days!
I was glad to see Kate Bush featured, though my only exposure to her is in this Peter Gabriel duo:
Avg Joe
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