Theme answers:
- 18A: Historic cache for future millennia (TIME CAPSULE).
- 25A: Investing largely in money markets, say (STAYING LIQUID).
- 42A: Item for doodling or note-taking (WRITING TABLET).
- 55A: Dispensers of the ends of 18-, 25- and 42-Across (PHARMACISTS).

Other crosswordese in the puzzle that we've already covered:
- 16A: Petri dish gel (AGAR).
- 57A: Lennon's widow (ONO).
- 58A: Emerald Isle (EIRE).
- 13D: Greek god of war (ARES).
- 21D: Fragrant compound (ESTER).
- 38D: Prince Valiant's wife (ALETA).
- 48D: Preppy collars (ETONS).
Everything Else — 1A: Hydroelectric project (DAM); 4A: Makes improvements to (EMENDS); 10A: California wine valley (NAPA); 14A: Ipanema's city (RIO); 17A: Geological span (EON); 20A: Take turns (ALTERNATE); 22A: Name of two presidents (ADAMS); 23A: Fuel for big rigs (DIESEL); 24A: Geological span (ERA); 32A: Money market fund, e.g. (ASSET); 34A: Follows a recipe (COOKS); 35A: ___ Championship: August golf tournament (PGA); 36A: Jordanian queen dowager (NOOR); 37A: Negative quality (MINUS); 38A: Beginning on (AS OF); 40A: Ate sumptuously (DINED); 41A: Heads-up (ALERT); 45A: "Mighty" tree (OAK); 46A: Power failure (OUTAGE); 49A: Really bad (AWFUL); 60A: Coffee holder (URN); 61A: Attracted a trooper, maybe (SPED); 63A: Your, in Tours (TES); 1D: Live in fear of (DREAD); 2D: Garlicky sauce (AIOLI); 3D: Education pioneer Maria (MONTESSORI); 4D: Ask on bended knee (ENTREAT); 5D: For the most part (MAINLY); 6D: John's partner in "The Avengers" (EMMA); 7D: Nair competitor (NEET); 8D: Cubes that are rolled (DICE); 9D: Where many commuters wait: Abbr. (STA.); 10D: Tech-heavy stock exchange (NASDAQ); 11D: Contents of un lago (AGUA); 12D: Arboreal Miami sight (PALM); 19D: Louvre location (PARIS); 24D: BPO __ (ELKS); 26D: Cupcake topper (ICING); 27D: Nine-piece combo (NONET); 28D: Mild Dutch cheese (GOUDA); 31D: Off one's rocker (DAFT); 32D: All over again (ANEW); 33D: Attract upward-looking onlookers (SOAR); 37D: Stole fur (MINK); 43D: Went on the road (TOURED); 44D: Baby's footwear (BOOTIE); 47D: Country or folk (GENRE); 49D: Mimics (APES); 50D: Lion tamer's handful (WHIP); 51D: Taxi rider or payment (FARE); 52D: March Madness org. (NCAA); 53D: Makes less squeaky, perhaps (OILS); 54D: Sounds of disapproval (TSKS); 56D: Part of NATO: Abbr. (ATL.).
Louise Lasser, now 71 and of the Lasser tax family, was married to Woody Allen for 3 years. She had a drug problem for a bit. She teaches at NYU and has bit parts on TV and in movies.
Queen Noor of Jordan, Hussein's widow, was originally American. I think the name means jewel.
When I saw preppy collar, I thought "round," but that was a million years ago, and for women. Don't forget the circle pin.
DIAL M - do young people still use that verb in reference to phones?
They say to "attract upward looking onlookers," or get a "heads-up), get a 3-4 people to point upwards. Then walk away.
I felt this was Monday easy, though it had 3 sports and 1 French.
Mini-themes: geological span (EON, ERA). Money markets (STAYINGLIQUID, ASSET).
@Puzzlegirl - what do you mean, haughty?
Another nice Naddor puzzle!
Of course I liked it… Dan always snuck in that EMMA Peel thing just for me (I’m sure). One of the things that I liked about Dan’s puzzles was his use of unusual words… things that I don’t know. Here’s a few: AIOLI, NOOR, and ALETA. If puzzle words don’t raise your curiosity to look things up, it’s pretty boring. I never get bored from his puzzles. Live on Dan!
Hands up for those who also put AMENDS in for EMENDS.
I just know that Rex is cringing right now over the inconsistency in the theme, especially STAYING LIQUID.
Probably Norman Lear’s best comedy series on TV… “Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman” starred Louise LASSER. (Yes, what ever happened to her?) I always remember the episode where she’s talking to the police on the phone and says “I can’t talk right now, I’m on the phone.” Turns out it was her grandfather who was the infamous Fernwood Flasher.
Now all you COOKS need to clue me in on what AIOLI is? Maybe even a recipe lead?
I liked the theme… reminded me to take my meds this morning before I hit the road.
Have a sweet Tuesday y’all!
Hands up for AMENDS - otherwise a smooth start for the day - got a window seat on the bus, puzzle complete, and I should be early enough to grab a second cup'o joe before logging in at my desktop.
Prince Valiant was one of the most beautifully drawn strips when I was young and the first thing I read back in the day. Enjoyed the reminder.
Only seniors like me use the word "dial" but I miss the days of names for phone exchanges like BUtterfield 8, also the name of a movie.
PG, I often find it hard to decide between liquid, table or capsule when buying a pain reliever so it made sense to me.
@Anon 7:57
I too am an oldster and remember all those great movies and songs that had phone exchanges like DIALM. Here's a list of some of those NUMBERS. I know the dispute over the Jenny number ended up in court.
And yes, Hal Foster was more of an artist than a mere cartoonist.
Now all you COOKS need to clue me in on what AIOLI is? Maybe even a recipe lead?
It's an emulsion of olive oil using garlic (and egg if you're lazy) as the emulsifier.
Mash a bunch of cloves of garlic into a paste and sloooooowly whisk in oil until you get a mayonaise-like consistency. That's pretty much it. Mixing the garlic with an egg yolk first makes it much easier to get the proper thickness but a purist would say that's garlic mayonaise and not a real AIOLI.
Smooth and easy fill in the puzzle today. Nothing really stands out as good or klugey. I enjoyed the puzzle but I won't remember it in 30 seconds. Wait, what am I writing about again?
I agree with Tinbeni...it's not so much that today's puzzle was Monday easy, but that yesterday's was Tuesday hard.
Can't remember seeing NONET before. Whenever I see "Coffee holder" I put in MUG and it always ends up being URN instead. You'd think I'd learn.
Naddor had a knack for original cluing at all difficulty levels. I actually liked STAYING LIQUID a lot.
Queen NOOR is quite a woman. She's a humanitarian activist, and beautiful of course.
So maybe I'm dumb... but isn't the competitor to Nair actually VEET not NEET? This gave me a headache, and if it was a mistake, that would make me feel a lot better.
@Anon 10:05
Well, I just googled "veet" and learned it was the "World's number 1 depilatory products."
Never heard of it before your comment.
Personally, all I remembered was, way back when, there were ads on TV about NEET and Nair.
Sorry i couldn't make you feel better.
I SPED through this fun puzzle and thought it was pretty "NEET."
We should expand the mini cooking theme to include, DINED and NAPA (where some of the best chefs in the country live and work.)
My Alice Waters recipe for AIOLI/garlic mayonaise calls for 3 crushed cloves of garlic, 1 cup of olive oil, an egg yolk, 1/2 tsp of water and a pinch of salt. Dribble and whisk until opaque. Just make sure your egg yolk doesn't come from Iowa. Aioli is a must-have with steamed artichokes. Hmm - guess what's for dinner?
I keep a WRITING TABLET next to me when I do the puzzle. I just call it a legal pad. I thought of Peter Pan collars instead of ETONS. @Sfingi - I remember those circle pins well.
@JNH - my phone number for 21 years started with KI for KINGSWOOD.
I've never heard of VEET, but I can say both NEET and NAIR smell AWFUL and I DREAD them both.
Looks as if the LA Times is getting to the bottom of the posthumous Naddor barrel. I liked this one OK, but wasn't thrilled by it. Routine Tuesday fare for me.
Another fine and easy entry from the dwindling Naddor stash.
People who use the word GENRE always sound pretentious to me. Don't know why -- it's a perfectly good word. Smiled at BOOTIE. I have a friend who knits them by the dozens and gives them to a charity. Liked the Q without a U NASDAQ.
When I was in HS, we planted a TIME CAPSULE. Have no recollection what is in it -- wonder if it has been dug up or just forgotten?
Whenever I see NAPA, I think of the Auto Parts Dealer, not your beloved CA valley where chefs live.
Just a guy thing!
Thank you for the AIOLI recipe. I too have an artichoke for dinner tonight. Think I'll go out and get some fresh garlic and try that. Sounds yummy. I think I'll use pasteurized Egg Beaters just to be safe.
My phone number for many years in Elmhurst was 832-8761 and my young kids figured out that it spelled U-FATSO-1. Those clever little devils!!!
Those same adorable kids sealed a TIME CAPSULE inside a hollow newel-post at our old house. I often wonder if the new owners have discovered it yet. Knowing those kids, it could be very embarrassing.
VEET used to be NEET.
@Anon It probably smells bad too. Any thing that dissolves hair is suspect as far as I'm concerned.
Nobody mentioned that IGOR is the hurricane de jour.
What a foodie puzzle!
OK, liked it, agree with most of the comments. Now food:
Gouda is not necessarily a mild cheese. Right now the very aged versions are popular in this (NY city) area.
We were in Marseille two weeks ago, but never had any ailoi.... When I see a recipe that requires a cup of oil, or for something to cook until the oil is on top, it has me running away from it.
@Mac - how about smoked (gerookte) Gouda - mm-hmm.
But olive oil is special - it's monounsaturated!
Captcha - licks - the olive oil?
@Mac - welcome back to you too! A cup of olive oil produces almost a cup of AIOLI. And you don't cook it. It's simply making mayonnaise with garlic. You only need a tablespoon or so to enjoy. I would make a half recipe in most cases. We have a new cheese shop here that has delicious cheeses from all over the world including Holland. I only buy a quarter pound for the weekend. We nibble like mice. SQUEAK! (oops that was a few puzzles ago).
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